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Thread: How to improve grip

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    How to improve grip

    What are some good excersizes to improve grip

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    It's all in the forearms ......

    reverse grip curls (any) emphasize the forearms ......
    also doing shrugs with DB's, and any DB work works them as well ...

    also, try doing row movements with barbells rather than row machines, as this will help as well ....

    keep in mind however, that some people just don't have strong grips

    that's why they made straps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    I dont mean to jack this thread but since we are talking about forearms...

    does it hurt to work forearms 2x per week?? as of now i do them 1 time per week, and i do 4 sets of 10 reverse wrist curls, and 4 sets of 10 regular wrist curls. just curious. thanks!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    It shouldn't hurt if you added them in specifically on another day

    maybe doing the "twists" you know .... using the 'indian rub' motion to lower and raise a weight (tied to a bar or broomstick or whatever), or getting some DB's or an EZ bar and laying your arms on your thighs with just your wrists hanging off and then "wrist curling" the bar or DB ....

    the way it works with me, I don't really have to work them (as with calves) because they are worked well enough with my other excercises ..

    but I like to shock em here and there so they don't get sloppy

  5. #5
    try the farmers walk to improve your grip. Grab the heaviest dumbells you can hold onto (steadily) and pick a point in the gym and walk toward it and back. By the time you get back you forearms should be screamin. Just make sure not to run anyone over. LOL

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