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  1. #1
    bucks_243's Avatar
    bucks_243 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    What do you think of this workout?

    I finally reached 200lbs two weeks ago. One of the trainers at the gym gave me this cutting program. The thing is I have already cut down to 191lbs and I think I have lost nothing but muslce mass, strength and this takes me about 2 1/2 to 3 hrs at the gym! The reps are 15,12,10,6 with a one minute rest between intervals and a three minute rest between exercises. Let me know what you think.
    Day 1

    Incline chest Dumbell
    Flat bench
    Dumbell Pullovers
    dumbell flyes
    Dips (burn outs)


    Bent Over BB Rows
    Chin ups (burn out)
    Wide grip pull downs


    Dead Lifts (2 sets to failure)

    ABS (5 sets of 25)
    Side leg raises

    Day 2
    Arnold presses
    Standling Lat Raises
    Front Dumbell raises
    dumbell shrugs

    UPPER ARMS (!?)
    Arm blaster curls
    Incline DB curls
    concentration curls
    tricept pressdowns
    Close gripped bench
    Standing Tricept Presses

    Wrist crurls
    Rev. wrist curls

    ABS (5 sets of 25)
    Rev. Crucnhes
    Front kicks

    Day 3
    machine squat
    Leg Ext.
    Leg curls
    Leg press

    donkey calf raises
    Leg press

    Straight leg dead lifts
    Good Mornings

    ABS(5 sets of 25)
    Leg raises
    Seated leg tuck

    Day 4 (off)

    Then you start all over again. I've been looking at starting the german volume training becuase it looks like it will help with stength,a little mass and endurance. I was a marathoner for 3 years. I lose weight FAST when it comes to cutting and also strength and mass. I get my calories and protien I need daily but I get a half and hour for lunch so most of my calorific intake and protien comes from shakes (don't have a choice).

    Any advise for keeping mass/strength and cutting BF% would be great. I am about 14% BF right now. I know this is bordering on a diet forum question as well but they are one in the same so I will post there as well.


  2. #2
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ive always cut by lowering the weight slightly, increasing the reps slightly, cioncentrating on QUALITY reps. and throwing in more cardio. shakes are less than optimal but i dont know if you can do something else.


  3. #3
    bucks_243's Avatar
    bucks_243 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    thats a start. Thanks, I must be the most unpopular guy on Steroid .com, I never get very many replies, I must suck.

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