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  1. #1
    Ted88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    Working out same muscle 2 days in a row.

    Hello everyone, I know that pretty much all of you are completely against the idea of workout out the same muscle group two days in a row, but please, before you go ahead and write a comment like "Not in a million years!" or something like that, hear me out, because I have some legitimate benefits to trying this.

    Before I start, I'd like to mention that I'm 22, working out since age 18, and playing sports since a little kid.

    I have a fast metabolism and am looking to gain mass.

    I have read plenty of forums and purchased the eBook by Sean Nalewanyj about a year ago.

    In his book he talks about how a 1 week rest period is ideal for each muscle group, and how to have 3 intense workouts per week.

    Now, let me tell you why I'm considering this new idea, have you ever heard people say "listen to your body" -sure you have. Back when I first started workout out, after 1 intense workout, my muscles would be sore for about 3 days afterwards, and I LOVED that feeling, it motivated me a lot. Nowadays that feeling only lasts 1 day after my workout, no matter how intense it is, how heavy it is, etc. But I swear, that 1 day after, when my muscles are so sore, I truly feel like working out, you know the feeling I'm talking about? I feel as if my body is 'telling' me that I 'should' workout. As opposed to a week later, when my muscles are well rested and feel flabby, they feel weaker than the day after.

    Pretty much long story short, the day after my workout, is the ONLY day that I truly have a burning sensation to hit the gym! So why not try it.

    Schedule: 2 days of workout#1 / rest / 2 days of workout#2 / rest / 2 days of workout#3 / rest

    What do you think of it? Now, I know you are going to say "Your body needs to recover after your first workout, and you will ruin it by re-working it"

    But listen, I read so much about the concept of "Destroying your body, so it can rebuild and make it stronger".. Well don't you think that 2 days in a row would "destroy" those muscles really well, and then the 1 week of rest after those 2 days would build more muscle??

  2. #2
    6ft5's Avatar
    6ft5 is offline Member
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    I hear what your saying and being young is helping you feel that way. IMO. 4 days is a minnimum. Search tendonitis, mussle catabiliasm, lactic acid and what it does, cortisol and what it does. Torn and pulled muscles, and glucose. I'm shure you think you know what that is but look again and try and fit all that into your workout and what the bennifits are. Anuther thing you don't grow when you work out you grow when you rest and eat. If you really break down your muscles good there is no need to hit it more than 1 day a week. Having said that. If you have a lag day you can trow in one of those.
    Last edited by 6ft5; 04-28-2010 at 12:47 PM.

  3. #3
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    Anuther thing you don't grow when you work out you grow when you rest and eat.
    You're just young and impatient. I used to be the same way. Remember LESS IS MORE.

    If you feel you need to hit your muscles more often I would do this instead before you contemplate a slow suicide on your muscles.

    Lets stir things up

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