After reading, I figured out that I over train and my workout's are pretty sloppy. But, I couldn't find an authoritative answer on my question in the title? I work out probably every day of the week. But, it is a probably 2 days off in between muscle groups. Usually, a day or 2 later when my muscle isn't sore any more, I go back and work it again. So, each muscle group probably 2 times a week. I learned that I do too many sets and exercises, which I am going to change. But I was wondering if I need complete days off? I usually do back/bi's, chest/tri's, & legs all separately on a day. Then on one day I will do small muscle groups that I didn't directly hit on those bigger group muscle days. Like one day, I will do neck, forearm, abs, & maybe calfs. I have been doing this routine for about the past month and a half, with very few days off completely. So, some muscles everyday get worked. Is this wrong or over training? Does my body need a whole day off physiologically to reap better muscle gains? Thanks.