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Thread: Workout Routine

  1. #1

    Workout Routine

    Hey guys,

    I'm getting ready to take a cycle of mass tabs, and I just wanted to make sure I have my actually workout routine in check.

    Day 1- Chest
    Day 2- Back
    Day 3- Off
    Day 4- Bis, Tri's, Shoulders
    Day 5- Legs
    Day 6- Off
    Day 7- Off

    I am more concerned with overworking or underworking any particular bodypart. I am trying to stick to a 7 day routine and keep the 3rd day free (because of my schedule). And please limit the comments to the workout routine, not about the mass tabs. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What are your stats? Age/ht/wt/lifting experience. Looks like an undertraining situation, especially on gear. I'll help with the routine, I promise, also tell me specific lifts you are currently doing with sets/reps/poundages. Would also like to know specifically what you are expectiing to gain, mass wise, and some particular strength gain hopes as well, lift specific. How long is the mass tabs proposed cycle?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    What are your stats? Age/ht/wt/lifting experience. Looks like an undertraining situation, especially on gear. I'll help with the routine, I promise, also tell me specific lifts you are currently doing with sets/reps/poundages. Would also like to know specifically what you are expectiing to gain, mass wise, and some particular strength gain hopes as well, lift specific. How long is the mass tabs proposed cycle?
    6ft, 210lbs right now (usually around 190ish, in the middle of bulking)
    was lifting for about 6 months, then had major surgery and had to restart. Since then I've had about a solid year of training. Right now I do more of heavy weight less reps. For example I'll do 4x6 of 245 for flat bench. Some exercises are:
    This is just a general list, not saying I do all of these every workout.

    Chest: Flat, incline, decline bench, flies, pushups
    Triceps: close-grip, skull crusher, press downs, reverse press downs, the over the head exercise (not sure the name), bench dips
    Biceps: Barbell curls, preacher curls, seated dumbell curls, hammer curls, concentration curls, reverse barbell curls
    Shoulders: Military press, dumbell press, side lateral, front-raises, some cable exercises
    Back: dumbell rows, pull downs, deadlifts, seated rows, pull ups
    Legs- squats, deadlifts, calf raises, leg press, leg extensions, hammy curls.

    I want to gain size, specifically, a wide back, bigger wider shoulders, and bigger biceps. The mass tabs cycle lasts 28 days

  4. #4
    also I have been looking at this workout program:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jack3d89 View Post
    6ft, 210lbs right now (usually around 190ish, in the middle of bulking)
    was lifting for about 6 months, then had major surgery and had to restart. Since then I've had about a solid year of training. Right now I do more of heavy weight less reps. For example I'll do 4x6 of 245 for flat bench. Some exercises are:
    This is just a general list, not saying I do all of these every workout.

    Chest: Flat, incline, decline bench, flies, pushups
    Triceps: close-grip, skull crusher, press downs, reverse press downs, the over the head exercise (not sure the name), bench dips
    Biceps: Barbell curls, preacher curls, seated dumbell curls, hammer curls, concentration curls, reverse barbell curls
    Shoulders: Military press, dumbell press, side lateral, front-raises, some cable exercises
    Back: dumbell rows, pull downs, deadlifts, seated rows, pull ups
    Legs- squats, deadlifts, calf raises, leg press, leg extensions, hammy curls.

    I want to gain size, specifically, a wide back, bigger wider shoulders, and bigger biceps. The mass tabs cycle lasts 28 days
    I like your exercise choices, I missed your age though, that makes a difference on recovery time. With a year of solid lifting under your belt this should be a great time to make some gains. I'd really like to write you a four week program for you to try and then have you join the AR remote trainer 12 week challange over in the diet section.

    Quote Originally Posted by jack3d89 View Post
    also I have been looking at this workout program:
    Mixed reviews, I've only known a couple of people who have personally done this and I was less than impressed with the results.

  6. #6
    Oh sorry, I forgot to add it in there. I'm 20. And yeah I'd appreciate the program, I want to make sure I do everything right while im taking the tabs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jack3d89 View Post
    Oh sorry, I forgot to add it in there. I'm 20. And yeah I'd appreciate the program, I want to make sure I do everything right while im taking the tabs.
    I'll write it up using the lifts you are already performing, so no learning curve there, but I really want you to go to the diet section and find the thread entitled AR remote trainer challange and get plugged in with that. It will be a twelve week program beginning the first of the year.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    I'll write it up using the lifts you are already performing, so no learning curve there, but I really want you to go to the diet section and find the thread entitled AR remote trainer challange and get plugged in with that. It will be a twelve week program beginning the first of the year.
    Thanks, I appreciate the help. I'll head over to the diet section now

  9. #9
    Tbody, its no rush at all, but I was wondering if you had an idea of when the routine will be ready.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Sorry for missing you, jack, I will write that program for you this evening. Also, did you go to the diet section and get in on the "AR remote trainer challange"?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I want you to hit calves, triceps and biceps twice a week, so we are moving legs to thursday and shoulders and arms to friday, adding triceps to chest day and biceps to back day. This is similar to what I am currently doing. It will work!


    2 mins jumping rope(warm up)

    Flat Bench 5x5, last set to failure, 5x5's is what we are going to start with for most of your lifts during this "Size & Strength" program, I do two progressive warm up sets here so 135lbsx5, 225lbsx5, then 275lbsx5x5, on my last set of the 5 go to failure, if you can get 8 or more reps then go up in weight next week.

    Incline Bench 5x5, last set to failure

    Cable Cross overs 3x11(low - about the belly-button for the end position to focus on the lower chest, plus stretch the whole chest)

    Dips 5x5, last set to failure

    Skull Crushers 5x5, last set to failure(superset these with 5x25's of toe-presses for calves, the calves need to be hit twice a week, this is a good time to hit them)


    Jump Rope for Warm-Up, two minutes is good

    Dead-Lift (do this first while you are fresh)

    Pull-ups 5x5, again last set to failure

    Seated Rows 5x5, last set to failure

    Barbell Curls 5x5

    Wed: Cardio(off)

    Thu: Legs

    2 minutes jumping rope

    Squats 5x5, last set to failure

    Stiff Legged Dead-Lifts 5x5, last set to failure

    Toe Presses 5x11, last set to failure

    Fri: Shoulders/Arms

    2 minutes jumping rope

    Barbell Shrugs 5x5, last set to failure

    Military Press 5x5, last set to failure

    Upright Row 5x5, last set to failure

    Superset all arm exercises

    bench dips w/bodyweight 5xfailure supersetted with Hammer Curls 5x11, last set to failure

    triceps rope pushdowns 5x11, last set to failure, supersetted with dumbbell preacher curls 5x11, last set to failure.

  12. #12
    This looks great! My only question is on Tuesday it says to start with dead lifts, but it doesn't have a set or rep I'm assuming you mean 5x5?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jack3d89 View Post
    This looks great! My only question is on Tuesday it says to start with dead lifts, but it doesn't have a set or rep I'm assuming you mean 5x5?
    Yes, sorry about that.

  14. #14
    Also, do these cardio days mean like 45 minutes walk at target heart rate? thats what i've usually done

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jack3d89 View Post
    Also, do these cardio days mean like 45 minutes walk at target heart rate? thats what i've usually done
    that's fine.

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