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Thread: My goals + workout

  1. #1

    My goals + workout

    Hello friends, I have just finished my home gym and have a few questions about my workout and goals.

    I currently weigh 150lbs.
    I am 5'11 and my one rep bench press is 225.
    My 40 yard dash is 5.3.

    I have never really worked my legs in my life wether it's cardio or bulking.

    Anywho, basically my goals are the following,

    I want to gain inches on everything.
    I have set my goal weight to 170 pounds.
    I don't really have a max bench goal but I would like to be able to rep 225 8 times.
    I want to lower my 40 to a 4.7.

    My current plans are of the following and please correct me or inform me of changes that should
    Be made.

    Monday : back and biceps
    3600 calories and 250g protein minimum

    Tuesday : chest and triceps
    3600 calories and 250g protein minimum

    Wedensday : off

    Thursday : legs
    3600 calories and 250g protein minimum

    Friday : shoulders and abs
    3600 calories and 250g protein minimum

    Saturday : cardio
    4200 calories and 300g protein minimum

    Sunday : off
    3600 calories 250 g protein minimum

    Note I am trying to gain and achieve as fast as I possibly can so any suggestions are helpful. Or if what I have planned is good please let me know.

    Thank you very much

  2. #2


    Any suggestions?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I personally don't like the back/bis chest/tris thing but many guys do it. It would be helpful to see your WO laid out by excersise, sets, and weight so we know exactly where you're at.
    Really though, that's all secondary. I could get to 170 from 150 in 3 months naturally with a shitty routine and my diet. It's all in the diet and protein/calories is only one of many factors. Also, it seems like you're very active with sports considering the emphasis on your 40. Take into account that you're probly an ecto also and all of a sudden, 250g pro and 3600 cals may not be that much. Are you eating quality carb sources and EFAs? Vegetables? Creatine? Multivitamin? Protein via 80% animal sources and minimal shakes? I'm sure it's in the diet.

  4. #4


    Yes I take protein shakes (100% whey) twice a day and I take multivitamins (of course I just started doing all of this) I also have creatine just haven't taken any yet. Anyways assuming I have everything available and will do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals as fast as possible, is there anything else I should do?

    Also, Why do you not like back/bis... Chest/tris routine? Should I change them around?

    Also, haven't really made a full workout yet but whatever I do will be low reps high weight.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I know my bis are sore after back day and my tris after chest day. They involve the same muscles, so I find doing them on the same day simply hinders your ability to A) gauge how strong you really are (hard to bench well if you're supersetting with dips and french curl with burnt triceps) B) recover.

    I'm a fan of something like this:

    1: legs
    2: chest:
    3: back:
    5: shoulders/traps
    6: Arms
    7: rest

    Plenty of rest between chest/back and the smaller groups that get touched when doing them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Go post your diet in that section with macros. It'll make all the difference.

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