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Thread: Should I take a Shake post lift, or post Lift and Cardio?

  1. #1

    Should I take a Shake post lift, or post Lift and Cardio?

    I've been working out approx 1 hour, 30 mins high intensity lift, and 30 mins Cardio. My question is should i take my PWO shake right after my lift, or should i take it directly after i finish my cardio. I ask this because its recommended that you take the shake at least 30 mins after you lift...anybody? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    after your cardio

    if you have a shake after you lift and before your cardio... your body wont use fat for energy, which is the point of cardio... burning fat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Don't be that guy drinking his PWO shake on the way out of the gym. Your body has a window of up to 4 hours after a hard training session to consume your protein. Additionally, the longer you wait the more hormones are released and possibly better results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    RI/SE mass
    I agree after your cardio, I try to have food after my workout, eggs whites, peanut butter, I try not rely on shakes so much...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Don't be that guy drinking his PWO shake on the way out of the gym. Your body has a window of up to 4 hours after a hard training session to consume your protein. Additionally, the longer you wait the more hormones are released and possibly better results.
    I take mine as soon as I finish my routine, in the gym, maybe on the way out...

    is that bad?

  6. #6
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post
    I take mine as soon as I finish my routine, in the gym, maybe on the way out...

    is that bad?
    not bad. just saying dont be a baby about it and rush to get it. your not gonna shrink

    i wait 45 mins before i even start eating my pwo

  7. #7
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    Back from Afghanistan
    I'm really not sure. It seems you run your cardio right AFTER your wo? I usually do my wo in the early morning, and my cardio at lunch and again at night. My thinking is that waiting for cardio allows my body to fully recover, fully reabsorb any protein lost, and allow the blood to saturate those areas just worked, without having to move on to satisfy the demands of cardio. I just assumed that the cardio would interfere with the pwo recovery. If my understanding is correct, that you are doing your cardio right after your wo, does this improve growth, or is it this is the only time of day you can squeeze it in?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I'm really not sure. It seems you run your cardio right AFTER your wo? I usually do my wo in the early morning, and my cardio at lunch and again at night. My thinking is that waiting for cardio allows my body to fully recover, fully reabsorb any protein lost, and allow the blood to saturate those areas just worked, without having to move on to satisfy the demands of cardio. I just assumed that the cardio would interfere with the pwo recovery. If my understanding is correct, that you are doing your cardio right after your wo, does this improve growth, or is it this is the only time of day you can squeeze it in?
    eh, not the best reasoning there

    reason most do cardio after lifting is your glycogen levels are lowered after a good workout session. then when you do cardio your body has less glycogen to burn off before it starts to use fat deposits for fuel

    so you burn more fat.

    if you go at lunch and later in the day then all the food youve eaten all day has to be used up first.

    your wasting time and energy

    so fasted cardio right when you wake up and pwo cardio are best options for when to do cardio

  9. #9
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    eh, not the best reasoning there

    reason most do cardio after lifting is your glycogen levels are lowered after a good workout session. then when you do cardio your body has less glycogen to burn off before it starts to use fat deposits for fuel

    so you burn more fat.

    if you go at lunch and later in the day then all the food youve eaten all day has to be used up first.

    your wasting time and energy

    so fasted cardio right when you wake up and pwo cardio are best options for when to do cardio
    no sh1t? learn something new every day. thanks for the 411. I'm starting to think of the fasted cardio when I first wake up. Then I can eat, shower, then wo. Time between cardio and wo in this scenerio would be something like 60 to 90 minutes.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 07-08-2010 at 08:35 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    no sh1t? learn something new every day. thanks for the 411

    anytime bro

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEAviator View Post
    I take mine as soon as I finish my routine, in the gym, maybe on the way out...

    is that bad?
    Let me weigh 150lbs right?

    No seriously though as the other poster said give it around 45 minutes or so, at least let those hormones release a little bit before you shut them down. How many BIG guys do you see sipping on protein shakes in the gym, in my experience at least not many and that goes for myself. If you don't think you should wait do some research yourself and find out what is most beneficial overall.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I'm really not sure. It seems you run your cardio right AFTER your wo? I usually do my wo in the early morning, and my cardio at lunch and again at night. My thinking is that waiting for cardio allows my body to fully recover, fully reabsorb any protein lost, and allow the blood to saturate those areas just worked, without having to move on to satisfy the demands of cardio. I just assumed that the cardio would interfere with the pwo recovery. If my understanding is correct, that you are doing your cardio right after your wo, does this improve growth, or is it this is the only time of day you can squeeze it in?
    I'm a very busy man, and plus i love to run right after my lift i used to do it before my lift and just take a strong pre workout, but i find i have better results doing it after my lift. I dont want to go back and forth to the gym all day my car downs gas lol thats what i get for chip n exhausting it lol.

  13. #13
    Thank you BigBuck6! and Dukkitdalaw Really appreciate the knowledge

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    My cardio consists of sled drags/pushes and tire flips (800 & 950lb tire). PWO shake before that equals... PUKE!!! LOL!!!! I'd wait if I were you! LOL!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I'm in Miami, bitch!
    i think you'd be better off splitting your training sessions and doing cardio at a separate time. but if you can't, make sure to do the cardio first, and weights second. double-up on the ingredients in your shake, and drink 1/2 after your cardio, and the other 1/2 after the weights.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    I'm in Miami, bitch!
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    eh, not the best reasoning there

    reason most do cardio after lifting is your glycogen levels are lowered after a good workout session. then when you do cardio your body has less glycogen to burn off before it starts to use fat deposits for fuel

    so you burn more fat.
    100%. no argument there. but imo, proper nutrition and weight-training are the most important things to bodybuilding - cardio is like extra credit. when someone does their cardio and weights back-to-back, it's not possible to structure the workouts and nutrition according to what's optimal for each of them. so if ANYTHING had to be less than optimal, i'd choose it to be the nutrition surrounding my cardio session - not the weights. i'd never want to put-off my post-workout nutrition in the name of cardio. plus i want to be fresh when i hit the weights. not fatigued (even slightly) from cardio. that's why i believe that the two just don't mix. do 'em separately.
    Last edited by danimal79; 07-10-2010 at 04:47 PM.

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