Ok, so i checked the forum and i could find any help, so i figure i would ask. My legs are growing well, always have been prob my strongest body part. The problem i am having right now is my legs arent growing the direction is want them to. The are growing back to front and not side to side. My sweep is getting beastly but my legs arent getting wider.

My workout is as follows.

Squat - 3 warm ups and 4-5 sets ass to ground and as heavy as i can(normally around 4 plates for 3-4 sets and 4 and a quarter for the next set or two)

Hack Squat - 3 sets with 3-4 plates and then on my last set doing a drop set with my feet pointed inward to work on my tear(which is showing great improvement)

Leg Press - 4-5 sets building up but always heavy(start at 8-9 plates and end with 12-14 on each side) with 5-6 reps

Leg extensions - Heavy as possible with 6-8 reps for 3-4 sets

Leg curls - 4 sets of 8 with relatively heavy weight but slow movement with big squezes for a deep burn

I end the day with calves. Which shouldnt effect my leg growth i would think. My nutrition is well, if not perfect right now. I am getting 3500 cals through 6-8 meals and between 380-400 grams protein. I weight 192 right now. I hope i gave the info everyone needs to help. Thank you for any help i recieve!