I talked a little about this on the steroid board, but i have a million questions and need to vent. I've been struggling for a while trying to find a lifting routine, and months back even bought "Body fo Life" no laughing too loud at me please. Anyway i found this site, got in touch with an old buddy (a vet here), and I started doing a body part a day , and liking it. I lost 20 lbs of fat(i hope) and was doing cardio every other day. Then i decided i wanted to get big. I know i'm babbling, i'll try to get to my point. Doing db bench i hurt my shoulder. My doc said it was partial seperation. I'm totally depressed, its been 2 weeks with no improvement. Should i quit everything until its healed, i was supposed to start my 1st cycle in 2 weeks. Sorry this was so long. I'm 38 impatient and not getting any younger!