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  1. #1
    benbean77 is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation 18 and need help please

    been weight lifting for about 2 years now have probally put on 1.1/2 stone. i have changed am not overlly happy with results, one thing is that about 5 months ago i took a measurment of my chest - bicep etc and measured the other day. chest had got slightly bigger 44" but my bicep 14" have not grown or changed in 4 or 5months. i change my routine round every 2 months. mixing up exercises and have a good diet eating every 2 hours hight protean meals. my arms let my physique down. any suggestions ? im only training each muslce group once a week should i train arms 2ce ?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Post your diet in the diet forum and your training routine in the training forum and lets see where your at. Im sure the guy's there can improve things to regenerate more gains..

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by benbean77 View Post
    been weight lifting for about 2 years now have probally put on 1.1/2 stone. i have changed am not overlly happy with results, one thing is that about 5 months ago i took a measurment of my chest - bicep etc and measured the other day. chest had got slightly bigger 44" but my bicep 14" have not grown or changed in 4 or 5months. i change my routine round every 2 months. mixing up exercises and have a good diet eating every 2 hours hight protean meals. my arms let my physique down. any suggestions ? im only training each muslce group once a week should i train arms 2ce ?
    What is your exact arm routine?
    What is your diet?

    I will move this to the training section for you.

  4. #4
    benbean77 is offline Junior Member
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    chhers for the respond
    my diet is
    meal 1: 5 scrambles eggs.half tine of baked beans and slice of brown bread
    meal 2: 2 chicken breast with pasta or rice and a banana
    meal 3: tin of tuna wif pasta sweetcorn
    meal 4: fit protean shake 53g protean 50g carbs
    meal 5: generally chicken with potaotes or some kind of high protean meal depends on what gets cooked
    train 7:30
    after traning meal replacement shake 43g protean, 30g carbs with banana
    bed mor or less after traning

    my bicep workout is
    seated hammer curls 3 sets of about 10-12 reps
    close grip bar curl 3 sets of 10-12 reps
    and then maybe one set of 21s with the ez bar

    my tricep workout is
    dips 3 sets of about 10-12 reps
    cable tricep pressdown 3 sets 10-12 reps
    and close grip bench press
    Last edited by benbean77; 05-05-2010 at 11:28 AM.

  5. #5
    gettingthere's Avatar
    gettingthere is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by benbean77 View Post
    chhers for the respond
    my diet is
    meal 1: 5 scrambles eggs.half tine of baked beans and slice of brown bread
    meal 2: 2 chicken breast with pasta or rice and a banana
    meal 3: tin of tuna wif pasta sweetcorn
    meal 4: fit protean shake 53g protean 50g carbs
    meal 5: generally chicken with potaotes or some kind of high protean meal depends on what gets cooked
    train 7:30
    after traning meal replacement shake 43g protean, 30g carbs with banana
    bed mor or less after traning

    Your Diet needs some work mate, you really should be getting food in as well after training!! post it in the diet section, guys there will be able to fix things up

    my bicep workout is
    seated hammer curls 3 sets of about 10-12 reps Personally id change this to EZ bar rep range 10,8,6
    close grip bar curl 3 sets of 10-12 reps Keep this but change reps to 10,8,6
    and then maybe one set of 21s with the ez bar Cut this out, your looking for some size not definition, so id go with wide grip barbel but superset it with hammer curls 2 sets of 10 on each

    my tricep workout is
    dips 3 sets of about 10-12 reps This is good but try weighted dips 10,8,6
    cable tricep pressdown 3 sets 10-12 reps Id cut this for a while and go with tricep extention barbell/ez bar and keep reps to 10,8,6
    and close grip bench press again id cut this and add in dumbell over head tricep extention, just do 2 sets of 8 to failure
    Changes in bold, im doing this arms workout right now and find it good!! if your gaining size then try not to be going so high with your reps, keep to 10,8,6 really, and intensity is key, make sure your last rep is your failure rep

  6. #6
    Arian's Avatar
    Arian is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, guess I'm more of a volume guy, but that just seems kinda quick to me. I normally do 3 exercises for biceps and 4 for triceps. I'll normally start with dumbbell curls to warm up, then barbell or ez bar curls (heavy) and then finish up with hammer curls. Change it up every once in a while. Triceps, I warm up with rope pushdowns, then I do an overhead extension, then a lying extension or close grip press, then some pushdown. I like to hit the triceps with my arms at all angles to hit all the heads. Arms above me, straight in front and then below me. Seems to be working for me.

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