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Thread: legs not growing fast enough

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    legs not growing fast enough

    The strength in my legs over the past couple of months has been increasing.
    The problem is my legs look like really bad compared to the rest of my body (i've been working out for just under 2 years, only been seriously working legs for the past 7 months). I don't understand why, because i've seen some people that do less weight then me, yet their legs look much better. My squat is underpar (will double check the weight today), and my leg press is decent at 748 pounds. With squats, I do a full ROM mostly. and with leg press i'm also doing a full ROM.

    My routine is

    Squat 4 sets, 10,8,8,6
    leg press, 10,8,8,6
    v squat, 10,8,8,6
    lying hamstring, 10,8,8,6
    standing hamstring machine, 10,8,8,6

    I just want legs to match the rest of my body, they're not sticks but they're not really good at all either.
    Last edited by Kiki; 05-03-2010 at 04:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    you can try to go heavier..thats what really made my legs grow..i went from doing reps of 10 to 4-6..did wonders.

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