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Thread: Need to improve speed and agiltiy for rugby

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Need to improve speed and agiltiy for rugby

    Hi guys. Ive joined a new rugby 2 weeks ago after nearly 2 years out of the game. Reason I stopped playing was because I played in uni, then when I graduated I just focused on weight training. Anyway, I thought because of all the weight training Ive done and the fact Im in better shape than most of the other guys that I wouldve been in a strong position (trust me though, wasnt being cocky or simply presuming Id steamroll smaller guys). However, today was my first match with the team and it went terribly. Got taken out of it in rucks, couldnt get the opposition player to ground after making initial contact on a tackle and I was left for dead in most situations because I was too slow or desperately lacked agility. For example, I was playing flanker and everytime their number 8 took the ball off the back of a scrum he just raced past me or side stepped me.

    Im very disappointed by this because I feel Ive let my team mates down and the coaches who had faith in me. Two things need to be done by me now; need to strenghten my legs and need to work on pace and agility.

    Any input or advice anyone has on a routine I could do to improve technique and speed along with power in my legs would be hugely helpful to me and Id be very thankful!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    These are things that should be worked on during your practice sessions. Talk to your coach, thats what they are there for. As far as strengthening your legs...squats, deadlifts and glute-ham raises work wonders. Power cleans and box jumps are great for explosiveness.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 09-26-2010 at 05:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Power Cleans / Clean and Jerks work great for explosiveness... I just started two weeks ago for first time in 7 year.. i play rugby in ireland too.. what club do u play for? PM me if you don't wanna post on here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Orange County, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Power cleans and box jumps are great for explosiveness.
    ^This.....also work Kettlebells and burpees into your conditioning routine

  5. #5
    I suggest you do plyometric training. It's a leg training strengthening your leg muscles. Many Jump Programs advice this kind training. Try it and after a week of training you will see a good improvements.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    PLyos are great for speed and agility you should also try parachute training...great for hitting someone and "bouncing off em"

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