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Thread: My workout idea - will i be over doing it?

  1. #1

    My workout idea - will i be over doing it?

    Hi guys, im planning in re-vamping my workout routine for next week when i hopefully start my first cycle and i want to do everything RIGHT:

    currently i am lifting heavy going every other day to the gym allowing sufficient rest period for growth. however when on cycle it will be more acceptable to more often thus more beneficial i feel so here is what i am thinking.

    27 Male
    BF: i would guess 16-17%.

    5 day routine with day 6 and or 7 being cardio only.

    Monday - Chest + (Squat 3 sets) + Calves
    Tuesday - Arms + (Deadlift3 sets) + Abs
    Wednesday - Back (Squat 3 sets) + Calves
    Thursday - shoulders (Deadlift 3 sets) + Abs
    Friday - Legs (Squat 3 sets) + Calves
    Sat/Sun - Rest and/or Cardio

    looking to get BIG so it is my understanding to life HEAVY and low reps.
    also the cycle i am interested in doing for my first is: Dbols and Test E

    here is my opening post for all my stats and my story etc.

    thanks for any help
    Last edited by spidartanks; 09-23-2010 at 06:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Overtraining. Arms back arms is too much for biceps imho. Your also gonna kill your lower back with all them deads n squats. Where's the shoulder day?

  3. #3
    Sorry the 2nd arm day was supposed to say shoulders: but I've done some digging. What would you think of THIS routine instead

    I would like to add more squats and deads, can someone tell me where you would recommend doing this and on what days?
    I figure cardio I will do on 1 rest day and 2 days after weights for 30mins

    Day 1 - Heavy Upper.
    Bench 3 x 3 or 3 x 5
    Row 3 x 5
    OH Press 3 x 5

    Day 2 - Heavy Lower. Squats 3 x 3 or 3 x 5
    GHR 3 x 5
    Calves 3 x 6

    Day3 - Rest

    Days 4-7 All exercises are 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps.

    Day 4 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps.
    Bench or Dips
    DB Flyes
    Side Lateral Raises
    Front Lateral Raises
    Tricep Isolation

    Day 5 - Back, Biceps.
    Wide Grip Chins

    Day 6 - Legs.
    Squat Variant
    Leg Press
    Ham Work
    Calf Work

    Day 7 - Rest

  4. #4
    3 sets of squats ? no build-up to the heavy weight ? just gonna do a few jumping jacks and throw on your 90% max and go at it ?

    GHR ??

  5. #5
    No no, i do 3 working sets and 2 build up sets - like 330lb squats, i'll start with 180, do 12 then 225lb then do a set of 10 then 275 do a set of 6 then do my 330's -

    i just included the working sets? any other thoughts

    GHR - Glute Hamstring raises

  6. #6
    then if you're going at your legs that way, i'd have at least 1 extra day of rest in there before jumping in the squat rack again

    refresh me on the motion of the GHR - what i have in my mid is the kick back that i see women doing all the time for their glutes.....nevermind. i just googled - i call them Archuleta's.... (adam archuleta was the master at these)

    also for your legs, i know it's more of a "show" muscle, but mix in some leg extensions. you get heavy enough and that outer quad will build up

    on your day 4, you could superset or just alternate your lateral / front raises & also throw in an arnold press (i'm a huge fan of arnold press)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Orange County, CA
    Where did the deads go?

  8. #8
    Thanks for the constructive critism:j let me make some adjustments, throw in some leg extenstions and take a look at the arnold press and see what I can do about rest days and ill throw up the revised copy. Also I did forget to ad in deads, ill also break down some warm up sets. Hopefully I can get some good size and strength from this routine once she's perfected.

    Ya GHR - like the girl version only a lot harder to do. Ha

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Low reps creates strength.. higher reps creates volume

    althoguh you will heal a bit quicker on juice, you still need ample recovery time that can vary anywhere from 48-96 hours depending on the individual

    i would not recomend doing too many sets of six while on steroids, you will feel inclined to increasee the weight and will run a high risk of hurting yourself.. Steroids is more about diet than training.

    if you feel inclined to workout 5+ days a week i suggest you use my 5 day split.. If on the last set of when it says (to failure) you can do 12 reps, than increase the weight 5-10kg and do that until you can do 12 reps in last set and keep increasing your weight this way.. it is working wonders for me...

    Sunday – OFF

    Monday – Back & Bi’s
    4x8-12 Lateral Wide Grip Pull downs (to failure)
    3x8-12 Sitting V-Grip Rows
    3x8-12 Standing T-Bar Rows (to failure)
    3x8-12 Preacher Curls
    3x16-24 Alternating Dumbbell Curls (to failure)

    20-30 minutes of cardio

    Tuesday - Legs & Core
    3x8-10 Squats
    3x10-12 Leg Press
    3x12 Leg Extensions (to failure)
    3x12 Hamstring Curls (to failure)
    4x12 Calf Raises
    3xfailure Plank exercises
    3xfailure Ball Static Bridges

    Wednesday – Chest & Tri’s
    4x8-10 Bench Press (to failure)
    3x8-12 Dumbbell Bench Press
    3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
    3x8-12 Cable Cross Over (to failure)
    3x8-12 Rope Tricep Push downs
    3x8-12 Weighted Dips (to failure)

    20-30 minutes cardio

    Thursday – OFF

    Friday – Shoulders, Neck & Bi’s
    3x16-20 Front/Side Alternating Dumbbell Raises
    4x8-10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    3x8-10 Shrugs (to failure)
    3x8-12 Preacher Curls
    3x8-12 Isolated Dumbbell Preacher Curls (to failure)
    3x12-15 Weighted Neck Raises

    20-30 minutes of cardio

    Saturday – Legs, Forearms & Core
    4x8-12 Dead Lifts
    3x8-12 Abductor Machine
    3x8-12 Adductor Machine
    3x8-12 Wrist Curls (for forearms)
    3xfailure Plank exercises
    3xfailure Ball Static Bridges

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Low reps creates strength.. higher reps creates volume

    i would not recomend doing too many sets of six while on steroids, you will feel inclined to increasee the weight and will run a high risk of hurting yourself..Steroids is correct grammar is "are" more about diet than training.don't necessarily agree with this. increase the weight as needed. stronger muscles are usually bigger than weaker muscles. unless you're a corn fed kid from nebraska, i don't see too many 180 lb guys throwing around heavy weights

    if you feel inclined to workout 5+ days a week i suggest you use my 5 day split.. If on the last set of when it says (to failure) you can do 12 reps, than increase the weight 5-10kg and do that until you can do 12 reps in last set and keep increasing your weight this way.. it is working wonders for me... this works in the same manner as maxing out. you keep forcing yourself to do heavier weight, sooner or later your body will learn to adapt

    Sunday – OFF

    Monday – Back & Bi’s
    4x8-12 Lateral Wide Grip Pull downs (to failure)
    3x8-12 Sitting V-Grip Rows
    3x8-12 Standing T-Bar Rows (to failure)
    3x8-12 Preacher Curls
    3x16-24 Alternating Dumbbell Curls (to failure)

    20-30 minutes of cardio

    Tuesday - Legs & Core
    3x8-10 Squats
    3x10-12 Leg Pressnot a fan of leg press right after squats. why not isolate some other smaller muscles first, and then come back to this near the end?
    3x12 Leg Extensions (to failure)
    3x12 Hamstring Curls (to failure)
    4x12 Calf Raises
    3xfailure Plank exercises
    3xfailure Ball Static Bridges6 sets of planks won't be considered enough for most guys. you know people on here like to have their abs show, and are going to continue to do traditional exercises, not pilates style stuff. i myself do planks, but i also work in some traditional stuff for the aesthetic look, but always stretching the front side so i don't get tight

    Wednesday – Chest & Tri’s
    4x8-10 Bench Press (to failure)
    3x8-12 Dumbbell Bench Press try super-setting flys with one of these. you'll see a great pump
    3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
    3x8-12 Cable Cross Over (to failure)
    3x8-12 Rope Tricep Push downs never been a fan of any "push-down". i'd rather push up (ie. french press, skull crushers). lot of people tend to lean forward when doing these and just end up using upper body mass instead of tricep isolation.
    3x8-12 Weighted Dips (to failure)

    20-30 minutes cardio

    Thursday – OFF

    Friday – Shoulders, Neck & Bi’s not much of a shoulder workout
    3x16-20 Front/Side Alternating Dumbbell Raises
    4x8-10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press i'd move this to the top
    3x8-10 Shrugs (to failure)
    3x8-12 Preacher Curlsyou really like your biceps huh?
    3x8-12 Isolated Dumbbell Preacher Curls (to failure)
    3x12-15 Weighted Neck Raises

    20-30 minutes of cardio

    Saturday – Legs, Forearms & Core not much of a leg workout. why not mix in lunges or one-leg leg press / hack squat
    4x8-12 Dead Lifts
    3x8-12 Abductor Machine why not superset these into 2 sets
    3x8-12 Adductor Machine
    3x8-12 Wrist Curls (for forearms)
    3xfailure Plank exercises
    3xfailure Ball Static Bridges
    read bolds

  11. #11
    THanks for the advice and the new routine offered. it seems like it is pretty solid.

    i would like to perhaps give my routine a shot though, my thinking was that i can lift heavy 2 days a week (so i will see more of the test doing its thing in the strength department) and then on the other 4 days i will be doing higher reps for more size
    that was my thought, i got the routine off of the web and it seemed to of had good reviews, i made a few small changes to it.

    perhaps can someone work with it and give me feedback of what my routine is like where it needs to be changed etc.?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by spidartanks View Post
    i would like to perhaps give my routine a shot though, my thinking was that i can lift heavy 2 days a week (so i will see more of the test doing its thing in the strength department) and then on the other 4 days i will be doing higher reps for more size
    that was my thought, i got the routine off of the web and it seemed to of had good reviews, i made a few small changes to it.?
    now i'm no guru or incredible hulk, but when i train for strength, i train for strength and nothing else. which is why i mixup my routine every 6-8 weeks as i deem necessary. at my age it seems like i can only go super heavy for about 6-8 weeks as is before shit starts hurting.

    kinda like doing super heavy squats and then a few days later going on a 80 mile bike ride. they'll counteract with each other.

  13. #13 for thought?!

    i WANT the best routine i can get for when i start my first cycle, i am in the process of dialing in a more "specific" diet too!

    i know i am coming off of a strength program, basically i do main compounds: Deadlifts, squats, Row, Bench, Overhead press, HEAVY HEAVY and i do need a chang its been around 8 weeks on this. so i was thinking the 2 days heavy 4 not is a compromise?

    basically i want to see the gaines i suppose?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by spidartanks View Post for thought?!

    i WANT the best routine i can get for when i start my first cycle, i am in the process of dialing in a more "specific" diet too!

    i know i am coming off of a strength program, basically i do main compounds: Deadlifts, squats, Row, Bench, Overhead press, HEAVY HEAVY and i do need a chang its been around 8 weeks on this. so i was thinking the 2 days heavy 4 not is a compromise?

    basically i want to see the gaines i suppose?
    You want to see the gains, huh?

    So you mean you want to see yourself lift more and get bigger right?

    More muscle = More size = More strenght.

    I mean, it is almost every day that someone post a routine or a specific method of lifting that separates strenght training from size gaining training. Aren't they the same? It's not like you are lifting more and more weight by using PURE WILL POWER alone, hahah.

    In your original post I see plenty of workout and heavy lifting but I don't see much of a REST at all. When do you expect your body to recover from all this lifting? Not to mention building muscle mass?

    Keep lifting heavy and make progress every workout. Have a great nutrition and plenty of REST to ensure that your body has enough time to recover and grow.

    It is completely normal to see major strenght gains at first before the obvious size gains occur.

    Good luck.

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