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Thread: upper/lower body workout critique

  1. #1

    upper/lower body workout critique

    hi guys, im going to be starting a test/tren/mast cycle soon and was thinking of the workout to run with it. its very similar to iron addicts SPRB with some minor changes.

    weight - 225lbs - 13% bf

    Squat 2 x 6-8
    Pullthroughs/RDL/Leg curl 3 x 10
    Pulldown WG - 3x6
    Chest Supported row 3 x 8
    Bicep Curl 3 x 8

    Flat DB BP 3 x 5
    Incline BB Bench Press 4 x 8
    Military Press 3 x 8
    Skull Crushers 3 x 10
    Ab work 3 x 10

    Deadlift 2 x 5
    V-squat 1 x 20
    Chest supported row - 3x6
    Lat pulldown 3 x 8
    Bicep Curl 3 x 8

    Military Press 3 x 6-8
    Incline BB press 2 x 6-8
    Hammer Strength Chest press 2 x 8
    CGBP/reverse grip bench 3 x 10
    Ab work 3 x 10 Monday

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I am good with the routine I just don't see any db shoulder presses in there which means your losing out on a lot of mass. I do however think 23 is a bit young to be running AAS and I know at least a few on this board would agree with me. How many years have you been training? What is your experience level? Judging the routine alone and nothing else, I see a lot of isolation reps and very few compound reps. That doesn't necessarily mean that you are inexperienced, you may have certain goals in mind. Then looking at the stack you are taking you should have more compound movements or your gains will not be that great (with or without AAS).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    wait another year before you juice bud, and do save the tren for your second cycle.. three compounds is too much for a first time cycle.. especially with Tren as it has a higher ration of sides compared to most others.. although it is a great steroid.. just save it for later.. as for your routine.. it looks fine, but your trainign should not really change on or off cycle.. you need to be training hard 110% whether you are injecting AAS or just eating protein bars.. the only thing that should change is the amount of weight you are working with.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    I am good with the routine I just don't see any db shoulder presses in there which means your losing out on a lot of mass. I do however think 23 is a bit young to be running AAS and I know at least a few on this board would agree with me. How many years have you been training? What is your experience level? Judging the routine alone and nothing else, I see a lot of isolation reps and very few compound reps. That doesn't necessarily mean that you are inexperienced, you may have certain goals in mind. Then looking at the stack you are taking you should have more compound movements or your gains will not be that great (with or without AAS).
    I don't think he needs more compounds, he has compounds everyday with high fequency training. Db presses....only if you have a training partner Lol, great way to hurt yourself getting a 110 db set for pressing.

    Op, I like that workout. You have cycled before?

  5. #5
    thanks for the feedback guys. i have ran a cycle previously of test-e+dbol and gained a lot of mass and strength but also got the dreaded moon face from the dbol.

    regarding DB shoulder presses, the reason i didn't include them was as terraj said, i dont always train with a partner and even when i do i dont feel very comfortable when dropping the weight, always think im about to injure myself.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    I am good with the routine I just don't see any db shoulder presses in there which means your losing out on a lot of mass. I do however think 23 is a bit young to be running AAS and I know at least a few on this board would agree with me. How many years have you been training? What is your experience level? Judging the routine alone and nothing else, I see a lot of isolation reps and very few compound reps. That doesn't necessarily mean that you are inexperienced, you may have certain goals in mind. Then looking at the stack you are taking you should have more compound movements or your gains will not be that great (with or without AAS).
    my only isolation exercises are skulls and bicep curls. do you mean i should cut down on the machines?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stickyfingers View Post
    my only isolation exercises are skulls and bicep curls. do you mean i should cut down on the machines?
    Yes. Machines have their place from time to time but you will inevitably add more mass doing things like pull ups rather than lat pull downs. More specifically, I was referring to the low amount of reps on your big lifts like the squat and dead lift. I am glad to see you doing them but I would also like to see how you can benefit by throwing in another set or two.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Yes. Machines have their place from time to time but you will inevitably add more mass doing things like pull ups rather than lat pull downs. More specifically, I was referring to the low amount of reps on your big lifts like the squat and dead lift. I am glad to see you doing them but I would also like to see how you can benefit by throwing in another set or two.
    i totally understand what you are saying about the low-volume squat and deadlift. the only reason for this was so i dont overtrain and my recovery isn't hindered by too much volume.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    I don't believe in overtraining... I believe in not enough recovery time as well as the nutrition that supports it.

    As to suggestions... I would hold off on the cycle until you are doing this workout naturally for quite some see if it gives you a nice result.

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