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Thread: Please beat up on my workout regime please

  1. #1

    Please beat up on my workout regime please

    Hello guys,

    As of few of you may know I will be competing for my first bodybuilding show.

    This is my workout routine that I have been using. Now is there anything anyone here can add adjust or remove. Im sure there is.

    My stats are 6'1" 285lbs 15% bodyfat.

    I do 30 minutes cardio every morning (2.7 walking on the treadmill for 2 minutes then 2 minutes incline max for 2 minutes back down to walking for 2 minutes etc.)

    600 IU's of GH (5 IU's ED 5 days on 2 off) for 6 months
    400 IU's of IGF (5 IU's ED 5 days on 2 off) 2 months on 1 month off 2 months on 1 month off
    40cc T300mg test enanthate and cyp mixture (2cc a week, 600mg)
    20cc Masteron 100mg (2cc twice a week, 200mg)
    50 tabs of T3

    Monday : Arms (BIs and TRIs) 5-8 sets calves

    Tuesday : Legs( Hams and Quads) Abs 8 sets

    Wednesday; Shoulders, Lower Back and Calves

    Thursday : Back and Abs

    Friday : Chest and Calves

    Saturday : Light full body with Calves and Abs

    Can anyone help here

  2. #2
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    Pics please

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    What is the rationale behind the light full body workout on Saturdays?

  4. #4

    This is me at 270. 285 now. Ill try to post better pics kind of a crappy one.

    TerraJ your a big boy yourself. Whats your stats
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-21-2010 at 01:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    What is the rationale behind the light full body workout on Saturdays?
    Fireguy I figure I do a complete body to rehit all muscles. Sort of a once over

  6. #6
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    But you state it's a "light" full body workout? As in lighter weight or light intensity? Also, just FYI, you are carrying quite a bit of size but I think you well over 15% BF.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    But you state it's a "light" full body workout? As in lighter weight or light intensity? Also, just FYI, you are carrying quite a bit of size but I think you well over 15% BF.
    Sorry fireguy I meant lighter weight. Hmm well that what I was pinched at when I was measure but you obviously look like you know what your talking about so can you help me drop the poundage or at least guide me to achieve a show body. My show is end of June 2011

    Diet has been modded by members on here so thats in check. The about cycle has begun as well. 2 days into it so still very fresh
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-21-2010 at 01:43 PM.

  8. #8
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    Regardless of your answer I would drop the whole body workout on Saturday, I dont think it's going to add any muscle and is only going to hinder your recovery. I dont know what (if any) cardio you are doing but you could definately add in an hour or so of cardio in it's place on Saturday. Cant comment much more with knowing your set and rep scheme as well. The bodypart set up looks fine as is with the exception of Saturday.

  9. #9
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    My bad, just saw your cardio schedule. Whatever your measured bodyfat is isnt of real significance. If you are planning on competing as stated you just need to start getting leaner. Can you post up your diet in detail?

  10. #10
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    Also, I dont doubt your skin fold numbers. Bigger guys like you often get percentages lower than they appear due to how much bodyweight you carry. This needs to be kept in mind because as you diet down and have you with a starting point of 242lbs of lean its going to appear as if you are losing muscle when you arent. How many weeks out are you from the show you are targeting?

  11. #11
    Meal 1

    2 scoops whey protein (when I wake up before cardio)

    Meal 2
    3 scoops whey protein (8:30am)
    1 pack oatmeal
    1/2 banana

    Meal 3 (11am)

    1 pack oatmeal
    1 ounce almonds

    Meal 4 (12:45pm)
    6 ounces chicken breast
    130 grams yam and some brocolli

    Meal 5 (3:30pm before I hit the gym)
    2 scoop whey protein
    1 pack oatmeal

    Meal 6 (right after workout)
    2 scoops whey protein
    1 scoops dextrose 40 grams

    Meal 7 (1 hour after PWO)
    6 ounces chicken breast
    Refer to carb substitute list

    Meal 8 (1 hour before bed)
    2 scoops Casein protein
    1 tablespoons of flax oil

    The reasing behind the shake is my digestive system lags possibly IBS and I bloat when consuming alot of food.

    Thank you fireguy

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Also, I dont doubt your skin fold numbers. Bigger guys like you often get percentages lower than they appear due to how much bodyweight you carry. This needs to be kept in mind because as you diet down and have you with a starting point of 242lbs of lean its going to appear as if you are losing muscle when you arent. How many weeks out are you from the show you are targeting?

    Im 26 weeks out till I step on stage. Fireguy I very much appreciate all your help. Im hitting the sack now for my am cardio aybe we can continue this convo tomorrow or maybe I can private message you ??

    Thanks again

  13. #13
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    How many grams of protein per scoop in the whey and whats the breakdown on the Oatmeal packs? Specifically how many grams of carbs and sugars in the oatmeal?

  14. #14
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    You dont have enough posts to PM yet. Once I get some more basic info I will give more specific advice. Continue tomorrow.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    How many grams of protein per scoop in the whey and whats the breakdown on the Oatmeal packs? Specifically how many grams of carbs and sugars in the oatmeal?
    Each scoop of protein has 24 grams protein and the oatmeal in each pack is 30 g pack 120 calories 2 fats 0 sugar 4 protein 20 grams of carbs

    Its the plain instant oats
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-21-2010 at 09:46 PM.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    You dont have enough posts to PM yet. Once I get some more basic info I will give more specific advice. Continue tomorrow.
    thank u very much

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greekdude View Post

    This is me at 270. 285 now. Ill try to post better pics kind of a crappy one.

    TerraJ your a big boy yourself. Whats your stats
    Cheers man...5'7" 240 in the avi pic....body fat was bit high

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  19. #19
    Good job terraj. I have to shrink my waste down large LOL

    Fireguy whenever you ready to chime in bud Im on the computer all day so I will be constantly checking post.

    Thanking you in advance
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-22-2010 at 12:48 AM.

  20. #20
    Fireguy I’ve included my workout routine and the exercises for each muscle group in order and sequence

    Monday : Arms (BIs and TRIs) 5-8 sets calves

    Triceps: Close grip bench press 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Tricep Pushdowns 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Seated tricep barbell extensions behind head 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Single arm cable extensions (reverse grip) 4 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps

    Arms: Preacher curl machine 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Stand DB curls 4 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Standing barbell curl 4 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Arnold concentration curl

    Tuesday : Legs( Hams and Quads) Abs 8 sets

    Quads: Smith machine, Squats, Leg extensions all 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Hamstrings: Single leg curls 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Seated leg curls 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps

    Wednesday; Shoulders, Lower Back and Calves
    Shoulders: Smith machine press 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Machine shoulder press (body turned around facing inwards)
    DB side lateral raises 4 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Bent over lateral raises 4 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps

    Thursday : Back and Abs

    Back: Wide grip lat pulldowns 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Close grip reverse grip pulldowns 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Seated rows 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    One are DB rows 4 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps

    Friday : Chest and Calves

    Chest: Incline smith machine press 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Machine incline presses 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Decline seated press 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    Cable crossovers 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps
    DB flyes 5 sets increasing weight with each set 8-12 reps

    Saturday : Light full body with Calves and Abs

    All abs and calves exercises are done on a variety of machine.

    I also incorpotare drop sets in my routine every so often
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-22-2010 at 04:23 AM.

  21. #21
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    I dont know how your body responds nor do I know your mindset or work ethic. 26 weeks is quite a bit if time, but that is a long time to diet and more than likely you are going to need to use every day of it to get to where you need to be. I would ask, are you willing to modify your diet (you will be hungry), increase cardio through intensity and/or volume and are you prepared to drop between 50-75lbs to get into contest condition. If the answer to any of these questions is "no" I would suggest setting a smaller goal for now then set one for getting on stage later.

  22. #22

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I dont know how your body responds nor do I know your mindset or work ethic. 26 weeks is quite a bit if time, but that is a long time to diet and more than likely you are going to need to use every day of it to get to where you need to be. I would ask, are you willing to modify your diet (you will be hungry), increase cardio through intensity and/or volume and are you prepared to drop between 50-75lbs to get into contest condition. If the answer to any of these questions is "no" I would suggest setting a smaller goal for now then set one for getting on stage later.
    Fireguy just to give you a heads up since January of 2010 begining of the year till now I dropped 97lbs. Calories restricted and crazy cardio and hunger pains like you would believe. I was big but also very overweight. I am prepared to sell my left kidney to achieve my goal to step on stage. My training and mind set is like no other. I dont chat in the gym I am 100% dedicated to make this happen period. I will do as you say and mention your name when I step on stage thats how determined I am. All I ask for is help. Also I am on the above cycle as noted so obviously that should be included. I am ready to do anything and everything you ask period so to conclude my answer is HELL YES to all of the above kind sir. If you require my email and dont feel confortable posting on here I can supply that for you. Whatever you need

    P.S. mrniceguy I very much appreciate the kind words but I have a very long way to go
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-22-2010 at 07:53 PM.

  24. #24
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    What did you change that made you go to from 270 to 285 after losing 97lbs? I know it seems like an endless string of questions with no direction but want as much background info as possible before giving advice.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    What did you change that made you go to from 270 to 285 after losing 97lbs? I know it seems like an endless string of questions with no direction but want as much background info as possible before giving advice.
    No problem Fireguy ask as many questions as you need to ask me. I went on a sten fina winney anavar cycle. The sten made me hold a bit of water but mostly quality gains and amazing strength gains. Also before I started the above cycle and dropped the 97lbs I was only doing curcuit training 3-4 days weeks and cardio every morning 6 days a week for 1 hour 20 minutes a day. Then I stopped the curcuit training and started training the way I enclosed in my earlier posts and gained size like crazy. Waist remains the same
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-24-2010 at 08:15 AM.

  26. #26
    Fireguy Im very eager to start this maybe we can continue the conversation via email if your ok with that. There are questions I will have and of coarse if this is a service you provide we can also discuss that as well. Hope to hear from you soon bud. All the best have a Merry Christmas and to all members on the board as well. Happy holidays !!!!

  27. #27
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    I would like you to continue the conversation here to benefit myself and others who might be in your situation. Fireguy will absolutely nail everything for you and it would be helpful for the board to read how it happens and to see and read your results, IMO.

    Best of luck with whatever your future holds, we will be here for you.

  28. #28
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    Yes, I will keep this open and not to PM or emails. My advice is always open for others to learn from, question and critique. I have the crazy Xmas schedule the next 48 hours and will probably wait til afterwords to get into details on this thread. TBody,feel free to link him an invite to the remote challenge. I am not listed as a trainer on there as I have two shows upcoming plus two more for Mrsfire. I simply dont have the time or mental energy to take on a list of people. Plus I have to make a decent showing over there myself you know. To the OP, I will still work with you over the next few months regardless of whether you enter or not.

  29. #29
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    interesting thread. will be following this

  30. #30
    Tbody I absolutely agree and I mean no disrespect. I am very eager to do this but your right this is for everyone to share and I apologize if it came across as selfish. Fireguy I totally understand where your coming from we are all busy in some sense and this should be a learning post for all.

    I will be here checking in several times a day for your response.

    What is this is remote challenge that you guys speak of ?? I WANT IN LOL !!!!

    Cheers guys

  31. #31
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    Dude you got a long way to go to get on stage. If you lost 2lbs a week for those 26 weeks straight you might be close, but that is a tall order.

    Not trying to burst your bubble or anything but the bodyfat probably has to come down about 10-12%, or about half of what it is now. I would start doing cardio, a lot of it and soon.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigslick7878 View Post
    Dude you got a long way to go to get on stage. If you lost 2lbs a week for those 26 weeks straight you might be close, but that is a tall order.

    Not trying to burst your bubble or anything but the bodyfat probably has to come down about 10-12%, or about half of what it is now. I would start doing cardio, a lot of it and soon.
    Well don't comment then.

    I have seen guys cut massive amounts in less time for comps. We are using chemicals here....

  33. #33
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    I think you can def. do it Greek with Fireguys help and enough motivation. Stay focused bro-- rootin for ya.

  34. #34
    Terraj, shortybrolick (looking jacked in your pic bud) thanks for backing me on this boys. No worries nothing will steer me at all from my goal especially with great advice from everyone on here and looking forward to Fireguys input. Bigslick I do realize I have a long journey but I was able to drop 97lbs without anything but an ECA stack and crazy cardio, diet and I dropped it all in 6 months. So I have determination, motivation I just need to be shown how to diet down further for a show utilizing cardio (the right way) and dieting and I WILL prove you wrong. I promise to keep everyone updated including pics and stats month by month and week by week as the show nears.
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-25-2010 at 09:27 PM.

  35. #35
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    How is your IBS with egg whites and white fish? Can you tolerate either or both? On meal 7 it says refer to carb subsitute list, what are you eating there? Is the 130grams of yam precooked or post cooked weight? Are you adding anything to your oatmeal?

  36. #36
    Hello Fireguy hope your holidays treated you well.

    The egg whites will bother me in larger amounts (anything over 4 egg whites and up) but white fish absolutely no problems with at all. Any fish for that matter. Tuna, tilapia etc.

    On meal 7 I am eating the yams 130 grams and that is post cooked weight. That is what was meant as carb substitute. Whole wheat rice will both me.

    In the oatmeal just for the 8:30am meal I add the 1/2 banana other then that for any other oatmeal meal I add a dash of cinnamon for flavor
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-26-2010 at 07:49 PM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greekdude View Post
    Meal 1

    2 scoops whey protein (when I wake up before cardio)Cut to one scoop for now and after a week take it out all together.

    Meal 2
    3 scoops whey protein (8:30am)replace with,1 scoop and 4 eggs, (3 without yoke 1 with)
    1 pack oatmeal
    1/2 banana

    Meal 3 (11am)

    1 pack oatmeal Add in 6oz of white fish
    1 ounce almonds

    Meal 4 (12:45pm)
    6 ounces chicken breast
    130 grams yam and some brocolli

    Meal 5 (3:30pm before I hit the gym)
    2 scoop whey protein Switch to one scoop, add in about 10 grams of fats (almonds)
    1 pack oatmeal

    Meal 6 (right after workout)
    2 scoops whey protein
    1 scoops dextrose 40 grams Replace with 2/3rds cup of oats

    Meal 7 (1 hour after PWO)
    6 ounces chicken breast
    Refer to carb substitute list

    Meal 8 (1 hour before bed)
    2 scoops Casein protein
    1 tablespoons of flax oil Switch to 2 TBL Spoons

    The reasing behind the shake is my digestive system lags possibly IBS and I bloat when consuming alot of food.

    Thank you fireguy
    I would suggest making the changes in bold in your diet, nothing drastic by any means but would like to slowly get your Proteins, Carbs and Fats into a better ratio. On your cardio go from 2.7mph to 2.8 as well. As far as your workout, not too concerned about what your doing just yet. I would suggest dropping the light intensity full body workout and adding in another cardio session of 30-40 minutes. Try this and track your weight for a week and let me know what happens and how you are feeling.

  38. #38
    Thank you very much Fireguy. Ill make the switches asap and follow it to the T. Ill chime in a week to this post and let you know and everyone else exactly what happens and how I feel. Thanks again

  39. #39
    I was wondering Fireguy or anyone else that can help if my cycle look ok that way Im taking it

    600 IU's of GH (5 IU's ED 5 days on 2 off) for 6 months
    400 IU's of IGF (5 IU's ED 5 days on 2 off) 2 months on 1 month off 2 months on 1 month off
    40cc T300mg test enanthate and cyp mixture (2cc a week, 600mg)
    20cc Masteron 100mg (2cc twice a week, 200mg)
    50 tabs of T3

    I spoke with another member on here and they said to start my T3 a month into my cycle cause obviously T3 doesn’t spare muscle tissue and I have seen a T3 cycle on here that I’m gonna do 25mcg split into 2 doses a day then after two or 3 weeks bump up to 50mcg a day then up to 100mcg for the remainder. Run it for 2 months. Is that ok ?

    Wow Fireguy I woke up this morning and was 6 lbs lighter. I’m on the above cycle just been a week and my body must be holding crazy water from the GH I could feel it large but as soon as I took the 2 days off bam I drop the water so my weight may vary week to week I guess until my body acclimates itself to the GH ?
    Last edited by Greekdude; 12-27-2010 at 06:56 AM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Wow great thread!!! Fireguy is dope For helping you out the way He is. That's what I love about This forum. I'm so glad I found it when I did. I've only been around for a few months but I know firegy is very well known around here and knows what the he'll he's doing!! Listen to him Greek!!

    You seem very dedicated ,if you stay that way you will succeed!!! I have no doubt in my mind. Best of luck to you mate!!!!


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