Hey guys how are doing.
I have been on a HIT type of workout for about 1 month now, wish gets me training with weights 2 times a week.
And a methode that is called the 10-5-3
wish i apply to bench press then i will do the same with squats.
I do 5X10 of bench the first week
then 2 sets of chins max
then 2 sets of bent rows for about 6-8 try to fail
and then 2 sets of bb curls for 8-10 reps
and finally squats 2 sets of 6-8
I train to failure each time, and i change my workout around, i am giving this training a try for the next 3 months.
Man i am getting bigger already. Shoulder, chest and even triceps are getting bigger.
A guy on another board told me how to do this training.
I really laugh at him, your gonna have me training 2 days a week with about 10 sets total and i am gonna get bigger and stonger yeah right.
Now i am also keeping a log of all my lifts wish really helps to.
Started doing tae bo with my girlfriend, bough billy blanks tapes, this guy is great.
Everything is going quit well.
Anyways good luck to you all, how are you billy boy by now you must be huge hey.