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  1. #1
    doc82nd is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010

    Critique/opinion needed! Workout post-iraq injury

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the community here, and it seems like there are quite a few intelligent people that could possibly help me out. So here is the low down:

    I was injured in Iraq, and was training to play college football, but unfortunately spent the last year in and out of a hospital with surgery. The result? I went from a cut 220 to 160, then back up to 215 with way too much body fat.

    I've been working out for the last couple months of getting back into shape, and I'm finally to the point where the doctors 'let the reigns go.'

    My father was my football coach in high-school, and I earned 3 state titles and an all-state title as a running back, but he wrote up a crazy workout plan that I am a little skeptical of - as it is completely different then what I am use to.

    But I digress, I would Love it if you guys critiqued, to see if I needed anything moved around/added/removed/changed

    Age, Body weight/fat
    • 23
    • 210lbs
    • 24% body fat
    • 5'9

    Training Experience
    As i said earlier, I grew up doing 'Olympic power lifting' techniques, but also did 6 months of intense Crossfit while I was in the military.

    Speed, and power. My goal is to get back down to as close as to a 4.5s 40meter dash, while weighing in as close to as 200 by May. Quickness and power are the overall goal, while maintaining a high level of mass as possible.

    Existing/Previous Injuries
    Weak hamstrings and right shoulder injury from high-school. I really want to hammer these two muscle groups to ensure they can handle August walk on.

    Ergogenic Aids
    30g of Whey protein x3 a day.
    2000mg of glucosamene daily
    1200mg Chondroitin
    500mg MSM
    1000mg Omega-3 twice a day
    And a long list of Vitamin bs and other 'multi' vitamins in liquid and powder form.
    I plan on going on Creatine after a month of working out hard, and currently am researching the possibility of doing cycles of steroids . But am still researching everything before I make an educated decision. If any of you would mind giving me a suggested Stack for meeting a goal like this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    And here is the workout program. Also, I will be extending middle phases by two weeks, as the current workout dumps me into February, when spring ball isn't until April/May.
    (i've already done the first 6 week phase)

    Phase 2: Hypotrophy
    Goal: To increase Muscle mass, flexibility, and speed
    Circuit training 6 weeks: 15 stations, 3-5 sets, rest period 3-4 minutes doing stretching during rest(between sets), 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, body parts are worked only twice a week, ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    a)4 sessions per week of weights:
    wk1 60%, wk 2-60%, wk 3 70%, wk 4 60% , wk 5 70%, wk 6 80% of max weight,
    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Over head squats (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Dead lifts (3x8,4x8,4x8, 4x8,,4x8, 4x8,)
    Lat pull downs (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Seated rows (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Standing calf raise (3x15,4x15,4x12, 3x15,4x12,4x10)
    Preacher curls (3x12,4x12,4x130, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Leg curls (3x10,4x10,4x8, 4x10,4x10,4x8)

    2)Day 2 & 5(Tues,Fri)

    Bench Press (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Shoulder /military press (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Shoulder shrugs (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Lateral raises (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Tricep Extension (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x18,4x15, 3x18,4x15,4x20)
    Double crunches (3x15,3x18,4x15, 3x18,4x15,4x20)
    Neck Machine

    b) 2 sessions per week plyo

    Squat Jumps
    2 leg jump to box
    Lateral Jump to box 2 legs
    Bounding with rings(Z 3-4 ft apart)Quickly
    Bounding Sq ring drill (3-4 ft apart) Quickly
    Overhead Medicine ball throw
    Side throw medicine ball

    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Phase 3: Max Strength
    Goal: To increase strength, power and quickness
    Circuit training 6 weeks: 4-7 stations, 3-5 sets, 1-4 reps, minutes doing stretching during rest between stations, 90 secs rest between reps, 48 hr rest period between sessions, Explosive controlled speed of lifts, 85-100% of max weight, body parts are worked only twice a week, 1/4 to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    a)2-3 sessions per week of weights:
    wk1 70%, wk 2-80%, wk 3 90%, wk 4 70% , wk 5 90%, wk 6 95% of max weight,

    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Half squats (3x8,3x6,3x3, 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Half cleans (3x8,3x6,3x3, 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Bench Press (3x8,3x6,3x3, 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Dead lifts (3x10,3x10,3x8, 3x10,3x8,3x8)
    Military Press (3x15,4x15,4x12, 3x15,4x12,4x10)
    Lat pulls (3x12,4x12,4x10, 3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Double crunches (3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)

    b) 2 sessions per week plyo
    weeks 1 & 2
    Squat Jumps
    2 leg jump to box
    Lateral Jump to box 2 legs
    Bounding with rings(Z 3-4 ft apart)Quickly
    Bounding Sq ring drill (3-4 ft apart) Quickly
    Overhead Medicine ball throw
    Side throw medicine ball

    weeks 3 & 6
    Squat Jumps
    Split squat jumps
    Tuck Jumps
    2 leg jump to box
    Lateral Jump to box 2 legs
    Bounding with rings(Z 3-4 ft apart)Quickly
    Bounding Sq ring drill (3-4 ft apart) Quickly
    Lateral Box jumps
    Overhead back medicine bal toss

    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Phase 4: Power Combo
    Goal: Develop Power and speed and increase cardio
    Circuit training 4 weeks: 15 stations, 3-5 sets, rest period 3-4 minutes doing stretching during rest(between sets), 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, body parts are worked only twice a week, ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    Week 1-2:
    Circuit training 2 weeks:
    12 stations, 3 circuits, rest period 2-3 minutes between stations, 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, 50-60% of max weight
    Plyometrics Heavy Speed training
    Max Strength week 3:
    Wk 3 90% of max weight, , ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Half squats (3x8,)
    Half cleans (3x3)
    Bench Press (3x3)
    Dead lifts (3x8)
    Military Press (4x12)
    Lat pull (4x10)
    Double crunches (3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)

    Hypotrophy week 4:
    4 sessions per week of weights: wk 6 80% of max weight
    , ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Over head squats (4x12)
    Dead lifts (4x8,)
    Lat pull downs (4x12)
    Seated rows (4x12)
    Standing calf raise (4x10)
    Preacher curls (4x12)
    Leg curls (4x8)

    2)Day 2 & 5(Tues,Fri)

    Bench Press (4x12)
    Military press (4x12)
    Shoulder shrugs (4x12)
    Lateral raises (4x12)
    Tricep Extension 4x12)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x18,4x15, 3x18,4x15,4x20)
    Double crunches (3x15,3x18,4x15, 3x18,4x15,4x20)
    Neck Machine

    b) 2 sessions per week plyo(4 weeks)

    Zig zag hops
    Single leg tuck jumps
    Single leg lateral jumps
    Depth jumps
    Lateral Jump to box 2 legs
    Bounding with rings(Z 3-4 ft apart)Quickly
    Bounding Sq ring drill (3-4 ft apart) Quickly
    Lateral Box jumps

    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Phase 5 : Hypotrophy/max

    Week 1-2
    Goal: To increase Muscle mass, flexibility, and speed
    Circuit training 2 weeks: 15 stations, 3-5 sets, rest period 3-4 minutes doing stretching during rest(between sets), 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, body parts are worked only twice a week, ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    a)4 sessions per week of weights: wk 1 60% , wk 2 70-80%, of max weight,
    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Over head squats (3x12,4x10,)
    Dead lifts (4x8,,4x8, 4x8,)
    Lat pull downs (3x12,4x10,)
    Seated rows ( 3x12,4x10,)
    Standing calf raise ( 3x15,4x12,)
    Preacher curls ( 3x12,4x10)
    Leg curls ( 4x10,4x10,)

    2)Day 2 & 5(Tues,Fri)

    Bench Press ( 3x12,4x10,)
    Shoulder /military press (3x12,4x10,)
    Shoulder shrugs
    ( 3x12,4x10,)
    Lateral raises ( 3x12,4x10,)
    Tricep Extension ( 3x12,4x10,)
    Twisted crunches( 3x18,4x15,)
    Double crunches ( 3x18,4x15,)
    Neck Machine

    b) 3 sessions per week plyo
    c) 6 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Week 4-5
    Phase 3: Max Strength
    Goal: To increase strength, power and quickness
    Circuit training 2 weeks: 4-7 stations, 3-5 sets, 1-4 reps, minutes doing stretching during rest between stations, 90 secs rest between reps, 48 hr rest period between sessions, Explosive controlled speed of lifts, 80-90% of max weight, body parts are worked only twice a week, 1/4 to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    Sessions: 2-3 sessions per week of weights: wk 2-80%, wk 3 90%,
    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Half squats (3x6,3x3)
    Half cleans (3x6,3x3)
    Bench Press (,3x6,3x3)
    Dead lifts (3x10,3x8 )
    Military Press (4x15,4x12)
    Lat pulls (4x12,4x10)
    Double crunches (3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)

    b) 3 sessions per week plyo
    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Phase 6 : Max Strength
    Goal: To increase strength, power and quickness
    Circuit training 3 weeks: 4-7 stations, 3-5 sets, 1-4 reps, minutes doing stretching during rest between stations, 90 secs rest between reps, 48 hr rest period between sessions, Explosive controlled speed of lifts, 85-100% of max weight, body parts are worked only twice a week, 1/4 to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    a)2-3 sessions per week of weights:
    wk1 70%, wk 2-80%, wk 3 90%, wk 4 70% , wk 5 90%, wk 6 95% of max weight,

    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Half squats (3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Half cleans ( 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Bench Press ( 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Dead lifts ( 3x10,3x8,3x8)
    Military Press (3x15,4x12,4x10)
    Lat pulls (3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Double crunches ( 3x15,3x20,3x25)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x20,3x25)

    b) 3 sessions per week plyo
    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Phase 7 :Prep for Spring Ball tryouts

    Goal: To increase Muscle mass, flexibility, and speed
    Circuit training 2 weeks: 15 stations, 3-5 sets, rest period 3-4 minutes doing stretching during rest(between sets), 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, body parts are worked only twice a week, ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    Sessions: Week 1 & 2
    a)4 sessions per week of weights:
    wk 5 70%, wk 6 80% of max weight,
    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Over head squats (4x10,4x12)
    Dead lifts (4x8, 4x8,)
    Lat pull downs (4x10,4x12)
    Seated rows (4x10,4x12)
    Standing calf raise (4x12,4x10)
    Preacher curls (4x10,4x12)
    Leg curls (4x10,4x8)

    2)Day 2 & 5(Tues,Fri)

    Bench Press (4x10,4x12)
    Shoulder /military press (4x10,4x12)
    Shoulder shrugs (4x10,4x12)
    Lateral raises (4x10,4x12)
    Tricep Extension (4x10,4x12)
    Twisted crunches(4x15,4x20)
    Double crunch: (4x15,4x20)
    Neck Machine

    b) 3 sessions per week plyo
    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

    Power Combo
    Goal: Develop Power and speed and increase cardio
    Circuit training 4 weeks: 15 stations, 3-5 sets, rest period 3-4 minutes doing stretching during rest(between sets), 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, body parts are worked only twice a week, ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    Week 3:
    Circuit training 2 weeks:
    12 stations, 3 circuits, rest period 2-3 minutes between stations, 75 secs between reps, medium controlled speed of lifts, 50-60% of max weight
    Plyometrics Heavy Speed training
    Max Strength week 4:
    Wk 3 90% of max weight, , ¼ to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Half squats (3x8,)
    Half cleans (3x3)
    Bench Press (3x3)
    Dead lifts (3x8)
    Military Press (4x12)
    Lat pull (4x10)
    Double crunches (3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x20,3x20, 3x15,3x20,3x25)

    Max Strength
    Goal: To increase strength, power and quickness
    Circuit training 1=3 weeks: 4-7 stations, 3-5 sets, 1-4 reps, minutes doing stretching during rest between stations, 90 secs rest between reps, 48 hr rest period between sessions, Explosive controlled speed of lifts, 85-100% of max weight, body parts are worked only twice a week, 1/4 to ½ hr stretching at end of work out
    a)2-3 sessions per week of weights:
    wk1 70%, wk 2-80%, wk 3 90%, wk 4 70% , wk 5 90%, wk 6 95% of max weight,

    1)Day 1 & 4(mon,thur)

    Half squats (3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Half cleans ( 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Bench Press ( 3x8,3x3,3x2)
    Dead lifts ( 3x10,3x8,3x8)
    Military Press (3x15,4x12,4x10)
    Lat pulls (3x12,4x10,4x12)
    Double crunches ( 3x15,3x20,3x25)
    Twisted crunches(3x15,3x20,3x25)

    b) 3 sessions per week plyo
    c) 3 sessions per week cardio
    d) Stretching everyday

  2. #2
    CDiesel313's Avatar
    CDiesel313 is offline New Member
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    Detroit, MI
    Why half squats just out of curiosity?

  3. #3
    CDiesel313's Avatar
    CDiesel313 is offline New Member
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    Detroit, MI
    Also, go to Joe Defranco's website. He is the best football strength and conditioning coach in the country IMO. He has a variety of things on there that will give you some ideas. I know he's a busy dude especially with the season coming up but if you give him time and shoot him an e-mail he'll more then likely answer your questions...

  4. #4
    doc82nd is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010
    I'm not sure about the half squats.
    To be honest I'm a little skeptical of them. To me it doesn't make much sense to do a half the range of squat. I don't see the benefit in it.

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