Age: 50
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 215 lbs
BF: ~13%
Exp.: 2 yrs (This time around)
AAS: virgin
Injuries: rotator cuff occasionally acts up, I work around it by using
careful selections of exercises
I usually change up my routines every few months; Im winding down from a twice-a-week 3-day split, currently. But one thing I've always done is use higher (12-15) reps, done slow; big negatives, and even when I throw a low rep set in at the end, Im usually so toast I cant go with max weight anyway.
But the dirty little secret is, while Ive consistently gained size and muscle mass, I'm weaker for my size than I should be, if i compare to guys on here with similar stats.
I'm planning on (eventually) running a first cycle, which will be the standard 500mg test-E first-timer's cycle. And from what I'm reading, if done right, I can expect dramatic increases in the weights I'm using.
is my high-rep body gonna be ready for that? Im considering doing some 5x5 training for a few months, as my next routine. Ive never done low reps, exclusively, so I gotta ask:
will doing 5 sets of 5 squats, 3 times a week, be the best thing for me, or the worst thing for me?