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Thread: Getting my wisdom teeth out the 9th...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Getting my wisdom teeth out the 9th...

    Hey guys! I just got back from the oral surgeon, and yep, you guessed it, I am getting my wisdom teeth out!

    I will not be able to lift for a week after getting them out to avoid the 'dry socket' issue.

    I want to still make gains though, I am a natural weight lifter (so far).
    How should I train leading up to this week of rest? I am considering over-training A LOT the week before, but I am not convinced that that's the best plan.

    All input is appreciated!

    Age: 18
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 170
    BF%: Previous estimates at 12-14%. Give me an estimate please!
    Cycle Exp: None!
    PCT Knowledge: PCT?
    Training Exp: Highschool Strength training, and about a year of training by myself
    Diet: I don't eat any junk food, I only drink Water and Coffee. That's my diet.

    I can bench press around 160 and I squat around the same weight.

    Uploaded with

    I know I am pretty small for 18 years and 6 feet tall, but I am working on it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    If you have been training alot, just take it as a week off. What i mean is, if you have been working out 4or5 days a week for 2 months straight you should take an entire week off anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    One week won't hinder your goals - it will actually be a good recovery for your body - and then avoid doing that again for a while lol...

    However, to make sure no drastic changes happen - the diet should still be kept - oh wait, you won't be able to eat lol - there's your problem factor... if I was in your shoes - I would've headed to the diet section to see what to eat for the days you can't (what to drink, soft foods)...unless you're not dieting...then whatever..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by YoungGunsNY View Post
    One week won't hinder your goals - it will actually be a good recovery for your body - and then avoid doing that again for a while lol...

    However, to make sure no drastic changes happen - the diet should still be kept - oh wait, you won't be able to eat lol - there's your problem factor... if I was in your shoes - I would've headed to the diet section to see what to eat for the days you can't (what to drink, soft foods)...unless you're not dieting...then whatever..
    Good idea, THANKS!

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