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  1. #1
    GoNoles99 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010

    Thoughts on the 40-day workout and slight changes to it


    Not sure how familiar you guys are with this routine, the basics are:

    • A large posterior chain movement (the deadlift is the right answer)

    • Upper body push (bench press, incline bench press, military press)

    • Upper body pull (pull-ups, rows, or, if you've ignored them like me, heavy bicep curls)

    • A simple full-body explosive move (kettlebell swings or snatches)

    • And something for what I call an "anterior chain" move (an abdominal exercise). I think the ab wheel is king here, but you can also do some movements best suited for lower reps.

    4. Only do two sets of five reps per workout for the deadlift and push/pull exercises, and one set of 20 to 50 for the explosive move. Do a solid single set of five reps for the abs.

    5. Never plan or worry about the weight or the load. Always stay within yourself and go heavy "naturally."

    6. Don't eat chalk, scream, or pound on walls. Simply do each lift without any emotion or excitement and strive for perfect technique.
    The workout is done pretty much every day, with natural rest days built in. I'd aim for 5 days a week.

    I know this program goes against just about everything else we've learned, but it's gotten some pretty good reviews and seems to work.

    I did it last winter and had great results. My 5 rep max for deadlift went up over 100 pounds. Bench went up 30. For my weighted pullups i went from using a 20 lb DB to a 50 lb DB. However, I lost a lot of my strength soon after. I don't remember what I was doing in the gym exactly, I might have been taking it easy and not been pushing myself.

    Anyway, I've been doing a typical 4 day weekly split with poor results. I "look" better - I've lost weight and am more defined, but I want strength. I was thinking of trying this program again, only I'd like to add bicep curls into the routine, so it would look like this:

    1. Deadlift 2x5
    2. Bench/Incline bench 2x5 (alternate every workout)
    3. Weighted Pullups 2x5
    4. Heavy Bicep Curls 2x5
    5. Power Cleans x 20
    6. Heavy abs 1x5

    Thoughts? Would adding the extra set of curls throw everything off? And has anyone else used this routine?

  2. #2
    GoNoles99 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010
    My diet is relatively in check, about as good as it can get considering I am on a college mean plan and have to eat in the dining halls. I eat pretty clean and do my best to get sufficient protein.

    19 years old, and am now 5'9 165.

  3. #3
    sleggio is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    Working the same muscle groups 5 days in a row sounds counter-productive (with the possible exception of forearms, calfs, abs). To get strong (or big), you need to tax the muscle group, give it time to recover through rest/diet, and tax it again. It doesn't look like you'd be taxing any muscle group to the fullest. 2 sets for major bodyparts isn't enough. If your goal is get strong and remain strong, you might want to check out the info posts.

  4. #4
    GoNoles99 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010
    The idea is that you are taxing the muscles enough to give them work, but with only 2 sets you don't need much rest.

    I've read the info posts and like I said, I know this kind of routine goes against most of the standards on here.

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