I'm quite interested in this training method. Has anyone tried this and whether with gear or without.. I like the "dual ideology" behind this protocol: you do first 5 reps with heavy but still feeling the muscle and then supersets another maybe isolated movement to the same muscle also with 5 reps. Only difference between these movements is tempo.

This way you can use a lot weight plus get some solid muscle work. You will do plenty reps and if you select intelligently the movements every mucle can be trained equally.. There are some things that i'm really concerned about and hopefully you can help me with these. First, you do everytime 5 reps in every workout in and out. I'm concerned about the plategue, how quicly will your muscles be numbed by this?? of ourse the tempo changes and your ability to add weight in every workout but this still bothers me..
And secondly, you train every bodypart only once a week.. Is there enough work for muscle? Just your thoughts?

I don't believe in the original german volume training so much.. I found this method a lot more reasonable.. So if you have any ideas behind this protocol please share that with me ... Thanks!