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Thread: Chest mass help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Chest mass help!!!

    I'm new to this site and am very impressed with the great info on here.seems like most of the posters know their stuff..
    I've been working out off and on for years now.i've always had a small almost undeveloped chest my entire life.i'm aware of the conventional inner chest workouts like close grips,pec flies etc..
    I was wondering if anyone had a secret weapon in their arsenal that puts mass on chest muscles (mainly inner chest)
    believe me,i'm no stranger to weightlifting,and i know every muscle takes time to develop,just wondering if anyone has had luck transforming a small chest quickly..thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Jul 2010
    close grip works triceps.. not inner chest. always do Dumbell Bench and some sort of flyes either dumbell flyes or the cable flyes that will concentrate on inner chest

  3. #3
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    Nov 2010
    Thnx machine..yea i've been concentrating on flies,and db bench..curious if anyone had an unusual excercise maybe..there is a good vid on youtube showing a different approach to cable crosses,i've been doing them at the end of my workouts,have been noticing more cuts in center chest

  4. #4
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    I know where a majic beanstalk is..I have heard there is a majic book at the top with a majic spell that is rumored to give you the perfect chest without any effort whatsoever..

  5. #5
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    Hey sicko...not interested in your "beanstalk"..."no effort whatsoever"??? What is the sense of having a forum when you have someone like you? Come on bro,i'm sure your'e the biggest guy who's on this site and you have all the me a favor,keep your wise ass remarks to yourself or post them to guys who find you anyone who is interested in ansering my question with some sort of intelligence,i'd greatly appreciate it..

  6. #6
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    I've always had a mediocre chest, delts alway blew my chest away though. I used to do the standard thing: 4 Sets Flat BB, 3 Incline DB, 3 worked for a while then I plateaued so I switched to this which has been working GREAT.

    4 Sets Decline BB (most underrated chest exersize)
    3 Sets 15 Degree Incline Smith (Keep the BB sort of in the middle of where you would keep it for flat and incline, when coming down. This hits both incline and Flat through one exersize, and provides very little work from the delts...also eliminates overtraining).
    3 Sets Cables/Flies/ Pec Dec (whatever you like most)
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 11-08-2010 at 10:19 PM.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Dont focus on one area of the chest ie inner chest, concentrate on using compound movements for overall mass, Flat press,incline,decline and dips. What is your exact routine and rep range?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BELLEZZO View Post
    Hey sicko...not interested in your "beanstalk"..."no effort whatsoever"??? What is the sense of having a forum when you have someone like you? Come on bro,i'm sure your'e the biggest guy who's on this site and you have all the me a favor,keep your wise ass remarks to yourself or post them to guys who find you anyone who is interested in ansering my question with some sort of intelligence,i'd greatly appreciate it..
    Well in that case ASK SOME INTELLIGENT QUESTIONS...The saying is "stupid is as stupid does"
    There is no secret or mysterious excercise that will give you a massive chest..Just the tried and true ones that people on this forum have alreeady suggested,but you disregarded them like they were I just thought maybe you would find my answer a sutible answer to your super question..
    Oh and just for your info I am the biggest guy on this forum,that is me in my avatar!!!heheheh

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Well in that case ASK SOME INTELLIGENT QUESTIONS...The saying is "stupid is as stupid does"
    There is no secret or mysterious excercise that will give you a massive chest..Just the tried and true ones that people on this forum have alreeady suggested,but you disregarded them like they were I just thought maybe you would find my answer a sutible answer to your super question..
    Oh and just for your info I am the biggest guy on this forum,that is me in my avatar!!!heheheh
    He is a new member asking a question please cut him some slack, we were all asking questions once when we didnt know, no need to be rude.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    He is a new member asking a question please cut him some slack, we were all asking questions once when we didnt know, no need to be rude.
    Yeh my bad it just seemed like he wasnt looking for a real answer...

  11. #11
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    My inner chest has always lacked as well. I've been focusing on different degrees of incline DB flys and incline on the hammer machine for that deep stretch.

  12. #12
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    Thumbs up Thank you guys

    Thank you for your chest routine normally is as follows:flat bench 3 sets,incline db press 3 sets,decline bb press 3 sets, and either db flies or cable crosses...i also swith up my routine weekly (order wise) and sometimes do incline db flies instead of the db presses..also i might throw in a hammerstrength machine in there somewhere...thank you guys for your input,greatly appreciated

  13. #13
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Anyone who says i need to work my inner chest is missing the point that there whole chest is lacking

    Trying to focus on inner or out chest is BS

    U can fly all u want but it will do u no good, do what marcus said, he is right as usuall

    Just dont listen to what he says about EQ, he dusnt know what he is talking about.

  14. #14
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    U want a big chest or any muscle in actual fact, think about this;

    Progressive resistance overload + surplus of calories + rest = growth

    Its that simple

  15. #15
    incline and decline bb and db...alternate it up and incline and decline db flies twisting your wrists so that your palms face you when the db's touch and flex.... burns like hell once you get the motion down... also each week make sure you either go up in weight or reps never do the same weight and reps two weeks in a row if you are your not pushing yourself hard enough to grow

  16. #16
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    when using dumbell incline try to stretch at the bottom and with flat also and keep elbows close to ur sides doing incline and squeeze at the top... this would be a extra step you can use and also does your chest burn the next day or 2? if it isnt sore then its more your form and honestly its all about good form.. not about quantity its about quality with quantity first u get the quality down then u can go for quantity...

  17. #17
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    Guys thnx alot...your advice is greatly appreciated! Trulbfan3 i will def try that out,i've seen a dude doing that in my gym and was curious about it...newyorkrockstar thank you also...honestly my chest doesnt really ever get that sore..i guess i need to reduce weight and concentrate on my form..where in ny u from bro?

  18. #18
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    If you're never getting sore then you are doing something wrong.. Bump up your reps and burn out. try pyramids. drop sets. negatives!

  19. #19
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    I live in the city.... If you don't feel that soreness then my suggestion is not only can you do drop sets but try doing more weight less reps with good form but increase your sets a lot more and rest for only a minute in-between sets ... I'm sore every time I work out ... You'll get to love that feeling

  20. #20
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    It might be in your form, most guys wont grow from the ol' fire it up and drop it down, going slow and controlled on the negative part should burn you out quite a bit more.

  21. #21
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    Think im going to try a new approach..i was concerned i was maybe overtraining my chest and thats why it wasnt developing correctly.i basically limited myself to 3 or 4 excercises with only 3 sets...ex: Flatbech bb,incline db,decline bb,cable flys....i think every other week i will either super set,or pyramid to failure..i had used aas before but am forced to be natural now...very discouraging!!!!!!!! Natural gains are so minimal and slow it completely ****s with your head...really trying to bulk up this winter and get back to almost where i was when i was on the very determined its just difficult to maintain high calories and get that "edge" in the gym that we get when the "shit" is flowing through your veins...once again i really thank everyone's two cents... It's with hard work,dedication,ambition,lots of iron and help from you guys that i will get back to where i want to be and even exceed it...i will be starting an ostarine cycle soon and i will post a log...just debating which source to use,want to do a little more research on legit sources....nyrockstar and cousinbutch...nice blue noses!!!!!! I have a red nose myself..amazing breed aint they??????

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BELLEZZO View Post
    Think im going to try a new approach..i was concerned i was maybe overtraining my chest and thats why it wasnt developing correctly.i basically limited myself to 3 or 4 excercises with only 3 sets...ex: Flatbech bb,incline db,decline bb,cable flys....i think every other week i will either super set,or pyramid to failure..i had used aas before but am forced to be natural now...very discouraging!!!!!!!! Natural gains are so minimal and slow it completely ****s with your head...really trying to bulk up this winter and get back to almost where i was when i was on the very determined its just difficult to maintain high calories and get that "edge" in the gym that we get when the "shit" is flowing through your veins...once again i really thank everyone's two cents... It's with hard work,dedication,ambition,lots of iron and help from you guys that i will get back to where i want to be and even exceed it...i will be starting an ostarine cycle soon and i will post a log...just debating which source to use,want to do a little more research on legit sources....nyrockstar and cousinbutch...nice blue noses!!!!!! I have a red nose myself..amazing breed aint they??????

    yes i would kill for my pit n vice versa

  23. #23
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    i know it may sound silly but here's my trick and i swear by it good clean food naw just playing

    after every chest type movement ie bench flys or whatever u may be doing after your set go right into a pushup now if your gym has the block dumbbells use them and go deep

    i know it may really sound silly to bust out push ups in the gym but then again iv never cared about how i looked when i am working out

  24. #24
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    You won't get much mass from these but it seems to help my inner chest develop slowly. Like Marcus and the other guys said, you need to go hard and heavy on compound moves to
    build real size.

    When you do your crossovers, actually cross your hands at the peak of the movement and hold them for a count of one before the negative portion of the rep.

    Works for me.

  25. #25
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    what about negatives? are those sufficient for building size? or is that more just a strength thing?

  26. #26
    Here's the deal Bellezzo, you follow this approach for a few months and you'll see some positive changes happening:

    In this order..
    Incline barbell press
    Incline cable flys
    Flat barbell
    Flat cable flys
    Decline barbell press

    Then switch that up from week to week....constitute the barbell bench with dumbell...keep the cable movements the same. This program concentrates on compound mass building movements as well as keeping constant stress on the inner chest, which is what cables provide. Ny questions, hit me up. Good luck!

  27. #27
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    If benching isn't working for you have you tried weighted dips? Technique is a little unusual kind of leaning forward. Almost putting your body into a 'C' shape. Note every body is designed to bench well. Just like every body isn't designed to squat well or deadlift well.

  28. #28
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    Guys thank you very much...i really appreciate yoursuggestions!!! I have been focusing on form and negaqtives alot more lately..i will try and post some pics so it can motivate me to work harder towards a diesel physiche...thanks again

  29. #29
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    here's a new way you could hit the middle of your chest, on of my favs just let me see if i can explain it to where you can understand it...

    needed: barbell, incline bench, 25 or 10lbs plates and a corner (kinda set up like the old close grip bent rows before everywhere had a t bar machine).

    you put one end of the bar on the corner, load the plates on the other; grip the bar on the weighted end as close to the end as you can get it; set the bench up to where the weight comes right at your face and bench it.

    hope this makes sense, ill try to find a vid or something bc idk how to explain it.

  30. #30
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    (dips):thank you,sounds like an unorthodox excercise,definately havent seen anyone do it in the years ive been training...i will def try it and let you know how it feels.really appreciate you guys taking the time out to help me on this issue

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BELLEZZO View Post
    (dips):thank you,sounds like an unorthodox excercise,definately havent seen anyone do it in the years ive been training...i will def try it and let you know how it feels.really appreciate you guys taking the time out to help me on this issue
    let me know how it goes when you tried it. i finished my workout with this move this week for the first time in about 4 or 5 months, and i forgot how awsome of a pump and burn you get from it. 3 sets lead to major crampage in the pecs.

  32. #32
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    One chest wok out that people kind of forget about is pull-overs. it works your back and you chest but its a great way to stretch out o warm up before you start hitting bench.

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