I am planning to start a new cycle at the start of feb and am after some advice on the workout im planning on using (be brutal, i can take it!lol)
Here are my stats and what AAS im planning to use
Age - 28
Height - 5ft 7"
Weight - 165 lbs
BF% - 13-14%
Years training - 6
Test E
Week 1 - 1500mg
Week 2 - 1000 mg
Week 3-12 - 500mg/w
So here is my proposed training programme
Day 1 – Chest/Tricep
Flat Bench Barbell Press 4 x 10 8 8 6
Incline Bench Dumbbell press 3 x 10 8 8
Decline bench barbell press 3 x 10 8 8
Incline dumbbell flies 3 x 15 12 10
Dips 3 x failure
Cable pushdown/cable overhead ext. superset 3 x 10 x 10
Abs 3 x 30
Day 2 – Back/Biceps
Deadlift 4 x 10 8 6 6
T-Bar row 4 x 12 10 8 6
Wide grip pull downs 4 x 12 10 8 8
Seated row 4 x 12 10 8 8
Pull ups 3 x failure
Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 10
EZ bar curls 3 x 7’s
Abs 3 x 30
Day 3 – Legs
Squats 4 x 10 8 8 6
Leg press 4 x 10 8 8 6
Leg curl 3 x 12
Calf raises 3 x 12
Abs 3 variations 3 x 30
Day 4 – Shoulders
Dumbbell press 4 x 12 10 8 6
Frontal raises 4 x 10
Lateral raises 4 x 10
Upright row 3 x 10
Shrugs 3 x 15
Abs 3 x 10
Day 5 – Off
Day 6 – Arms
Close grip Barbell curls 3 x 10
Wide grip EZ bar curls 3 x 10
Preacher curls 4 x 10
Cable Single Arm Curls 4 x 10
Scullcrushers 4 x 12 10 8 8
Pushdowns 3 x 10
Dips 3 x failure
Abs 2 x 30
Day 7 - off
How does it look?