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  1. #1
    Hsheer's Avatar
    Hsheer is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2010

    Confused !! rest to gain ??

    I'm really confused, Isn't the rest is the key for muscle mass ?? we have been told so many times if we want to gain we will have train the muscle once a week, low sets, low reps (12) maximum.

    but when we see the sport athletes, we can see that the most developed muscle in their body is the muscle that they use the most.

    For example: Soccer they use their legs more frequently and it's the most developed muscle part, swimming chest and abs, gymnastics Biceps and lats and the list can go on

    and you can notice the same thing with your legs, since you always use your legs (waking, running, stairs, stand) your legs will improve faster and you can lift heavier weights.

    the question is, if for example I used my chest in 4 times a week with light weight (pushup for example). and once with a heavy weight as usual can i improve my chest ?

  2. #2
    LawMan018's Avatar
    LawMan018 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hsheer View Post
    I'm really confused, Isn't the rest is the key for muscle mass ?? we have been told so many times if we want to gain we will have train the muscle once a week, low sets, low reps (12) maximum.

    but when we see the sport athletes, we can see that the most developed muscle in their body is the muscle that they use the most.

    For example: Soccer they use their legs more frequently and it's the most developed muscle part, swimming chest and abs, gymnastics Biceps and lats and the list can go on

    and you can notice the same thing with your legs, since you always use your legs (waking, running, stairs, stand) your legs will improve faster and you can lift heavier weights.

    the question is, if for example I used my chest in 4 times a week with light weight (pushup for example). and once with a heavy weight as usual can i improve my chest ?
    Working out a muscle 5 days a week with only 2 rest days is "way" overtraining. These athletes aren't bodybuilders, they're not training for purely size gains. They also have dialed in diets, top of the line training, and low bodyfat. Now compare these guys to bodybuilders? Bodybuilders are far more muscular, obviously. Point being, if you want to train for Soccer, train for Soccer. If you want to train for Gymnastics, train for gymnastics. If you want to train for the most badass thing you could ever train for, train for bodybuilding!

  3. #3
    Hsheer's Avatar
    Hsheer is offline Junior Member
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    you are right, their training is different. but if you compare this particular muscle to their body you can see that it's more developed. and 100% they train their full body equally.

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