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  1. #1
    tinyGuy's Avatar
    tinyGuy is offline Junior Member
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    Shoulder separation and side chest

    Shulder separation
    Can someone tell me how to get that separation, I don't know how to explain it, so I have a picture , I mean that line between the shoulder and the arm.

    Side chest

    Here you have the picture..
    As you can see the line goes up to the shoulder....really nice rounded shape, can someone tell me how should I work my chest in order to get that line?

    Here you have a picture of my chest , All I do for my workout is bench pressing, it really looks underdeveloped.
    Last edited by tinyGuy; 10-17-2010 at 06:39 AM.

  2. #2
    BigBuck6's Avatar
    BigBuck6 is offline Associate Member
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    Shoulder Separation

    You are going to need to add some lateral (side) head mass to those caps by including db and barbell shoulder presses and db lateral (side) raises to start.

    Side Chest

    Once again bro you need to add quite a bit of mass to your frame and then diet down to get that look. DB bench press with help with chest and look into a beginner mass gaining workout to pack on the pounds.

  3. #3
    tinyGuy's Avatar
    tinyGuy is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you man, I train only for about 8 you know but I hope I will get there. I've searched on youtube about those exercises and I will include them into my training.Until know I tried to put on weight...I was skinny about I'm about 160lbs, I want to go up to 175lbs and after that focus more on the muscle, now I try to add more quality weight.

    Is my plan good, to first add weight and after that focus more on the muscle?

  4. #4
    BigBuck6's Avatar
    BigBuck6 is offline Associate Member
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    By add weight do you mean strength or scale weight? Your best bet is to military/shoulder press, dead lift, squat, bench press, and row. You can vary those using different angles and switching between db and barbell but you want to use compound (multi-joint) exercises to add the most quality weight. You will not put on much muscle using machines and cables as you may see a lot of people doing around you (they are either lazy or old). What are your stats? Height? Weight? Age? Experience? We can make a good routine for you; not me necessarily but others on this board will be glad to help you out.

  5. #5
    tinyGuy's Avatar
    tinyGuy is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Age:20 years
    Height: 5.6 ft
    Experience: About 8 months
    Weight: 160lbs
    Body fat: aprox. 12%
    Suplements: Syntha-6, no-xplode, cellmass
    Last edited by tinyGuy; 10-17-2010 at 08:49 AM.

  6. #6
    BigBuck6's Avatar
    BigBuck6 is offline Associate Member
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    Okay have you checked out the diet section? Supplements are good to a certain extent but nothing will help you more than the right diet. I wasted a lot of money on supplements over the years to learn that they aren't that great and won't work magic. Also, before workouts drink as much water as humanly possible and make sure you get in some complex carbohydrate like oatmeal for example to fuel your lifting. Remember that you don't need to slam a protein shake right after either your body has up to 4 hours before it is no longer anabolic . Up until that point your body is releasing a lot of hormones that will help you grow and a protein shake will cut them off for the most part prematurely.

  7. #7
    tinyGuy's Avatar
    tinyGuy is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Up until that point your body is releasing a lot of hormones that will help you grow and a protein shake will cut them off for the most part prematurely.
    That's a great let's say that I wake up at 6:00 am..I have my first meal at 6:30-7:00 ..let's say eggs or oatmeal with milk and a scoop of protein(just for the taste) .....and only 4 hours layters I should take a protein shake..or so? between those 4 hours I will have another meal as how this will count 4 hours after each meal.... or every 4 hours since I wake up?

  8. #8
    BigBuck6's Avatar
    BigBuck6 is offline Associate Member
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    I should have specified that is only applicable right after lifting. In the morning it is good to have a protein shake as soon as you wake up because your body has essentially been fasting for 7-9 hours. Remember though, protein is a supplement and should not replace whole meals.

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