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Thread: help me put together a work out routine to bring my legs and chest up to par...

  1. #1

    help me put together a work out routine to bring my legs and chest up to par...

    so after having major issues with my feet and not being able to do any squats or any heavy movment involving my feet( major plantars faciatis ) im no back in the gym and looking to get my legs up to par with my upper body.

    my chest has always lacked aswell and i have talked with you guys about how to deal with that.

    so here is my plan. im going to be going on a bulking diet this winter and i really want to focus on putting size on my quads and calfs and chest.

    i want to do legs and chest twice a week but im having a hard time placing the work outs where my body has enough time to rest, and also i dont want to forget about my sholder.

    im thinking of something like this

    mon chest 1
    tues quads and hams
    wed bis and back and calfs
    thurs chest 2
    friday quads hams and calf

    by chest 1 and 2 i will be doing two different chest routines.

    but where can i stick sholders ???

    after i figure out how to space out everything ill move on to tweaking each individule routine..... along with the great minds of this board.

    let me know what you guys think and feel free to let me have it as long as you can give me some pointers on how to change it.



  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    where is shoulders/traps/tris? need to research that guy
    heres mine
    sometimes i miss a day and just do back on weekends.

  4. #4
    traps are done with sholders which ill pro do on sat.

    and i burn my tris out at the end of chest.

    i just want to make sure i do legs and chest twice a week since they are lacking

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Post your stats and personal goals, be specific.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    more info the more AR can assist you mate

  7. #7
    200 pounds
    lifting for 4 years

    goals are to fill out my chest and legs durring my winter bulk and maybe get to 210-215 and then cut down to 205

    ive had issues with my feet so my legs have gone un worked for some time now and i just natturally have a small chest. want to bring them up to speed with my arms back and sholders.

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