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Thread: Smaller chest compared to shoulders

  1. #1
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    Smaller chest compared to shoulders

    Hey guys

    I feel that my chest is overpowered by my shoulders and arms..

    I really want to incease its size.

    My current routine is as follows:

    Exercise 1 - Incline dumbbell Press 3 sets
    Exercise 2 - Smith machine focused bench press
    Exercise 3 - Dumbbell flies
    Exercise 4 - Decline cable crossovers

    Basically I want to increase so my shoulders dont overpower it so much.

    I will post a photo

    What do you guys recommend?

  2. #2
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    In a hurry ATM but in brief toss the Smith out, and utilize more compound movements for chest.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Go back to basics

    Incline press

    Done, keep intensity up and volume down is my aproach

  4. #4
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    reckon i should start with bench press then or incline press??

  5. #5
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    incline press or dumbbells?

  6. #6
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    When I sub incline bench into my routine I always like to start with it because I am the strongest and I feel it gives me the best results. IMO it fills out the entire chest better than a regular flat bench.

    Depending on your experience level, I may recommend pre-exhausting your triceps and shoulders and then running through a regular chest routine. Your weights would drop significantly but it would put a hurtin' on your chest.

  7. #7
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    I would definitely get rid of the "decline cable crossovers" and replace those with dips (leaning forward) and make sure you go all the way down and get a big stretch and full range of motion

  8. #8
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    Get rid of the smith machine. Try dynamic bench presses (alternating grips for each set)

  9. #9
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    thanks for the ideas fellas

    i think i will actually start with bench press

    then incline dumbbell press


    and dips to finish

    what you think about that?

  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    thanks for the ideas fellas

    i think i will actually start with bench press

    then incline dumbbell press


    and dips to finish

    what you think about that?
    There is no need for all of these exercises

    U dont need to hit a muscle from every angel to make it grow, you must hit it hard, go home and rest, come back next week and progress

    Pick 2 movements and do 2 all out sets on each of them after warming up

    Drop sets rest pauses negatives forced reps

    Then rest and grow and come back stronger and lift more weight

  11. #11
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    IMO, 2 compound horizontal movements (dropsets, negatives), weighted dips, and one fst-7 isolation movement. All free weight so that you don't neglect the stabilizer fibers.
    Last edited by HawaiianPride.; 09-15-2010 at 04:25 AM.

  12. #12
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    so what would you recommend in detail hawaiin following that protocol?

  13. #13
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    i also do biceps after chest btw just so you guys are aware

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    so what would you recommend in detail hawaiin following that protocol?
    Flat BB Bench Press (focus on a 3 sec negative on the way down, then explode up)
    Flat DB Bench Press (while drop setting 2 warm ups and 2 working sets total)
    Weighted dips are self explanitory. (3 working sets, keep the weight the same, do not taper up or down!)
    Flat DB Flyes (fst-7 method. 7 sets with 30 second breaks between each set between the 8-10 rep range, you'll be dead here)

    Follow this and it'll not only guarantee to not OT, but it'll make that chest grow like no other.

  15. #15
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    ok thanks hawaiian im going to follow this now

    how many sets do you recommend for first 3 exercises??

  16. #16
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    I edited it for you.

  17. #17
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    In regards to your incline bench how much of an incline do you use? I have been reading lately that if you use the standard bench that is pre positioned for incline it's to high and you work your traps more than upper chest. Try about 1/2 the normal incline. I feel it more in the desired area now.

    Also the floor press with a wide grip is said to build good mass for the chest. I have not tried them YET... Soon.

  18. #18
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    i work fairly inclined yeh

    hawaiian flat bb press u reckon 3 sets as well?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    In regards to your incline bench how much of an incline do you use? I have been reading lately that if you use the standard bench that is pre positioned for incline it's to high and you work your traps more than upper chest. Try about 1/2 the normal incline. I feel it more in the desired area now.

    Also the floor press with a wide grip is said to build good mass for the chest. I have not tried them YET... Soon.
    I use a standard incline bench press. The difference in feel for me comes down to bar placement, range of motion, and proper form. Unless your bringing that bar down to just around your clavicle your not doing it right IMO.

  20. #20
    I would do one or two warmups so you can stretch it out a litttle and dont get injured. then take a flat bench and just slightly give it a decline. And do ONE all out hard core 6-8 rep with couple forced if you have a partner or just partials and thats it for that. Then take the bench and give it a very slight incline. Maybe one warmup. Then again like i said for the declines, one all out intense set! And thats it. well for working out the chest that day. now you have to make sure you get your proteins, carbs, and fats. Thats when you grow!! Good Luck!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    i work fairly inclined yeh

    hawaiian flat bb press u reckon 3 sets as well?
    Yes, 3 working sets and 2 warm up sets with light weight.

    30% incline if you wish to change it up from week to week.

  22. #22
    Im gonna try this too.. I guess I have been takin the hit every angle routine and its not really giving me the results Ive been looking for. Thanks for the info!

  23. #23
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    I know I'm repeating what most people are saying but just go back the basics for the chest. Heavy bench presses. Then time to recover. Your chest won't grow unless you overload it with weight. Smith Machine, cable cross overs, they don't have the same impact at all as the regular bench press. Dips yeah but you need weighted dips and heavy ones at that to do anything. I'd say the best way to build up a chest is to do your bench press routine, go heavy on the last few sets and finish off with some dumbbell flyes. Then another day do your heavy dips and incline presses. Just make sure you take a note of exactly what you did in a diary and try beat it next time. If there's no progression with that there will be none in your chest.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post
    i work fairly inclined yeh

    hawaiian flat bb press u reckon 3 sets as well?
    Yeah mate,

    I seriously reckon that high reps with a really low weight (im talking 100+ reps) will do the best job. I know people disagree but i think im walking proof that it works

  25. #25
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    Old thread, but, IMO

    OP is all shouders, therefore he should be doing Declines, this will remove a lot of the shoulder work, also allows you to lift more weight and hit more chest fibers.

  26. #26
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    Lot's of advice here already, it's been two months Tembe? You have a nice build already, I have a similar problem with the overpowering shoulders so I'd be curious to see what you did and how it worked, post some pics again and let us know, please.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Lot's of advice here already, it's been two months Tembe? You have a nice build already, I have a similar problem with the overpowering shoulders so I'd be curious to see what you did and how it worked, post some pics again and let us know, please.
    Same here, how are you progressing?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Flat BB Bench Press (focus on a 3 sec negative on the way down, then explode up)
    Flat DB Bench Press (while drop setting 2 warm ups and 2 working sets total)
    Weighted dips are self explanitory. (3 working sets, keep the weight the same, do not taper up or down!)
    Flat DB Flyes (fst-7 method. 7 sets with 30 second breaks between each set between the 8-10 rep range, you'll be dead here)

    Follow this and it'll not only guarantee to not OT, but it'll make that chest grow like no other.
    I do something similar to this for my chest. Works fine.... depends on your routine. I have a day for chest, but it fits into the overall workout routine for me. Good luck.... seems like you have enough advice on here, now just get to work and give it some time. Remember everyones build is different... so your chest might be a bit smaller by genetic make up. Still no excuse not to get after it and work it to the max.

  29. #29
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    Hawaiian posted a great routine but I had the same problem until recently when I actually learned how to bench. I used to allow my wrists to come back, which would take a lot of strain off the chest and onto my triceps. A lot of guys think their form is good until they really analyze it. Think about how many golf swings out there are completely wrong, as an example. Sure you can still shoot a 78 now and then with an improper back-swing but until you watch it on tape, get a coach, and correct it - you can forget about playing on tour.

  30. #30
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Concentrate on your weaker body parts IE chest by focusing on compound movements and build some mass in there, forget isolation movements for the time being hit your chest hard and heavy with some intense protocols like drop setting and rest/pause, give yourself time to recover and get back in there and do it all over again but heavier, if you want a big chest it isn't going to come over night extreme measure are needed if its stubborn so create an intense protocol and hit from every angle

  31. #31

  32. #32
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    hey guys

    cheers for all the responses

    its been 2 months now and ive built up my chest quite a bit current routine which im finding is working very well atm is....

    Decline Bench Press - 4 sets
    Incline Dumbbell Press - 3 sets (extra emphasis on negative and allowing for good stretch)
    Flat dumbbell flyes - 3 sets (once again extra emphasis on negative and allowing for good stretch)
    Dips - 3 sets keeping body as angled as possible so all tension is on chest

    Im finding this is really helping me atm to build up chest more...we will see during my next cycle as to how welll it is...

    i will b posting up follow up pics shortly..just bit busy atm with exams and such...

    shoulders still however dominate physique as i feel mine grow very easily... not too bad a thing though as it does look good in poses

  33. #33
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    I have found flat bench to be particularly useless cos it focuses alot of pressure on my delts..and i dont feel it fully in the chest...decline as said above focuses much more on the chest and im getting a much better workout..thanks to dorian haha

  34. #34
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    I win

  35. #35
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    Post them pics.

  36. #36
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    Sometimes I wonder why people even use a barbell anymore.....anyways try keeping your elbows in towards your body, this will keep the weight squared more on your chest as opposed to your shoulders. It takes some getting used to but it will give your chest another reason to grow....less help from your shoulders.

  37. #37
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    I've also been incorporating reverse grip bench press on the flat bench, focuses more on the upper chest and tends to remove the shoulder almost completely, obviously takes some getting used to and have to drop the weight dramatically during the learning curve, but you will like what it will do for your size and shape.

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