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  1. #1
    xibalba is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    routine questions

    hey guys im new here. i have had a look around and this site looks great and i can tell i will def learn alot from the members here.

    ive been lifting on and of for about 2 years, never seriously thow and to be honest i dont think i was training right as i never dieted and didnt see any changes in my apperance. i have a few questions for you and i hope someone can take the time to answer them so i can finaly start training right.

    im 23 and 230lbs i plan on droping down to 200lbs over the next 6-9 months , thats my goal anyways and i would love to keep as much muscle as possible if not gain some.

    the main problem i have is that im not sure how to train right for what i want as in how many sets and reps to complete. i would love to eventualy get myself a six pack alough i dont like being a skinny dude so i want to keep myself kind of big .

    if i post my routine can someone take a look at it and polish it up for me. i dont train in a gym due to it being so damn costly but i do have some weights of my own.

    i will be doing 40 mins cardio every day either a good brisk walk or a jog ( im quite unfit and a smoker so i cant run for very long without haveing to walk a little) i will also do trying to do abs every day

    monday chest and arms

    barbell flat bench 4 sets 8-10 reps
    incline dumbell presses 4 sets 8-10 reps
    flat flys 4 sets 8-10 reps

    21's 4 sets
    seated dumbell curls 4 sets 12 reps
    standing ez curls 4 sets 12 reps

    wed back and shoulders

    deadlifts 4 sets 8-10 reps
    pulldowns front and reverse 4 sets 12 reps
    bent over barbell rows 4 sets 8-10reps

    front shoulder press 4 sets 8-10 reps
    DB raises 4 sets 12 reps

    friday legs and triceps

    close grip bench press 4 sets 8-10 reps
    tricep pushdowns 4 sets 8-10 reps
    rope puchdowns 4 sets 8-10 reps
    nosebreakers 4 sets 8-10 reps

    i dont really have a lot of equipment so i can only do leg extensions and lunges, i would love to start squating so i need to get a squat rack.

    what i have is a bench and a lat pull down maching with leg exstension machine built in. ofc i have dumbells and ez bar along with about 130 kilos of weights . i know its alot to ask from a new member but if someone could take a look over it and let me know what they think i would be really thankfull.

    now my main goal is to put on muscle and the fat loss is the bonus for me.

    thanks guys and i may just start a log in the members picture section to keep me motivated

  2. #2
    wheelkicktotheface2 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    im going to post a workout which you can do almost everything in it with DB's youll just have to modify it some

    monday chest
    barbell flat bench 4 x 8-10 last 2 sets should be till failure so have someone spot u =)
    incline DB press 4 x 8-10 last 2 sets failure or close 2 it
    DB fly's 4 x 10-12 dont go crazy heavy too hard on shoulder ligaments/joints
    pushups 3 x 15-20

    tuesday back
    dead lifts 4 x 8-10 last 2 sets failure
    bent rows 4 x 8-10 last 2 sets failure
    DB isolated row leaning on bench 4 x 10-12
    lat pull downs 4 x 8-10

    wed legs
    Squats 4x25 use no weight just go down all the way past parrallel super set these with leg extensions 4 x 8-10 !! big key to good leg development with no weight squats.
    straight leg dead lifts i suggest standing on a bench so you can get full extension. dont go balls heavy on these either a good hard weight is ok. but you have to keep your balance so dont over due it.

    lunges with db's go medium to heavy weight 4 x 8-12

    thur - shoulders
    db shoulder press 4 x 8-10
    standing side delt raises 4 x 10-12
    front delt raises 4 x 10-12
    throw in one other exercise 2 w/e u want.

    fri arms
    barbell curls 4 x 8-10
    incline db curls 4 x 8-10
    reverse curls 4 x 8-10

    4x8-10 close grip bench
    4x10 tricep extensions
    4x8-10 behind head tricep extensions
    standing individual db tricep extension 4 x 8-10

    this is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used by anyone. any injury or self destruction caused by this workout IS YOUR OWN FAULT!

  3. #3
    xibalba is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010


    thanks a bunch. would you recomend doing this over the 5 days or is it possible to split it into 3 days.

  4. #4
    wheelkicktotheface2 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    i suggest 5 days if you really want to you can combine
    day 1 chest, shoulders, tri's
    day 2 back and biceps
    day 3 legs

    i personally think you will have better results with 5 days but 3 isnt a bad option

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    There's a gazillion good reasons to do weights, and muscle mass helps burn fat... but remember than losing weight is cardio but mostly DIET. You can work out till your blue in the face but you won't see results unless you eat right. This means proprer protein, carbs, fats, and yes you have to eat breakfast. Your goal is an aggressive one, and the only way to reach it is a lifestyle change, not just throwing weights around.

  6. #6
    xibalba is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    yea i understand that and im currently reading all i can in the diet seaction but i believe 30lbs over the course of say 8 months is more that possible. i hate to drag this out but should i start around 75% of my max weight and work up or do i start high and work down?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    Start at 50 to 70% max

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Warm up first...lighter weight, into gradually heavier weight.

    Also just because he split that up into 3 days for ya, doesn't mean do all 3 workouts on mon-tues-wed. If you do go to a 3 day format I recommend Mon-lift Tues-off Wed-lift Thurs-off Fri-lift.

    This provides you with a day of recovery in between lifts since you'll be doing more volume/exercises during your workouts.

  9. #9
    wheelkicktotheface2 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by SwollenMooseKnuckle8 View Post
    Warm up first...lighter weight, into gradually heavier weight.

    Also just because he split that up into 3 days for ya, doesn't mean do all 3 workouts on mon-tues-wed. If you do go to a 3 day format I recommend Mon-lift Tues-off Wed-lift Thurs-off Fri-lift.

    This provides you with a day of recovery in between lifts since you'll be doing more volume/exercises during your workouts.

    agreed and agreed..mon, tues, wed would be bad ... thanks for clarifying

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