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Thread: Archangel.'s OFFICIAL Q & A Thread

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    No to stray away from the OP answering this, but if your interested I have a template that incorporates hypertrophy/power. If your interested I'll PM you.
    that would be brilliant thanks...

    i need to get insanely strong as i want to try DC training in the not so near future...

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    that would be brilliant thanks...

    i need to get insanely strong as i want to try DC training in the not so near future...
    Just fyi, I'd stay away from HIT (DC training) while you're doing low carb...

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Just fyi, I'd stay away from HIT (DC training) while you're doing low carb...
    yeah i wont be changing anything in my training yet whilst im still low carb...

    im just doing some research on the best powerbuilding split to build mass for when i bulk after my current cut...

    any ideas ? i love squating, deadlifting and all pressing movements ???
    ive got some repectable lifts doing singles aswell...

    i was looking in to dual factor theory training, and how fitique can mask your fitness, all this stuff is new to me so i think im gonna need some help from a heavy lifter or vet like yourself...

    i just wanna become big and strong as my genetics will allow (who dont ! lol), but i wanna do it the proven way now, not on some cookie cutter routine from flex magazine written by a 130 lb twig/journo !!!

    one of my problems is that i dont want to get too fat consuming the amount of calories it takes to get big, i wanna be huge, but i know what im doing now just wont cut it...

    i would rather know what diet and training will get me as big as my genetics allow, than what drug or potion could...

    i need to go back to basics, rid my my mind of this b*llsh1t im looking into that the pros say is good for THEM...
    Last edited by the big 1; 08-12-2010 at 01:45 PM.

  4. #204
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    Hey Arch,
    i know you said that you followd STS, but honestly i read through all of that and was like... **** it... so haha can you summon it up for me what YOU did? like your split, sets, and reps.
    also, when you refer to HIT, are talking about high intensity training from Mike Mentzer style?

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    arch, what is your opinion on using 5x5 training to build an aesthetically pleasing physique... its a power building routine which aims at progressing on the big three, but in your opinion, will it build a physique worthy of a bodybuilder ? sure stronger muscles are bigger muscles (most of the time), but what about isolation for shape and cuts...

    also, how long did your transformation take ? thats some good work, you look good...
    I feel 5X5 training is great for building strength of course, but when it come to it's ability for developing a bodybuilders type physique, I feel that is VERY dependent upon ones individual genetics. A genetically gifted individual will be able to develop a great looking physique with 5X5, 12,10,8,6 etc. However, for most of us we usually have to incorporate more variety into our routines. I do believe that an "average" individual, (from a genetic standpoint that is) could still develop a nice physique while incorporating both the big 3 in a 5X5 manner AND some other movements as well for a more well rounded routine. A lot of people comment on my shoulders, and I do almost ALL laterals for them (isolation) which leads me to believe that isolation movements are very beneficial for development. Thank you very much for the compliment, it's been about 6 months now.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    I feel 5X5 training is great for building strength of course, but when it come to it's ability for developing a bodybuilders type physique, I feel that is VERY dependent upon ones individual genetics. A genetically gifted individual will be able to develop a great looking physique with 5X5, 12,10,8,6 etc. However, for most of us we usually have to incorporate more variety into our routines. I do believe that an "average" individual, (from a genetic standpoint that is) could still develop a nice physique while incorporating both the big 3 in a 5X5 manner AND some other movements as well for a more well rounded routine. A lot of people comment on my shoulders, and I do almost ALL laterals for them (isolation) which leads me to believe that isolation movements are very beneficial for development. Thank you very much for the compliment, it's been about 6 months now.
    great thanks...

    i think i react better to compounds exercises more than isolation and stuff, that said i do a few isolation exercises here and there, but my main aim is to build function strength, so i have more strength for isolation/hypertrophy routines later on when i come to sculpt my physique...

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    great thanks...

    i think i react better to compounds exercises more than isolation and stuff, that said i do a few isolation exercises here and there, but my main aim is to build function strength, so i have more strength for isolation/hypertrophy routines later on when i come to sculpt my physique...
    From the sounds of what you're saying your goals are, I would probably put more emphasis on the heavy compounds then.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Arch, you don't understand.... We understand your timeline. All we are trying to say is regardless of 15 weeks or not.... we are saying it is not possible to get those results in 20 weeks or even 25 weeks let alone 15 weeks. I believe those pictures are more like a year or 2 apart and you are claiming it as 15 weeks.... just My opinion.
    Not trying to steal any of the OP's thunder, and I do agree there are issues with his timeline. That said these pics are exactly 12 weeks apart. Dont ever underestimate the power of a dialed in diet and cardio.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #209
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    Im tired of all these dude's not giving him credit on his timeline.

    Heres the deal, He started off at 218lbs, and from the pictures you can tell that he still had muscle under his fatness, especially from the picture of his back from the start. You can see his tricep thickness from behind, and his upper back thickness. Now fastforward to the most current pictures, and you can obviously see that he leaned out a lot, going from once again, 218 to 185lbs. thats 33lbs of fat. Not to mention that he has been on a decent cycle of test E.

    If he NEVER dieted for shit, and only lifted, then he had the basic knowledge on how to train. He just assimilated it into a VERY comprehensive program, and followed it to a tee.
    all in all he lost more than 40lbs of fat easily, and gained around 10ish pounds of muscle on a very strict diet, and very well formed workout plan.

    what theeee fawk is so hard to believe about that?! he's not some seasoned bodybuilder who's cell receptors are burnt to shit from tons of various cycle.

    1. This is his FIRST cycle. we dont know at this point how much of what ever little muscle he gained will remain.

    2. he lost a lot of weight to bring out the muscle he already had

    3. possibly takes even better pictures considering the lighting is different in the photographs.

    finally, all in all its completely believable without a shadow of doubt that he made that "transformation" in a short peroid of time.

  10. #210
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    I don't believe anyone in this thread is jealous. People have a right to express their opinions, as you just did. Let it be..

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I don't believe anyone in this thread is jealous. People have a right to express their opinions, as you just did. Let it be..
    If you do not believe anyone in this thread is jealous, then read through it again, and reference the negative minded commenter's with their own pictures. That in it self is proof in my mind. And yes, of course we have a right to post an opinion, but in all honesty, there is no need to try and discredit someone to this extent. we should all have more respect for members on this board. Regardless of who we are, in our bodybuilding/training carriers, or our positions on this board. Its just common respect that we should have.

    @op. I have to take my hat off to you for tons of reasons, and one of them being that your 25, and acting a lot more grown up on this board in terms of your responses but your photos are yrs apart not weeks

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I don't really give a hoot about the time line deal. You've done a great job so far, keep up the positive work.

    Do you plan on competing? You have a solid foundation to do so...
    ^^^^^....Just in case you didn't see that. I already commended him of his work regardless of the time frame he claims.

    Just let it be already bro. This Q+A is already cluster fukked with things other then the OP had intended. Let him do his thing. I see no reason to keep up this barrage of attackers towards the members in here and their view points.

  13. #213
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    Nobody is jealous. Most of the guys who post here regularly have excellent physiques and aren't longing for something reminiscent of his after pics.

    I think the initial animosity (I know it's what kinda brought the dick out of me) is due to just how asinine this thread is. A) This whole forum is intended for workout questions and answers. B) Many of the guys who would be responding to said question threads such as Fireguy, HawaiianPride, and others have far more knowledge and experience than the OP. C) The OP's only credentials are implementing a solid diet/training/cardio regiment on himself. He's not a trainer as I and many others are, a seasoned bodybuilder, a nutritionist, or even a very experienced gym rat. I give the boy credit where it's due: I simply dislike the thread. Is this fair?

    Anyway, from what I've seen so far - he's giving solid enough advice and I'll just let sleeping dogs be.

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    He's not a trainer as I and many others are, a seasoned bodybuilder, a nutritionist, or even a very experienced gym rat.

    Im sorry, but the majority of your threads are about you being a n00b and needing help with your diet.. So if your a personal trainer, then you should give people their money back, considering the majority of topics you start are rather common knowledge of any said "gymrat".

    Anyways, as the dude from Hawaii said let it rest, and I shall.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Not trying to steal any of the OP's thunder, and I do agree there are issues with his timeline. That said these pics are exactly 12 weeks apart. Dont ever underestimate the power of a dialed in diet and cardio.
    I agree 100% that amazing things can happen from diet. I just came off 15 weeks on a TKD before my cycle and dropped 22lbs of fat. I am not denying it.... but after 15 weeks I didn't come close to his transformation he claims done in 12 and I was amazingly strict. No one can convince me that my genetics are that bad and his are that good.

    Like I stated right from the get go.... despite his time line it still is an amazing transformation and no one can take that away from him.

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by DomKratos85 View Post
    Im sorry, but the majority of your threads are about you being a n00b and needing help with your diet.. So if your a personal trainer, then you should give people their money back, considering the majority of topics you start are rather common knowledge of any said "gymrat".

    Anyways, as the dude from Hawaii said let it rest, and I shall.
    Excuse me? You may want to go take a look at the diet section bud.

  17. #217
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    hey arch seen you was going to be gone for a while and haven't checked in oops!! but in regards to the dc results i have really enjoyed to variety and for some reason it really inspired me to start a cardio routine (exercise bike, boxing, jogging) 3x week and cleaned up my diet. nothing hard just eating more fruits, veggies, and more smart eating than anything. and i have stuck the gear back for almost 3 months now because i am pleased with the training so much. currentley 6'3 and at 225lbs i have been measured and told bf was around 8 % (i'm no expert) but i got the mid section coming along very nicley.

  18. #218
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Not trying to steal any of the OP's thunder, and I do agree there are issues with his timeline. That said these pics are exactly 12 weeks apart. Dont ever underestimate the power of a dialed in diet and cardio.
    Nice transformation Fireguy!

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I don't believe anyone in this thread is jealous. People have a right to express their opinions, as you just did. Let it be..
    Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I don't believe anyone in this thread is jealous. People have a right to express their opinions, as you just did. Let it be..
    If you do not believe anyone in this thread is jealous, then read through it again, and reference the negative minded commenter's with their own pictures. That in it self is proof in my mind. And yes, of course we have a right to post an opinion, but in all honesty, there is no need to try and discredit someone to this extent. we should all have more respect for members on this board. Regardless of who we are, in our bodybuilding/training carriers, or our positions on this board. Its just common respect that we should have.

    @op. I have to take my hat off to you for tons of reasons, and one of them being that your 25, and acting a lot more grown up on this board in terms of your responses but your photos are yrs apart not weeks

    You know hawaiian, I tend to lean toward people's negative comments about me stemming from jealousy myself, or at least some other negative emotion. As DomKratos said, if memory serves me well, I think all the people posting negative shit don't even have a pic of themselves in their avy, or anywhere else on this site that I could find. I mean c'mon, how hard is it to bash and or criticize someone like myself while hiding behind some starbucks logo or a cartoon picture??? (not pointing you out Bert, your avy just came to mind as an example there). I mean to me, that just makes the guy doing the bashing look like an asshole AND a coward at the same time. Even after some of the senior guys have admitted that I give solid advice SO FAR, why do people still feel the need to say shit like "he's not a trainer" or "he's not a competitive bodybuilder, so why listen to him"? Saying your opinion is one thing, but trying SO hard to discredit someone when my facts are RIGHT IN YOUR FACE, comes off as just what I said above, cowardly and like an asshole. None of this is directed to you though Hawaiian, as I know and appreciate all of your positive comments man.
    Having said all of that, DAMNIT ALL I would prefer my thread be left for anyone who has a question for me regarding workout/diet.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Having said all of that, DAMNIT ALL I would prefer my thread be left for anyone who has a question for me regarding workout/diet.

    Forsure! so if you dont mind Arch, post you workout, and split that you have been performing, and also include how much cardio, if any you did.

  21. #221
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    i had to log back on to tip my hat to archangel for lying about his pictrures and time scale im laughing at you

  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Not trying to steal any of the OP's thunder, and I do agree there are issues with his timeline. That said these pics are exactly 12 weeks apart. Dont ever underestimate the power of a dialed in diet and cardio.
    I have to agree. That is amazing!!!

  23. #223
    Join Date
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    looking fuucking huge Ajc330, grats on being normal.

  24. #224
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    Hey man, everything's going great here. Got 2 weeks left on my reload and I'm still pushing more weight and losing BF. I sent my proposed Deload/ Reload to Ronnie and just wanted to see what you think.

    I was hoping you could advise me on my Reload/Deload split. I had some volume issues that I think I solved with this Reload. It's working pretty good so far anyway!

    The thing is, I train in my own Gym and don't have a Smith machine or cross-over cables or a full set of dumbells (yet). I have an incline/decline bench with leg extension/leg curl attachment, reversible Preacher attachment, Olympic Bar, EZ Bar, Pull up/Dip stand and a couple of old Dumbells for Laterals and what you see on my workout sheet. I also have an elliptical cardio machine. After my Deload I will have a full set of dumbells, ready for the next Reload. I was wondering what you thought of my proposed Deload (I feel like there are volume issues here), and what you might change in the next Reload considering I'll have the dumbells by then.

    Here's what I'm currently doing Reload-wise.

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders -Flat Bench Press 3 x 4-6,8,10 Incline Bench 3 x 8,8,9 - Decline bench - Prep Set, 3 x 8,9,10- - Shoulders - Vert Rows 3 x 4-6,8,10 Side Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 Rear Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Tues - Back - Wide Grip pull ups 3 x 12,10,9 - EZ Bar Pull-overs 3 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,10 - Supported one hand Rows 3 x 8,8,10 - Deadlift, Prep, 3 x 2-4,6,8 Shrugs 6 x 8,9,10,11,12,13 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Wed - Abs - Weighted Decline situps 4 x 16,13,10,9 Weighted crunchs 4 x 20,16,14,12 - Leg raises 3 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min

    Thurs - Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,8 Leg Extensions 4 x 7,8,8,8 Leg Curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 Standing Calf Raises 6 x 14,12,12,10 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Fri - Arms -Spider Barbell Curls 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Hammer Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Over Head Tricep Extensions 3 x 6,8,10 Dips 3 x Failure No Cardio

    Sat - OFF

    Sun - 30 Min Cardio

    This is my proposed Deload.

    Mon - Chest/Triceps -Flat Bench Press 2 x 4-6,8 Incline Bench 2 x 8,12 - Decline bench 2 x 8,12 Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 2 x 8,9 - Over Head Triceps Extensions 2 x 6,8 Dips 2 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min
    Tues - OFF
    Wed - Back/Biceps - Wide Grip pull ups 2 x 12,10 - EZ Bar Pull-overs 2 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 2 x 4-6,10 - Supported one hand Rows 1 x 8-10 - Deadlift, Prep, 2 x 2-4,8 Shrugs 3 x 8,9,10 Spider Barbell Curls 2 x 8,9 - Hammer Curls 2 x 8,9 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 2 x 8,9 AM Cardio 30 Min
    Thurs - OFF
    Fri -Legs/ Shoulders/Abs -Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 2 x 4-6,8 Leg Extensions 2 x 7,8 Leg Curls 2 x 8,9 Standing Calf Raises 2 x 14,12 Shoulders - Military Press 2 x 4-6,12 Side Laterals 2 x 8,12 Rear Laterals 2 x 8,12 Abs - Weighted Decline sit ups 2 x 16,12 Weighted crunches 2 x 20,16 - Leg raises 2 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min
    Sat - OFF
    Sun - AM Cardio 30 Min

    Thanks a lot Ronnie.

  25. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by big_dom85 View Post
    Forsure! so if you dont mind Arch, post you workout, and split that you have been performing, and also include how much cardio, if any you did.
    I answered this for you in the members pics section (saw it there first)

  26. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    i had to log back on to tip my hat to archangel for lying about his pictrures and time scale im laughing at you
    I don't really understand what you're saying here...

  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    I answered this for you in the members pics section (saw it there first)
    My bad dude, I didn't check that out yet. i'll go look now, Ty.

  28. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey man, everything's going great here. Got 2 weeks left on my reload and I'm still pushing more weight and losing BF. I sent my proposed Deload/ Reload to Ronnie and just wanted to see what you think.

    I was hoping you could advise me on my Reload/Deload split. I had some volume issues that I think I solved with this Reload. It's working pretty good so far anyway!

    The thing is, I train in my own Gym and don't have a Smith machine or cross-over cables or a full set of dumbells (yet). I have an incline/decline bench with leg extension/leg curl attachment, reversible Preacher attachment, Olympic Bar, EZ Bar, Pull up/Dip stand and a couple of old Dumbells for Laterals and what you see on my workout sheet. I also have an elliptical cardio machine. After my Deload I will have a full set of dumbells, ready for the next Reload. I was wondering what you thought of my proposed Deload (I feel like there are volume issues here), and what you might change in the next Reload considering I'll have the dumbells by then.

    Here's what I'm currently doing Reload-wise.

    Mon - Chest/Shoulders -Flat Bench Press 3 x 4-6,8,10 Incline Bench 3 x 8,8,9 - Decline bench - Prep Set, 3 x 8,9,10- - Shoulders - Vert Rows 3 x 4-6,8,10 Side Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 Rear Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Tues - Back - Wide Grip pull ups 3 x 12,10,9 - EZ Bar Pull-overs 3 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,10 - Supported one hand Rows 3 x 8,8,10 - Deadlift, Prep, 3 x 2-4,6,8 Shrugs 6 x 8,9,10,11,12,13 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Wed - Abs - Weighted Decline situps 4 x 16,13,10,9 Weighted crunchs 4 x 20,16,14,12 - Leg raises 3 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min

    Thurs - Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,8 Leg Extensions 4 x 7,8,8,8 Leg Curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 Standing Calf Raises 6 x 14,12,12,10 AM Cardio 30 Min

    Fri - Arms -Spider Barbell Curls 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Hammer Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Over Head Tricep Extensions 3 x 6,8,10 Dips 3 x Failure No Cardio

    Sat - OFF

    Sun - 30 Min Cardio

    This is my proposed Deload.

    Mon - Chest/Triceps -Flat Bench Press 2 x 4-6,8 Incline Bench 2 x 8,12 - Decline bench 2 x 8,12 Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 2 x 8,9 - Over Head Triceps Extensions 2 x 6,8 Dips 2 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min
    Tues - OFF
    Wed - Back/Biceps - Wide Grip pull ups 2 x 12,10 - EZ Bar Pull-overs 2 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 2 x 4-6,10 - Supported one hand Rows 1 x 8-10 - Deadlift, Prep, 2 x 2-4,8 Shrugs 3 x 8,9,10 Spider Barbell Curls 2 x 8,9 - Hammer Curls 2 x 8,9 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 2 x 8,9 AM Cardio 30 Min
    Thurs - OFF
    Fri -Legs/ Shoulders/Abs -Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 2 x 4-6,8 Leg Extensions 2 x 7,8 Leg Curls 2 x 8,9 Standing Calf Raises 2 x 14,12 Shoulders - Military Press 2 x 4-6,12 Side Laterals 2 x 8,12 Rear Laterals 2 x 8,12 Abs - Weighted Decline sit ups 2 x 16,12 Weighted crunches 2 x 20,16 - Leg raises 2 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min
    Sat - OFF
    Sun - AM Cardio 30 Min

    Thanks a lot Ronnie.
    You know what bud, I saw Ron answer this for you, and I pretty much agree with what he said other than not working shoulders the same day as chest. Maybe it's an individual thing, but it works great for me.

  29. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    You know what bud, I saw Ron answer this for you, and I pretty much agree with what he said other than not working shoulders the same day as chest. Maybe it's an individual thing, but it works great for me.
    Yea, I'm inclined to agree with you. I haven't had any Rotator cup problems since I started like this (knock on wood) and I can't find anywhere else to put it. I'm also seeing some major progress with the look of my delts, same as you. Everything else Ronnie says I of course, will do, and for the rest of my reload (2 weeks) I'll leave everything else the same. I have about a month to think it over. Thanks again Dude. By the way, since you helped me sort my diet I've lost 26 lb and still gaining strength and muscle size!! I'll post some pictures when my reloads done. (Although I'll not be putting ANY time line on it for fear of making a mistake and taking a verbal kicking! lol!!)
    Last edited by The Titan99; 08-23-2010 at 01:37 AM.

  30. #230
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    What do you think about my Fri Deload. It seems like a lot to me but I don't know how to break it up any different. Maybe go Legs Friday, Shoulders, Abs Sunday, then Chest/Tri's Tues etc. until the 2 weeks are up? But that would F**k up the start of my next Reload... What do you think? It's pretty low volume anyway, and only 2 Fridays... OR maybe the same schedule as my Reload, just lower volume. The more I think about it, the easier/better that would seem to be.
    Last edited by The Titan99; 08-23-2010 at 08:55 AM.

  31. #231
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_dom85 View Post
    looking fuucking huge Ajc330, grats on being normal.

  32. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    What do you think about my Fri Deload. It seems like a lot to me but I don't know how to break it up any different. Maybe go Legs Friday, Shoulders, Abs Sunday, then Chest/Tri's Tues etc. until the 2 weeks are up? But that would F**k up the start of my next Reload... What do you think? It's pretty low volume anyway, and only 2 Fridays... OR maybe the same schedule as my Reload, just lower volume. The more I think about it, the easier/better that would seem to be.
    I would keep the same schedule/split as your reload, just with the reduced volume of course. That's what I did and it worked great. I didn't even switch up the exercises. Oh, and I CAN'T WAIT to see your progress man! Most importantly is that you're thrilled with it though. I'm really happy I could help you in any way. Remember though, you are the one that had has the dedication and determination to make this work, I just gave some advice. Good job

  33. #233
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    That's it then. Same schedule as before, etc. The path I'm on now is the right one. For me, it doesn't matter so much how fast I reach my goals, it's the steady progress that I was looking for, and it all starts with diet, not gear. That said, the gear didn't hurt, but my next short term goal will be 10% BF followed by a serious 8 week cycle. Pics next weekend...

  34. #234
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    That's it then. Same schedule as before, etc. The path I'm on now is the right one. For me, it doesn't matter so much how fast I reach my goals, it's the steady progress that I was looking for, and it all starts with diet, not gear. That said, the gear didn't hurt, but my next short term goal will be 10% BF followed by a serious 8 week cycle. Pics next weekend...
    Spoken like a wise man. Can't wait for the pics.

  35. #235
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    Question for Arch,

    Think I remember reading somewhere in there that you were taking Ephedrine/caffeine?

    Did you cycle it, or when did you incorporate it into your routine during these past 6 months?

  36. #236
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    Arch good pics bro!

    Question, did you get blood work done BEFORE cycle to see what your normal test levels where to see if pct was good?

    Also, how many pds have you lost since ending cycle?

  37. #237
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    Question for Arch,

    Think I remember reading somewhere in there that you were taking Ephedrine/caffeine?

    Did you cycle it, or when did you incorporate it into your routine during these past 6 months?
    I only used that in the last couple months on and off, because some days it just jacked me up way too much. I used it something like every second or third workout.

  38. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    Arch good pics bro!

    Question, did you get blood work done BEFORE cycle to see what your normal test levels where to see if pct was good?

    Also, how many pds have you lost since ending cycle?
    You know what, no I did not get blood work before, but I will be getting it done 2 weeks after PCT. I'm down 2-3 pounds right now. How is everything going with your cycle?

  39. #239
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    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Just fyi, I'd stay away from HIT (DC training) while you're doing low carb...
    Why would one need more carbs for HIT?
    What would be considered a low carb for HIT?
    How many carbs would you recommned while doing HIT?
    Is carb cycling good while being on HIT?

    Just don't HIT me for asking so many questions :P
    I am serious.


  40. #240
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Archangel. I just wanted to say thanks again. I have implemented changes you gave me to my abs routine and my rear traps for back day routine and have the best abs ive had in a long time now. I mean stop and stare beautiful, loving it, loving life

    Oh , I have a question

    Do you ever do any wierd workouts.. specifically these two

    #1 Do you ever deadlift and squat on the same day?

    #2 Do you ever do chest and back on the same day? I heard Arnold used to do this and he would superset a lot. Of course what works for Arnold might not work for the next guy, but at the same time hes top dog so I try to pay attention to his stuff.

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