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Thread: workout routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    115 workout routine

    Starting my cycle within a few months and im thinking of starting a new training regime to go along with it, i was browsing on the website and came across there workout routine (follow the link) .
    Just curious what other people have to say about it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I think it's a good place to start if you don't have any current program laid out. What kind of cycle are you going to run and what are your goals going to be?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    test cyp 450mg dbol 25mg ed, build mass, with my current program i feel my body adjusting to it, it feels like a routine now, i thought i might keep going with it and then when i start my cycle id shock it with a different training regime.

    what do you guys think of the EOD training? or do you think training mon to fri and having weekends off is a wiser decision?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Use it as a guide. I'd personally bump all those sets of 2's to sets of 3. I mean 2 sets of 10 calve raises? That's not going to do anything for you. You need to be doing like 4 sets of 15. Needs another chest exercise too. Add some flys in there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    It's going to be a bit tricky, and here's why... (keep in mind this is just my opinion).

    Assuming this is your first cycle, you should notice big size gains, but more importantly, HUGE strength gains. If your body isn't used to lifting heavy as is (at least 3x8, if not 3x6), you're going to be putting a LOT of stress on your ligaments, joints, etc.

    I'd recommend that if you're starting in a few months, and seen that it's going into winter right now (not too worried about toning), that you start pumping out 3x8 (going fairly heavy). Really focus on your big 3 workouts (benchpress / squats / deadlifts) as your core. Currently I'm doing a 4 day a week workout plan as follows

    Day 1 - Chest / Bi's
    Day 2 - Back / Tri's
    Day 3 - Delts / Forearms / Traps
    Day 4 - Legs / Core

    As a rule of thumb, what works for me is about 4 workouts for the larger muscle groups (chest / back / upper legs) and 2-3 workouts for the smaller groups (bi's, tri's, calves).

    Also, start pumping 3-4 days a week with 15/20 mins of cardio, this will get your heart ready for the muscle it's about to put on.

    By the time you hit your cycle you'll be ready to go, also, resist the urge to over train on your cycle... Even though you'll feel like it, don't. Go hard while your at the gym, but make sure your diet + rest is in check, as that plays just as important a role if not more of a role as your actual gear does.

    Hope this helps a bit, best of luck bud

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hey thanks for the advice. ATM I do roughly 10-15 sets per muscle group. And aim for 6 reps per set as heavy as I can lift until failure. I give myself roughly 50 min in the gym to f#%k my muscles up. Approx 2 min rest in between sets. I think I'll stick to training 5 days a week and leaving weekends off and implement a similar training regime to codeegee's .

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