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Thread: leg workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    leg workout

    How is my workout. 8 min stationary bike(warm up). 2 set of suats 15 reps just the bar to feel form. 3 sets of 20 reps and 1 set of heavier weight of 15 reps. 3 sets of db lunges.(just started doing them so I want to get the form correct). 3 sets of leg press also 20 reps. 3 sets of stiff legged deadlifts. 2 sets of ham curls. If I have the strenght to do calves the same day( I know pretty gay). then I do 5 sets of calve raises. I did the calves today after doing heavy squats and I never realised how calves take a beating while squatting. tell me what you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    The bike can really put a beating on your calves. I actually ride my bike to the end of the island (5 miles) on the beach in the winter to train calves and concentrate on the contraction.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I guess thats why my calves felt the way they did. Like I said I never do calves the same day because I don't have the strenght after a hard leg workout. I wonder if is just me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    How old are you, how long have you been lifting, how often do you work legs?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    39 been lifting on and off for years but now I have been steady for a while. My legs have always been the weakest part of my body but I train them just as hard anyway. I lift 2on 1 off, so whenever they fall in the schedule.

  6. #6
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    Forgot to mention don't know if it matters. my diet is pretty good. I am small 5-6 173, 14%bf which I think is pretty decent for my age. Again I am mot looking to compete,just want to look and feel good for my age.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    If I have the strenght to do calves the same day( I know pretty gay). then I do 5 sets of calve raises. I did the calves today after doing heavy squats and I never realised how calves take a beating while squatting. tell me what you think?[/QUOTE]

    IMO I think it's a mistake to do calve before any heavy leg work. If your going to do calves on your leg day do them before anything else. If not they will be to exhausted to push the weight you want to develop them and I think after an exhausting leg routine you won't be focused enough to truly concentrate on them. I do seated calf raises 4 sets of 20 15 15 10 and then the same amount of sets of donkey calf raises @ 10-10-10-10 just after with little rest between...about 30 seconds.....then on to my leg routine.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2004
    Sorry, I'm going to disagree, your calves are definitely going to affect your ability to properly perform squats or leg presses etc. I always save calves for last on leg day. Your leg routine is counter-productive to mass building, 8 minutes is too long of a warm up and two sets of high reps with the bar is also. I'm about your height/weight and I'm 44 years old, so what works for me should work for you. I am currently on a program focusing on legs, I'll post it for you if you are interested.

    Also I'd like you to go to the diet section and check out the "AR remote trainer" thread, it could be just what you are looking for.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Sorry, I'm going to disagree, your calves are definitely going to affect your ability to properly perform squats or leg presses etc. I always save calves for last on leg day. Your leg routine is counter-productive to mass building, 8 minutes is too long of a warm up and two sets of high reps with the bar is also. I'm about your height/weight and I'm 44 years old, so what works for me should work for you. I am currently on a program focusing on legs, I'll post it for you if you are interested.

    Also I'd like you to go to the diet section and check out the "AR remote trainer" thread, it could be just what you are looking for.
    I would definitely be interested in seeing you leg workout and also any help you can give me. The truth is I usually do calves on shoulder day because I bang out shoulders pretty quick so I have some time left for calves and abs. thanks in advance.

  10. #10
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    Just for u guys to see, i will post the leg session i did last night, it was amazing

    Bike warm up 5 mins

    10 mins of lower back mobility and lower body stretching

    All sets have a 60 second rest period, quick pace!
    Leg extension

    Two warm up sets (as its the first movement)
    One set to failure with a few half reps
    One set to failure and beyond with forced negatives

    Leg press

    One warm up set
    One set to failure
    One set to failure and beyond with a drop set

    Hack squat

    One Set to failure
    One set to failure and beyond with forced negatives

    Lying leg curls

    One warm up set
    Two set to failure
    One set to failure and beyond with forced negatives

    Seated calf raise

    Two warm up sets
    One set to failure
    One set to failure and beyond with drop sets

    Standing calf raise

    One set to failure
    One set to failure and beyond with forced reps

    Next week with be more on the hamstring side of thing
    Last edited by baseline_9; 11-23-2010 at 08:25 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nelly View Post
    I would definitely be interested in seeing you leg workout and also any help you can give me. The truth is I usually do calves on shoulder day because I bang out shoulders pretty quick so I have some time left for calves and abs. thanks in advance.
    Monday: Legs

    warm up - walk to squat rack

    45lb bar 11 reps hip below knee
    135lbs 11 reps hip below knee

    10x10 sets 225lbs hip below knee on every rep

    3 sets of stiff legged deadlifts 11 reps with 135lbs supersetted with toe presses on leg press machine 3 sets of 21's (toes in/toes out/toes straight) with 180lbs

    Thursday: leg day two of the week

    warm up - walk to leg machines
    leg extensions 150lbs
    leg curls 60lbs
    toe presses 120lbs

    3 supersets
    leg extensions stack 11reps
    leg curls 80lbs 11reps
    toe presses straight 240lbs 11reps

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