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  1. #1
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Question FireGuy1 - i need your cardio advice please

    Hello, FireGuy1, don't mean to put you in the spot light but since I am a new member I don't have PM privileges yet and don't feel post whoring is the way to do achieve this. I have read many of your threads and posts about cardio and heart rate and would like to hear what you have to say about a few things:

    1) What heart rate is optimal for burning fat?

    2) Because I like to know WHY things happen, how come a heart rate in that range is better than other heart rates? Specifically, why does fat burning take effect more predominantly at this heart rate than at others?

    3) How to a I accurately calculate my heart rate during exercise to make sure im in my target range? (I don't want to have to run faster or give more output because i calculated wrong and end up having less fat burned).

    Hopefully you'll get this before I PM you. Thanks alot bro
    Last edited by Shredded1; 06-21-2010 at 10:10 PM.

  2. #2
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    hold on, let me sign in on my other account as FireGuy1.


  3. #3
    terraj's Avatar
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    He likes it if you cup with the spare hand.

    or you could just seach....

  4. #4
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    hold on, let me sign in on my other account as FireGuy1.


  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    Hello, FireGuy1, don't mean to put you in the spot light but since I am a new member I don't have PM privileges yet and don't feel post whoring is the way to do achieve this. I have read many of your threads and posts about cardio and heart rate and would like to hear what you have to say about a few things:

    1) What heart rate is optimal for burning fat?It depends,if you are looking to burn the highest ratio of bodyfat then low intensity (120-130 BPM) is optimal. If you want to burn the most fat then a higher intensity is in order (135-150 BPM). Much really depends on your goals and your diet as to which is better suited for you.

    2) Because I like to know WHY things happen, how come a heart rate in that range is better than other heart rates? Specifically, why does fat burning take effect more predominantly at this heart rate than at others?Whether one is better or not is debatable. There are several factors which can influence what the body uses for fuel. Energy demand being the greatest of them, as your BPM increases and the demand for energy increases your body will begin to utilize a higher ratio of carbohydrate (and even protein)to supply the energy.

    3) How to a I accurately calculate my heart rate during exercise to make sure im in my target range? (I don't want to have to run faster or give more output because i calculated wrong and end up having less fat burned).All of the formulas you read about are nothing more than averages at best. To truly find out you would need to find out your true maximum heart rate then work at around 70% of that number which theoretically would put you in the zone where you would burn the highest ratio of fat. I used to do all of my cardio in this manner until lately. I have switched to more of a moderate intensity (140 BPM) and even incorporated some HIIT cardio and both seem to be working more effectively than the traditional low intensity. diet is also fairly high in carbs, I would not recommend this to someone doing keto or taking a very low carb approach.

    Hopefully you'll get this before I PM you. Thanks alot bro
    Hope that helps some.

  6. #6
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Hope that helps some.

  7. #7
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    ^^^My alter ego.... ;-)

  8. #8
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Yeah it does help some but im still confused on the ratio of fat vs the most fat? What do you mean by this?

    Also, for a keto diet as i am using, what type of intensity is best?

    And for heart rate, how do i properly calculate my max heart rate in order to find the 70% needed for fat burning.

  9. #9
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    Yeah it does help some but im still confused on the ratio of fat vs the most fat? What do you mean by this?

    Also, for a keto diet as i am using, what type of intensity is best?

    And for heart rate, how do i properly calculate my max heart rate in order to find the 70% needed for fat burning.
    id say stick around 60-75% max HR that suits me personally.

    well you go 220 - your age = max HR
    and find 70% of that.

    and FG its acetyl CoA that inhibits CHO oxidation right?

  10. #10
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    Yeah it does help some but im still confused on the ratio of fat vs the most fat? What do you mean by this?

    Also, for a keto diet as i am using, what type of intensity is best?

    And for heart rate, how do i properly calculate my max heart rate in order to find the 70% needed for fat burning.
    Man if you are doing a keto diet good luck with cardio, when i was doing low carbing i had a real issue with my weight lifting and when i tried cardio i tired so fast that i just gave up on it for the time of the diet.

    Maybe you are different but for me ketosis adaptation does not happen, they say after 2-3 weeks the body does adapt.

    If you do cardio i would say do some very light boring cardio and preserve your energy for your weight lifting.

  11. #11
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    Yeah it does help some but im still confused on the ratio of fat vs the most fat? What do you mean by this?
    If you do an hour of low intensity cardio where and burn 400 calories. Now say 70% of those calories were from fat, you will have burned 280 fat calories. Now say you do an hour of higher intensity cardio and burn 750 calories but only 50% came from fat. You burned 375 calories from fat even though the ratio was lower. If that still doesnt answer your question I dont know how else to put it.

    Also, for a keto diet as i am using, what type of intensity is best? I am not a fan of keto dieting at all but if that's your choice go with low intensity.

    And for heart rate, how do i properly calculate my max heart rate in order to find the 70% needed for fat burning.
    You would have to do a monitored treadmill or exertion test.


  12. #12
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    You would have to do a monitored treadmill or exertion test.

    nope i get it completely now, thanks man! As for the keto diet, what don't you like about it? Everyone talks about low energy but i feel wayyyyy better than with carbs. Maybe it's just my body style but carbs just make me sleepy and unmotivated. I feel amped with im keto ing, but weight lifting does suffer unless you take advantage of the carb-up day.

    The one thing i don't like about it though is the completely loss of vascularity which makes you feel like your gaining weight and/or water weight.
    Last edited by Shredded1; 06-23-2010 at 12:31 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    nope i get it completely now, thanks man! As for the keto diet, what don't you like about it? Everyone talks about low energy but i feel wayyyyy better than with carbs. Maybe it's just my body style but carbs just make me sleepy and unmotivated. I feel amped with im keto ing, but weight lifting does suffer unless you take advantage of the carb-up day.

    The one thing i don't like about it though is the completely loss of vascularity which makes you feel like your gaining weight and/or water weight.
    *It promotes binge eating.
    *It makes for an acidic environment inside the body.
    *It is usually a short term solution to a long term problem. If you eat the right foods at the right time you can incorporate quite a few carbs in your diet and still stay lean.
    *Much of the weight which is lost is water. Just ask anyone how much weight they put back on when they introduce carbs back into their system.
    *They leave you very flat most of the time. The number of bodybuilders running keto seems to be decreasing and the ones that still do almost always have a tough time filling out.
    *Most of all I dont believe it's healthy.

  14. #14
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    *It promotes binge eating.
    *It makes for an acidic environment inside the body.
    *It is usually a short term solution to a long term problem. If you eat the right foods at the right time you can incorporate quite a few carbs in your diet and still stay lean.
    *Much of the weight which is lost is water. Just ask anyone how much weight they put back on when they introduce carbs back into their system.
    *They leave you very flat most of the time. The number of bodybuilders running keto seems to be decreasing and the ones that still do almost always have a tough time filling out.
    *Most of all I dont believe it's healthy.
    I could definitely see that and just the making you very flat turns me off about it. I HATE THAT SOO MUCH.

    BUT my BF isn't that low as it is, so i cant necessarily blame it on that when my BF isnt even at a level anyone would expect me to see veins.
    Last edited by Shredded1; 06-23-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  15. #15
    flexerguy is offline Junior Member
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    Would the gaining weight issue still be prevelent if one does a cyclic keto where carbs are introduced back once a week? What do you think about combining/rotating this with a low carb diet? i.e week of keto a week of low carbs or something like that! Or perhaps combining with a 40/30/30 diet or a 40/40/20 ?

    What type of diet do you think would produce optimal weight loss results?

    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    *It promotes binge eating.
    *It makes for an acidic environment inside the body.
    *It is usually a short term solution to a long term problem. If you eat the right foods at the right time you can incorporate quite a few carbs in your diet and still stay lean.
    *Much of the weight which is lost is water. Just ask anyone how much weight they put back on when they introduce carbs back into their system.*They leave you very flat most of the time. The number of bodybuilders running keto seems to be decreasing and the ones that still do almost always have a tough time filling out.
    *Most of all I dont believe it's healthy.
    Last edited by flexerguy; 06-25-2010 at 05:32 PM.

  16. #16
    the big 1's Avatar
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    people on keto diets really smell, also, dont they harm the kidneys ? and cause kidney stones ?

  17. #17
    ...aydn...'s Avatar
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    there is a test you can do to tell if you are in an optimal aerobic environment, this means you are using oxygen,glycogen, and fats as an energy source. without oxygen combined with glycogen or fats the aerobic energy source cannot work..
    the test is called "THE TALK TEST"
    if you cant talk while doing cardio this means you are using enough oxygen to be in this optimal fat burning zone.
    try it for your self. pretty sure your heart rate will be around 150-160 beats per minute. but as your aerobic threshold increase you will also have to increase the workload just like weight training. you must progressively overload your cardiac system each week.
    hope this simple but effective technique helps.

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