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Thread: injured and pissed!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    injured and pissed!

    I talked a little about this on the steroid board, but i have a million questions and need to vent. I've been struggling for a while trying to find a lifting routine, and months back even bought "Body fo Life" no laughing too loud at me please. Anyway i found this site, got in touch with an old buddy (a vet here), and I started doing a body part a day , and liking it. I lost 20 lbs of fat(i hope) and was doing cardio every other day. Then i decided i wanted to get big. I know i'm babbling, i'll try to get to my point. Doing db bench i hurt my shoulder. My doc said it was partial seperation. I'm totally depressed, its been 2 weeks with no improvement. Should i quit everything until its healed, i was supposed to start my 1st cycle in 2 weeks. Sorry this was so long. I'm 38 impatient and not getting any younger!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thanks john, any advise on therapy, how about working tri & bi's?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Just take it easy...and do be grateful you werent in the middle of a cycle. Hell....that will be coming soon enough

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Rest the injured part and train around it.We all pick up injuries but very few of us give the time that is needed for it to heal 100% and I am one of those people,if I can train I strap it up and push it through a workout which in the end causes more damage and even more time off than the original injury!

    Take it easy and rest it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    BG...nurse it back to health as much as possible before starting. Make sure to thoroughly warm up before, and thoroughly cool down after, every work out. Also use a lot of ice therapy after training. I know how eager your are I did my first ever cycle last summer. I'm 34 and had a slight rotator cuff problem. I had read extensivly how nandrlone deconate is said to have, not only pain relieving effects, but can also help repair joint injuries. So I started my cycle before I was 100% recovered. Let me qualify that by saying I had recovered substantially from my rotator cuff injury before starting. The deca did exactly what case studies said it would do. By the end of my cycle I was totally pain free. I'm not saying "do what I did", just sharing my personal experience. It sounds like you injury was a tad worse than be patient, work on recovery and then you'll be good to go.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Just stick to cardio i will help the healing process plus you will be
    in better condition when you start your cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I am with the cardio advice and letting it heal. I would give it about 2 weeks of little or no stress/workout with the shoulder. Then start very light and high reps. See how it responds. Be careful, and keep in mind, it is very susceptible to further injury right now. Additional injury will only prolong it.

    It sucks, but letting it heal now is ALOT better....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Bro, I'm 37 and know EXACTLY how you feel. The fact is that at our age the body won't heal as fast and if you don't let it heal then it will get worse. It has taken me over 1 year to 95 % heal a slight AC tear in my left shoulder. Trust me you'll be better off and your cycle will be more productive if you let it heal. No you don't have to lay off completely but you need to stop any movement that causes pain, and just hit the other bodyparts harder. I seriously feel for you. Hang in there and take care of it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Osteo -flex

    You can try Oseto-Flex.
    You can but it at Wal Mart. It's fairly cheap and it really helps the ol'joints heal alot faster. Good luck bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    Active Release therapy

    I have had a really bad shoulder for years and I have just recently discovered active release therapy. You have to stick with it for awhile and you will see results.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    active release therapy

    What is active relelease therapy?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thornton, co
    Hey bro, I seperated my shoulder in late september and let me tell you your shoulder will not be 100% again for at least 6 months. Before my injury I was completing my bench work-out with four plates on each side now I am estatic when I finish my bench work-out with 205lbs. You can totally take time off from the gym or you can treat your chest work-out as a rehab session. I could only start with the bar and maybe end up with 10lbs on each side. Shoulder injuries are the worst because it effects your whole routine even when doing back and arms. I know you are depressed but aside from losing strength in my chest work-outs I didn't really lose strength in other areas. Good luck and don't get pissed just work with it and it will all come back in time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    Active release therapy

    Active release is used to treat soft tissue injuries which are a result of repetitive stress or trauma such as your shoulder injury. It is a method of healing injuries by finding the scar tissue in the effected area and then applying tension to the scar tissue while lengthening muscles, tendons and ligaments. It returns tissue to its correct tension, texture, movement and function esentially eliminating symptoms. You should look for a chiropractor in your area that knows the technique and has good knowledge on sports related injuries. I did some research and I found this site that can give you some more info. On the web site you will see that Milos Sarcev used this to help heal his shoulder, he may have possibly had some phamaceutical enhancement also but it works.

    Capital X

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I know exactly how you feel cause i had to have my appendix removed and doc said cant workout for 3 weeks its been about 1-1/2 only got 10 days until i cant get my workout on

    hope u get better soon

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