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  1. #1
    futurestar67 is offline Junior Member
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    Advanced lifter looking for a new routine

    Ive been lifting weights for the past 8 years.

    For the past 2 Ive been doing the same ole muscle group a day 6 days a week routine. I currently get about 20 sets per muscle including warm ups. With about 3 sets to failure.

    Well Im ready for something new.

    I found this on and I wanted to know if you guys think it would be a good routine to try.

    Or if you guys know of any really advanced 5 or 6 day splits with exercises and reps I would really appreciate you sharing them with me.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Post up your stats, ht/wt/bf/age, and your exact routine, including weights used, also post up some pics, and tell us specifically and exactly what you want to accomplish, in order of priority, and what you are willing to do, and not do, to accomplish it.

    I personally would never allow anyone, myself included, to stay on a program for anywhere near 2 years, wow, your body adapts and stops growing too easily. I always recommend a 7 week program followed by one whole week out of the gym and a new program for the next seven weeks.

    I believe I can help, if you provide the above information.

  3. #3
    futurestar67 is offline Junior Member
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    Im 5'11 200lbs. 23 years old. 11% BF

    My routine has been:
    I would like to bulk to about 220. A "clean" bulk if there is such a thing.

    M- Chest, Lower abs
    T-Bi's, Obliques
    W- Shoulders, traps
    T-Tri's, weighted ab work

    Like I said I get 20 sets every day including warmups with 3 sets to failure. I think Im overdoing it b/c Im sore for 2 days after each workout.

  4. #4
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm wanting you to try a push/pull routine, at your age your body should be producing enough growth hormones for you to recover much faster than 168 hrs per bodypart, the smaller muscle groups need to be hit at least twice a week. Biceps or triceps on days by themselves would definitely lend to being overtrained. To put on size you are going to need to go heavier for shorter rep counts.

    Mondays and thursdays are push days: Chest/shoulders/triceps

    Tuesdays and fridays are pull days: legs/back/biceps

    Mondays and Tuesdays will be your heavy days and thursdays and fridays your light days, you will perform similar exercises but the rep range will change.

    always start your workout by jumping rope for one minute solid, when you can do that easily then start adding 15 second increments to your warmup until you are at five minutes of rope jumping and then just stay with that.



    Flat Bench, warm-up sets, these should be three rep warm up sets with progressive weight until you reach your workout weight, then three sets of 6-8 reps, go to failure each time, go up in weight when you are hitting all three sets 8 or more reps
    Incline Bench, no warm up sets here, your chest is warmed up from the flat bench, three workout sets, same rep range.
    flat dumbell flyes - this is not a mass exercise, it is a stretching exercise, the weight does not matter, as a matter of fact it should be just heavy enough to help your arms get a full stretch at the bottom, too heavy and you can cause yourself damage, slow and controlled with a full stretch at the bottom and a pause, when you contract the muscle bring the weights as close together as possible without touching them, and then turn the pinkies in towards each other while feeling the middle of your chest come together.

    The front's of your shoulders have been thoroughly worked here, so we'll move onto the tops and rears.
    Military press: sets and reps the same as the bench press, machine or barbell, depending on your gym
    Dumbbell Shrugs. Pause at the top and bottom, straight up and down, don't roll your shoulders, put the tops of your shoulders into your ears, I like going progressively higher in poundages within the rep range until I can't properly perform the exercise.
    Rear shoulder raises. Bend at the waist, pic a very...very...very...light weight, 5 lbs to start, lean over parallel with the ground with your knees bent and look in front of you at the wall/mirror, keeping your elbows locked and arms straight down in front of you raise them out to your sides with your pinkies up towards the ceiling. At the top of the movement you want them to be about 3 inches above your shoulders and even with your eyeballs, trust me, this hurts and is effective. 8-12 reps, pause at the top.

    Triceps: bodyweighted dips to failure, three sets
    skull crushers, three sets 6-8 reps


    Squats: progressive warm up sets of 11 reps until workout weight, then three sets of 15 - 20 reps, same philosophy as the bench, go to failure, increase weight when you are performing over 20 reps for each of the three sets, when you add the weight it should drop you down to only being able to accomplish 15 reps on your last set.

    Straight legged dead lifts super setted with standing calf raises or toe extensions, stiff legged deads should be done in the 15-20 rep range and calves should be done in sets of 21's, 7 toes in heels out, 7 heels in toes out and 7 straight on.

    Back: Lat Pull downs 3 sets 6-8 reps, followed by bent over barbell rows 3 sets, 6-8 reps

    Biceps: Straight bar curls, full range 3 sets 6-8 reps, concentration curls 3 sets 6-8 reps

    Wed: cardio, ab work if you'd like


    Chest: Incline dumbbell presses, start with a light weight 40 lbs for example, and perform 8-12 reps, then increase by 5 lbs each time within the same rep range, you want to do five work sets, so make sure you are ending at a weight that you can barely get those 12 reps with on your fifth set
    Flat dumbbell presses, your chest is already warmed up, go with three workout sets in that 8-12 rep range

    Shoulders: Rear raises again, just like last time except this time work in the 8-12rep range
    Upright rows, I do this for the traps on shoulder day, 3 sets of 11 reps, do not let the weight go all the way down at the bottom, slow and controlled, no lower than the belly button at the bottom of the motion and almost touch the chin at the top, keep the weight in close to the body the entire time, I use the ez curl bar for this.

    Triceps, rope pushdowns, 3 sets 11 reps, followed by bench dips, three sets to failure


    Deadlifts: 3 sets 8-12 reps, because it is deadlift day we start with back.

    Do a superset for legs, going from machine to machine to machine for the three exercises for the three sets leg extension/leg curl/toe presses, start all over, little or no rest between sets.

    biceps: dumbbell hammer curls, 3 sets, 8-12 reps followed by dumbbell preacher curls, 3 sets 8-12 reps.

    Sat: Cardio, ab work again

    Sunday: Church

  5. #5
    futurestar67 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks so much for the time and effort you put into your response!

    Im gonna give your split a shot because its definetly different than what Ive been doing.

  6. #6
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you are welcome, keep us posted on your progress here, please.

  7. #7
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    to the OP out of interest you are 11% bf do you have abs at the percentage?

    reason i ask is im few percent higher 5'11 206 at 145


  8. #8
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    btw dig that split too

  9. #9
    futurestar67 is offline Junior Member
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    My top four abs show pretty well at 11%. But I definetly need to cut to about 9% to have a good six pack.

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