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  1. #1
    IronChefOne is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    unproportion issues

    ok guys, ive been working out for roughly 13 years and now that my body is maturing I have noticed (and others) that my left pec is slightly larger than my right. I am in good shape always have been and I believe I have good genetics (I have good proportions everywhere else and stay lean with a good amount of lean mass)

    Has anyone ever had an issue like this (kinda like my left side is the better stronger side haha) and does anyone have any suggestions?

    AGE: 24
    HEIGHT: 5'11"
    WEIGHT: 185
    BF: 9-11%

  2. #2
    bmit is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    of course. It is very common to have some asymmetry like that. Just do more dumbbells with equal reps for each side, and the problem will start to correct itself. You have to then kinda stay away from straight bar exercises since the left side will overpower the right and continue to worsen the problem. BTW i have that issue with my arms and lats to some degree.

  3. #3
    Batt is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Jersey
    I have that issue also. Continue to use barbells to correct the slight variations

  4. #4
    mali is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I have the same problem with my pecs as well. My right side is a little bit bigger and stronger. Even with dumbbells I found that I was cheating on my left side. I started doing a one arm flat dumbbell bench press so I could really focus on my form for my left side and it has been working out really well for me. However I don't only do the one arm one. I just added it to my chest day.

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