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Thread: Best workout on GEAR!

  1. #1

    Best workout on GEAR!

    hello everyone im going to start on gear(sustanon and deca) for 8weeks the classic style.
    im from Brazil and here it is normal to work 5days a week but im in doubt doing that because overtraining...on the other hand in gear recovery is faster...

    i would like to know a very classic(that works) program while on steroids that you do in USA.

    thanks!train hard!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You should train the same as when you're off. Don't over-train just because you're on AAS. Of course, you should push yourself harder in the gym and maybe throw in an extra set here and there if you feel more up to it but your split shouldn't change! Eat, train hard, rest hard, gain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    why should training change just because your taking gear ???

    and since when was 8 weeks of sus and deca a classic coarse ???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by The Trooper View Post
    hello everyone im going to start on gear(sustanon and deca) for 8weeks the classic style.
    im from Brazil and here it is normal to work 5days a week but im in doubt doing that because overtraining...on the other hand in gear recovery is faster...

    i would like to know a very classic(that works) program while on steroids that you do in USA.

    thanks!train hard!
    Stats would be nice so I can throw some suggestions in regards to your short 8 week cycle of long estrified compounds.

    5 days a week would only turn into OT if your volume/intensity during these days are well beyond your recovery capacity.

    Layout your routine in detail, duration of training times each day and we can determine if you are pushing the limits.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Stats would be nice so I can throw some suggestions in regards to your short 8 week cycle of long estrified compounds.

    5 days a week would only turn into OT if your volume/intensity during these days are well beyond your recovery capacity.

    Layout your routine in detail, duration of training times each day and we can determine if you are pushing the limits.
    and your diet might help aswell...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Research more

    Quote Originally Posted by The Trooper View Post
    hello everyone im going to start on gear(sustanon and deca) for 8weeks the classic style.
    im from Brazil and here it is normal to work 5days a week but im in doubt doing that because overtraining...on the other hand in gear recovery is faster...

    i would like to know a very classic(that works) program while on steroids that you do in USA.

    thanks!train hard!
    clasic style that makes no sense cycle of Deca could be 10-16 weeks
    im from Brazil and here it is normal to work 5days a week but im in doubt doing that because over training "thanks!train hard!" you said it yourself lol

    recovery comes with sleep and proper diet not just gear. Research more before you take is my suggestion.

  7. #7
    hey man i was on a 3day a week routine fullbody that worked pretty well but in almost 5months i hit a plateu so i need a new rotine.
    my weak points are:chest, delts, biceps and calves.

    any tip or link of some page with a great rotine is welcome.thanks!

    i have 10years of lifting weights.

  8. #8
    can anyone help me?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Agree with the guys above, dont change your workout just because your on gear.

    And no one will really be able to answer your question because someone elses body wont be exactly like yours. It took me over a year of trial and error to come up with 2 different routines which I alternate every 6-8 weeks.

    Only you can know what your body reacts best to...

  10. #10
    Thanks man. i think it really makes sense.

  11. #11
    ok everyone it makes sense to me.
    but tell me what do you think of this division rotine:


    tell me what do you thing and what can i improve and what exercises i should include to build muscle in my hole body


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