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Thread: Shoulders?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    new york


    Whats a good workout for shoulders??? Looking for that seperation between my shoulders & biceps.

  2. #2
    Side Lateral Raise (switch these up a bit, do them seated, standing, one arm at a time, leaning against an incline bench.)

    Front Lateral Raise (you can also add different motions to these to hit the muscle differently, try raising one arm at a time while crossing it over your chest and twisting the dumbell, check out kai greene delt training on youtube.)

    Seated Barbell Press (pretty standard, you can do standing or seated, seated isolates the muscle more)

    Seated DB Press. (pretty standard you can do arnold presses or regular db presses)

    Seated Rear Delt Raise (hits your rear delts)

    Rope Rear Delt Rows (probably my favorite exercise for rear delts)

    You can build all the muscle in the world but you will not get that look without low enough bf%
    Last edited by JBarron; 04-08-2010 at 12:08 PM.

  3. #3
    military press (db or bb)
    front raise (db or bb)
    lateral raise (db)
    rear delt raise (db or facepulls)
    shrugs (behind/front bb or db)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    new york
    Thanks guys!!!!! Been doing most of what you guys posted ......I guess I got to work out harder on my shoulders!!!LOL

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