I am planning on starting a strength exercise program, I will be doing the following routine, which i found on a another site but i have modified it slightly
Olympic Squats: 5X(6-7)
Bench Press: 5X(6-7)
Barbell Rows: 5X(6-7)
Accessory exercises: weighted sit-ups and a tricep exercise (note that these are not compound exercises and are done to simply round out the program. You do not need to follow the same 5X5 protocol as with the exercises stated above and should do 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps).
Olympic or Front Squats: 5X5 - note that you can reduce the weight by 25% or so on this day if you are having difficulty with recovering.
Military Press: 5X(6-7)
Deadlifts: 5X(6-7)
Pull-Ups: 5X(6-7)
Accessory exercises: 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps of a bicep and abdominal exercise
Olympic Squats: 5X(6-7)(same weight as Monday)
Bench Press: 5X(6-7)
Barbell Row: 5X(6-7)
Accessory exercises: 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps of a tricep and abdominal exercise
will the body be able to handle this sort of training or is it just too much, i am only looking at strength training at the moment
your input will be great