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Thread: Chest & Back

  1. #1

    Chest & Back

    Ok so back into mass building after christmas and my chest and back have gone

    I want a huge chest and back definition is no problem.

    Chest & Tricep workout

    DB Bench Press 6x4
    Db Incline Press 6x4
    DB Flyes 8x4
    Decline cable flyes 8x4
    (would do dips but not strong enough)

    Tricep pulldown 8x4
    Tricep extension 8x4
    (Improvements, advice etc please)

    Back & Biceps

    Bent Over DB Pull 8x4
    Lat pulldown 8x4
    Machine row 8x4
    Low row 8x4
    Deadlift 8x4

    Bicep curl 8x4
    Bent over curls 8x4
    (Improvements, advise etc please)

    I need back and chest workouts to hammer the muscle's i have got results with these workouts but im in the teenage years so that could be why

    Any help is accepted thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    For chest I would do:
    Incline Press (Dumbbell) 6x4
    Flat Press (Barbell) 6x4
    Decline Press (Dumbbell) 6x4
    Flat Bench Cable Crossovers 8x4

    And for Back I would do:
    Back Exensions 6x4
    Lat Row 6x4
    Lat Pulldown 8x4
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 6x4
    Bentover Row (Dumbbell or Barbell) 8x4

    New ones for Triceps:
    Close Grip Barbell Press 6x4
    Kickbacks 8x4
    Lying Dumbbell Extensions 6x4
    Reverse Tricep Pulldown 6x4

    New ones for Biceps:
    Close and Wide Grip 3-point-curls 9x3
    Incline Curl (twist wrists after each set) 6x3
    Reverse Preacher Curls 6x4
    Preacher Curls 6x4
    Hammer Curls (for forearms) 6x4

    Also I would suggest switching your days around so you are doing Biceps and Triceps and then Back and Chest the same days. This prevents you from becoming unbalanced and looking rather stupid, it also avoids serious back problems later on.
    Hope this helped.
    Last edited by Fallingstill; 01-26-2011 at 02:56 PM.

  3. #3
    french press
    skull krushers (my favorite)

    not a fan of kickbacks. too much room for cheating by swinging.

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