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Thread: training on insulin

  1. #1

    training on insulin

    will be starting insulin in a few weeks (yes i have done immense research on the topic), and i have a simple question. my biceps and delts are lagging, so would it hurt to hit them 2 or 3 times a week? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Are you referring to 2-3 times a week by themselves or with other muscles groups. For example, your biceps are worked on back day so if you trained them only one other day that would be twice per week. Same thing with your delts, you use them a lot on the bench press and a few other compound movements and don't realize it. I would suggest a heavy/light split if you are going to do that. For delts I recently did a 2 day a week heavy compound day and one light day with only laterals from different angles and a few cable movements.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Are you referring to 2-3 times a week by themselves or with other muscles groups. For example, your biceps are worked on back day so if you trained them only one other day that would be twice per week. Same thing with your delts, you use them a lot on the bench press and a few other compound movements and don't realize it. I would suggest a heavy/light split if you are going to do that. For delts I recently did a 2 day a week heavy compound day and one light day with only laterals from different angles and a few cable movements.
    thanks. i usually hit delts pretty heavy on delt/trap day. i'm planning on working bis and side delts with high volume isolations on one of my usual off days.

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