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Thread: 5 Day split for upcoming cycle - please critique!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    5 Day split for upcoming cycle - please critique!

    I am planning to start a new cycle at the start of feb and am after some advice on the workout im planning on using (be brutal, i can take it!lol)

    Here are my stats and what AAS im planning to use

    Age - 28
    Height - 5ft 7"
    Weight - 165 lbs
    BF% - 13-14%
    Years training - 6

    Test E
    Week 1 - 1500mg
    Week 2 - 1000 mg
    Week 3-12 - 500mg/w

    So here is my proposed training programme

    Day 1 – Chest/Tricep
    Flat Bench Barbell Press 4 x 10 8 8 6
    Incline Bench Dumbbell press 3 x 10 8 8
    Decline bench barbell press 3 x 10 8 8
    Incline dumbbell flies 3 x 15 12 10
    Dips 3 x failure
    Cable pushdown/cable overhead ext. superset 3 x 10 x 10
    Abs 3 x 30

    Day 2 – Back/Biceps
    Deadlift 4 x 10 8 6 6
    T-Bar row 4 x 12 10 8 6
    Wide grip pull downs 4 x 12 10 8 8
    Seated row 4 x 12 10 8 8
    Pull ups 3 x failure
    Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 10
    EZ bar curls 3 x 7’s
    Abs 3 x 30

    Day 3 – Legs
    Squats 4 x 10 8 8 6
    Leg press 4 x 10 8 8 6
    Leg curl 3 x 12
    Calf raises 3 x 12
    Abs 3 variations 3 x 30

    Day 4 – Shoulders
    Dumbbell press 4 x 12 10 8 6
    Frontal raises 4 x 10
    Lateral raises 4 x 10
    Upright row 3 x 10
    Shrugs 3 x 15
    Abs 3 x 10

    Day 5 – Off

    Day 6 – Arms
    Close grip Barbell curls 3 x 10
    Wide grip EZ bar curls 3 x 10
    Preacher curls 4 x 10
    Cable Single Arm Curls 4 x 10
    Scullcrushers 4 x 12 10 8 8
    Pushdowns 3 x 10
    Dips 3 x failure
    Abs 2 x 30

    Day 7 - off

    How does it look?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I would drop abs to only three days a week, your not gonna make them grow any better by doing them that much, everything else looks good to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Before I critique your workout you need your cycle critiqued. 1500mg in a week at your size is just dumb. At 165 you could stand to wait a little longer before even using aas. I'm not going to go deep into it because you asked for routine advice not cycle advice but I would reconsider your plan.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Before I critique your workout you need your cycle critiqued. 1500mg in a week at your size is just dumb. At 165 you could stand to wait a little longer before even using aas. I'm not going to go deep into it because you asked for routine advice not cycle advice but I would reconsider your plan.
    was gonna say the same thing. frontloading that much test at your weight isn't that great of an idea. i'll get back to the actual workout critique later on today....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Routine looks good. I agree with bigc about the abs. You wouldn't work out
    Your arms 5 days a week so why do that to your abs? Also something to think about is having your arm day so close to your chest day. That's only giving your tris one days rest before hitting them again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    That's a fair point about frontloading, what would an acceptable dosage be for frontloading at my size? I know I could could do with gaining a bit more size naturally so will be pushing my cycle back to march or April.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Quote Originally Posted by UK-FIREGUY View Post
    That's a fair point about frontloading, what would an acceptable dosage be for frontloading at my size? I know I could could do with gaining a bit more size naturally so will be pushing my cycle back to march or April.
    I'd ask this in the q&a I'm not very educated on frontloading.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia
    To many abs, 2-3 times a week max

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