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  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Talking Beach Body Insanity

    Anyone tried this, i was thinking of adding a few of theses cardio workout with my weight training routine to cut up some unwanted pounds.

    I got my hands and the full program on ebay for only 19$ at walmart its valued at close to 100$, i also got the nutrition guide, calendar and bonus dvd.

    I don't want to do the whole 60 days, because there is no weight training at all, its only high intensity cardio but man its intense, and i am 38 years old so i would not mind the getting back in shape modo LOL. I am 215 pounds now at 20% BF, most of the people who have followed insanity have lost 25 pounds in the 2 months, many inches on the waist (i am at 38 inches right now) and feel like a million dollars. I read many testemony on other forums about people in there 40- even 50 and that really motivates me.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Reported as spam.

  3. #3
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Reported as spam.
    Why in the hell did you report this as spam, i am not selling the product, i am asking if anyone would have some feedback on it....
    Last edited by yannick35; 07-05-2010 at 07:16 PM.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Why in the hell did you report this as spam, i am not selling the product, i am asking if anyone would have some feedback on it.... get a life
    sorry bro'. my mistake! There was about 3 of em in a row, saw this one, and jumped to conclusions. Please accept my apologies. I'm going to "unreport" if there is such a thing.


  5. #5
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    sorry bro'. my mistake! There was about 3 of em in a row, saw this one, and jumped to conclusions. Please accept my apologies. I'm going to "unreport" if there is such a thing.

    Please due because i really want to have some feedback on people who might have tried the program, and see what type of results they got from it, me at 38 its become harder to lose unwanted pounds, even with proper diet. From what i have seen on different forums other older people where able to lose there unwanted pounds, i just read the diet segment and am happy to see that carbs are allowed and many more.

    If anyone is interested i can post the diet advise for free, but as for the dvds people will have to buy them either way but you don't need any equipement for the program not like P90X, or you can easly download a copy from a torrent site, i bough mine because it was so cheap.

    Diet is same principle as always 5 meals per day spread true out the day, 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats, you eat between 1500-2500 a day depending on your bodyweight, and on month 2 you can increase calories depending on your goal.

    Its not possible to build mass, or gain strenght or build huge amount of muscles, like P90X i feel that this program is more suited for the middle aged person who wants to prove something to themselves by showing they can still train like when they where young. This program is not for everyone either so peope should really be commited before buying. You can always delete the program if you have downloaded it from a torrent site, i have seen the version available in ISO files, AVI files and MP4 files.

    Not sure what type of weight training i will use with this, i will have to see how things move along.

    From what i have seen there is a lot of running in place, jumping jacks, and moving around, a lot of push up variation which can really put a monkey wrench in my chest training with weights. Also from what i have seen mid workout you kind of do stretches and yoga pose which are always good for decompression. I still have back pains so i will have to see how my body respons to this as well.

    Might give this a try come September. Right now training with weights 4-6 times per week.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Please do.
    Done! Again, no disrespect intended.

  7. #7
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Done! Again, no disrespect intended.
    Times Roman don't worry we all make mistakes, we are all human after all, now lets get some feedback on this training program LOL and see if it was worth my 19$ i paied

  8. #8
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Found this link on youtube that shows a bit of the workout, most of the dvds pertty much look like this, i am sure that i can incorporate this in my weight lifting routine without making to many changes. I have the chance of working 3 times per week for 12 hours shifts as a server operator, so for my days off i might be able to lift weight in the evening and get the insanity going in the morning........

    I have read an interesting article on overtraining and most of the time, and they said that most of the time its the body needs time to adapt to the new program, like MMA fighters who train 3 times per day, and that most of the time reaching overtraining is a lot harder then most people think, proper diet is very important, high protein, carbs and no process foods or alcool.

  9. #9
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    Basically all these programs will work to reduce body fat due to the diet and cardio. If you follow them they work.

    They are not good/great for building any size. PX90 is probably one of the better ones for cardio and adding some size as long as you are not already in shape or wanting to get BIG.

    Just going to the gym 4-5x a week for 90 days and working out for a good 1hr a day with 20 minutes of cardio you will see some great results as long as you are not sitting around BS and have good form.

    Bottom line it's whatever you are comfortable with and willing to do most every day. Consistency is the true key. I tried several of the quick fix over 20+ years and after changing my lifestyle and adding exercise to my life again I am close to where I have always wanted to be.

    If you have short (90 day) goals you will probably be disappointed unless you are one of the .05% who stick with the diet and routine the whole time. Forget this summer, work for next summer but start NOW and you will have a lot better results than if you try to do a 90 day routine. Why not make it a 90 year routine
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-06-2010 at 12:35 AM.

  10. #10
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well if anyone wants to add size with P90X i would say good luck because you will have to consume a lot of calories, i did P90X but my goal was not to gain size, there is a lot of interval weight training, where you do shoulders, biceps and triceps like giant sets, with almost no rest between sets, also chest and back is quit hard because you jump from variations of push ups to pull ups. There is also some pertty decent cardio and a yoga dvd, with P90X you train 6 times per week and all the dvds are intense, i have no shame in saying i struggled a lot with the pullups. And i still have some back pain issues so i could not do everything.

    These programs are more suited for the mid life crisis individual, the ones that want to get in shape, but not build mass nor build size.

    I have a home gym in my basement and am not about to stop weight training, my current routines looks like this and i love this split.

    Chest and triceps
    Back and biceps

    I hit each muscles with 3-4 exercises for the big ones and 2-3 for smaller ones, training shoulders on alone allows me to concentrate more on them and work them true every possible way. the main reason i want to add insanity to the mix is that i am looking to shed some inches off my waist, right now its 38 inches and if i could get it down to 34 that would be quit nice, i also need a cardio base, went to the jazz festival in Montreal this weekend and had issues keeping up with my girlfriend walking for 4 hours. At some point and as you get older me being 38, you need to consider that being big might not mean being healthy, for me insanity is not a quick fix but a potential addition to my training routine, i always love intense cardio, i am just way to bored with the stairmaster,
    stationary bike and treardmill, from what i have seen to date with insanity its fun, intense and will challenge me a lot, and that might take me where i want to be, not sure how i can incorporate this in my regular weight lifting routine, but i will figure it out.

    I had a Nintendo WII for 6 months and the program EA Active more workouts, where i build my personal workout, its was quit intense, lots of rope skipping, stride jumping, obstacle course and more, the main problem is that between exercises the game loading time got my heart rate down, after finishing a race, i would have to wait to the next exercise. Insanity is without rest.

    As for P90X i will probably not bother doing it again, after all why train my legs with 20 pound db lung when i have a leg press and leg extension machine at home?

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