hello.it's been 2months since i'm back to the gym cause of an accident that left me 9 months off(broken collarbone or clavicle and left biceps long head tendon rupture).i'm 6 feet 2 and weight 172 lbs.these 2months that i'm back to the gym i do this:5 days a week from monday to friday,one muscle group every day,4 exercises for each muscle group(depends on what muscle group so in some i make 5 exercises or 3) and i do cardio and abs working 3 days a week.in each exercise i do 4 sets 10 reps(again it depends).do you think i should change my program cause i am skinny and do it 3 times a week and work only basic exercises like bench presses,squat,barbell rows,military presses,bicep barbell curls in one day 3 days a week?and lower my reps and load more weight?thanks