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Thread: Fighting fatigue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Fighting fatigue

    Hi guys,
    I wanted to know how do you deal with fatigue.
    when I have a busy week (work, studying, workouts), I find myself skipping sometimes one workout (on a 5 workouts program) because I'm getting tired :\
    I'm sleeping somewhere around 6-8 hours a night, I'm trying to aim more to 8 hours.
    I'm keeping my 6 meals a day (got a nutritionist), now I'm on a gaining mass program, sometimes when I feel really tired I use caffeine pills or drinking coffee.
    but for the long term it doesn't really help.

    any advices you got?

    tnx :P

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I'm the opposite. Too much time on my hands throws me off my rhythem (at the end of 'tween jobs) and I sluff off. Plus a healthy dose of injury doesn't help either. BUT... before all that krap, I'd wake up at 4:30 and work out for 90 minutes. Lunch time I'd walk/jog a few miles. Evening is more walking with an old buddy of mine. For me, I need the structure to stay motiveated. If I take this friggin gig in Kabul, not sure what Im going to do

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    My advice is to take quick 20 minute naps whenever possible and drop the "nutritionist" because at this point in your life it is most likely not needed and only wasting valuable time whether it be meetings, emails, or phone calls. Everyone goes through that point in their life your at right now if need by eat a little candy here and there for the energy boost that's what Mariusz Pudzianowski does and it seemed to work a bit for me. Above all else stick with it and push yourself hard in the gym and try to adjust your schedule for more sleep if possible.
    Last edited by BigBuck6; 11-21-2010 at 06:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    for a start i would suggest dropping the caffeine because of dependance related fatigue, other than that 5 workouts a week may not be necessary, if your not getting enough rest between workouts you may also get fatigued. But if that doesnt help the best way i deal with fatigue is just going to the gym anyway, tell your fatigue to f*** off and get it done, that seems to work for me atleast. mind over matter

  5. #5
    reduce number of workouts to 3, if your studying and going to work at the same time, a 5 day/wk workout plan is too exhaustive and will not give your body time to heal. maybe take a wk or two off of training and come up with a 3 day split you really like

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