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Thread: Workout routine critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Workout routine critique

    Hi I need some opinions and critiques on this workout I did, whatever help would be gratefull.
    Ill start by saying:}
    *I'm 20 yrs old
    *Im a hard gainer
    *My goal is to gain weight (as lean as possible)
    *I'm not using roids but Im thinking about prohormones to boost my test (Is legal and I have read it will boost it naturally so no shrinking balls or risk as in roids), but its just a chance but not sure yet.
    *My reps goes from 6 to 12 reps and is increased every next time i do the same workout by atleast 1 rep or if i already can do 12reps by 5 lbs.
    *1 minute rest between set and 2 minutes between every complete set

    Said that this is my routine.

    Monday:Chest/ biceps sets
    Barbell Bench press 4
    Barbell Preacher curl 4
    Incline Bench press 3
    Reciprocal Hammer curl 4
    Decline Bench press 3
    Barbell Curl 4
    Incline fly 3
    Pullover 3

    Tuesday:Leg 4
    Back squat 4
    Leg extension 4
    stiff leg deadlift 4
    standing calf raise 4

    Wednesday --Rest--

    Cable Crossbody raise 4
    Kneeling crunch 4
    Dumbell Military press 4
    Dumbell side bend 4
    Real delt row 4
    Incline reverse crunch 4
    Shrug 4

    Pullups 4
    Close grip bench press 4
    Seated close row 4
    Skull crusher 4
    Wide grip pulldown 4
    Dips 4
    T bar row 4

    saturday & sunday --free--
    Last edited by blazerelf; 02-07-2011 at 10:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    dude, i wouldnt rotate between chest/bis and back/tris like that. chest/back are both large muscle groups and i would focus on hitting them. you are wasting your time rotating like that, and same goes for the exercsies being proformed.

    and are you doing 7 things for shoulders? how long are you there for? 5 days? just do what neesd to be done.

    DB press 4x
    upright rows 4x
    front raises supersett w/ side raises superset w/ rear dealts (this kills) 4x
    shrugs (i do 3x infront w/ BB and 3x in back w/ BB)

    leg day looks OK to me.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    and are you doing 7 things for shoulders? how long are you there for? 5 days? just do what neesd to be done.
    it's only 4 for shoulders - the other ones are ab exercises

    what happened to Sunday ??? what calendar are you using ????

    define "pullover" in Monday's workout.

    i'm not a fan of doing leg press then going right to another press (like hack squat or the actual squat rack). i'd rather tear apart some smaller muscles first then hit the press again at the end for 2 / 3 heavy sets (no warmup even needed)

  4. #4
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    dude, i wouldnt rotate between chest/bis and back/tris like that. chest/back are both large muscle groups and i would focus on hitting them. you are wasting your time rotating like that, and same goes for the exercsies being proformed.

    and are you doing 7 things for shoulders? how long are you there for? 5 days? just do what neesd to be done.

    DB press 4x
    upright rows 4x
    front raises supersett w/ side raises superset w/ rear dealts (this kills) 4x
    shrugs (i do 3x infront w/ BB and 3x in back w/ BB)

    leg day looks OK to me.
    on shoulder im not doing 7 exercices im doing 4 and the other3 are abs exercises man.
    About the chest/biseps and back/triceps what you mean with wasting time rotating?you mean to just have a chest only day and a back only day and puting arms to a separate daY? OR u mean to just do all back and chest muscle straight away instead of switching with an arm workout after set done? explain me that please =)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by blazerelf View Post
    on shoulder im not doing 7 exercices im doing 4 and the other3 are abs exercises man.
    About the chest/biseps and back/triceps what you mean with wasting time rotating?you mean to just have a chest only day and a back only day and puting arms to a separate daY? OR u mean to just do all back and chest muscle straight away instead of switching with an arm workout after set done? explain me that please =)
    i believe he's saying to do it the old school conventional way of chest / tri, back / bi, legs, shoulders

    i myself haven't really been a fan of this since probably high school.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
    it's only 4 for shoulders - the other ones are ab exercises

    what happened to Sunday ??? what calendar are you using ????

    define "pullover" in Monday's workout.

    i'm not a fan of doing leg press then going right to another press (like hack squat or the actual squat rack). i'd rather tear apart some smaller muscles first then hit the press again at the end for 2 / 3 heavy sets (no warmup even needed)
    Im sorry spellig mistak it was not friday & saturedya free was saturday &sunday but got it fixed!byt the way about leg you mean like to do my dealift and presses 1st and squat at end?

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
    i believe he's saying to do it the old school conventional way of chest / tri, back / bi, legs, shoulders

    i myself haven't really been a fan of this since probably high school.
    assuming thats what he mean aint it better to hit an oposite muscle to the one worked on the other? like i mean in back exercise u use biceps so why not use a muscle which is not affecting liek triceps ? or in chest where preses uses triceps use biceps so that you can get the most profit from those muscle since they are not stressed at all by the big msucle worked previously, and at the same time its like if you were woking you arms twice a week but with more than 3 days away so it won be overtrained

  8. #8
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    what im saying is if you do bench, then go to a preacher curl after, it doesnt make much sense to me. its one thing when do arms in one day to rotate between tri/bi, but i wouldnt go rotataing between chest/bi and back/tri.

    im aware of how the muslce groups work, i just think you are exhausting yourself and missing out on quality reps w/ a major muscle group.

    id rather go

    flat BB 4x
    incline DB 4x
    fly (alhtough you said your a hard gainer and id say fly is more so for shaping) 4x
    then whatever you want to do for bi's

    crossing back and forth just seems to be awkard to me when doing major muscle groups like this.

    does no one else agree?

  9. #9
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    what im saying is if you do bench, then go to a preacher curl after, it doesnt make much sense to me. its one thing when do arms in one day to rotate between tri/bi, but i wouldnt go rotataing between chest/bi and back/tri.

    im aware of how the muslce groups work, i just think you are exhausting yourself and missing out on quality reps w/ a major muscle group.

    id rather go

    flat BB 4x
    incline DB 4x
    fly (alhtough you said your a hard gainer and id say fly is more so for shaping) 4x
    then whatever you want to do for bi's

    crossing back and forth just seems to be awkard to me when doing major muscle groups like this.

    does no one else agree?
    oh ok i guess ill,listen, but beside that any other problem?

  10. #10
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    Jul 2010
    I agree with justdoit.. you can do bi's the same as chest if you wish.. but do all them at the same time after you have done chest... I think what he said for chest work out is good to but i would add DB Bench as well.. so 4 exercises for chest..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    I agree with justdoit.. you can do bi's the same as chest if you wish.. but do all them at the same time after you have done chest... I think what he said for chest work out is good to but i would add DB Bench as well.. so 4 exercises for chest..
    why dumbell bench if I already have flat bench (barbell) anywyas i had planned to add pullover 3 sets idk

  12. #12
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    May 2010
    **** pullovers. Either do db flat after bb or reverse grip bb after db incline.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by blazerelf View Post
    why dumbell bench if I already have flat bench (barbell) anywyas i had planned to add pullover 3 sets idk
    DB bench uses the smaller connecting parts of the chest muscle.. it is more effective than barebell.. pullovers.. never see those anymore.. kind of like skull crushers but you keep your arms stiff right?? if it works for you then i suppose you can stick with them.. i personally don't like that exercise.

  14. #14
    yeah i'm still confused as to what he's calling a "pullover". if it's laying on a bench with an EZ-curl bar / dumbbell in your hands keeping the 90+ degree angle and taking them over your head - that's more of a lat workout. doesn't even touch your back. you can accomplish this on the lat pull-down machine as well just by standing up

    i'm a fan of not doing 12 chest exercises directly in a row like he's speaking of. it gives you added rest time and muscle recovery which is ideal for strength gains. hell, i'd even superset something like DB bench press and EZ bar curls - that'll be a little more taxing on your overall cardio though.
    Last edited by KeyMastur; 02-07-2011 at 09:25 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
    yeah i'm still confused as to what he's calling a "pullover". if it's laying on a bench with an EZ-curl bar / dumbbell in your hands keeping the 90+ degree angle and taking them over your head - that's more of a lat workout. doesn't even touch your back. you can accomplish this on the lat pull-down machine as well just by standing up

    i'm a fan of not doing 12 chest exercises directly in a row like he's speaking of. it gives you added rest time and muscle recovery which is ideal for strength gains. hell, i'd even superset something like DB bench press and EZ bar curls - that'll be a little more taxing on your overall cardio though.
    pullover is the one you said with dumbell, i does work some lat but is pritty much like a secondary muscle chest is the primary, midle chest to be specific also from what i have read it helps to widden your ribcage.
    About the 12 chest exercise in a row that ws the reason i did not put them sraight to get that extra rest in my chets so when i was done with the biceps workout i could be fresh fo chest again rather than all stressed and screwed up by a chest exercise that does the same movements jsut that 45° higher or lower (incline,decline,flat bench) also that was my reason why to not do chest with triceps so i could get my 100% of eahc muscle rather than having a muscle group who uses it as secondary muscle to stress it and make my lift weaker; if you see in my plan i have the arm muscle which involves it 4 days away example chestis on monday and tricep on friday same goes with back whi9ch is friday and biceps monday; so in some way it like i was training my arm twice a week but giving it enough rest since from whta i know 3 days is what aprox muscle recovery takes so 4 is epic.that was the science in my workout plan i did not just put things up tehir was a reason for every muscle to be in sertain place.
    Im now confused if in either do all chest muscle straight as said by justdoit or have the biceps in between for more rest as I had it from teh start and that no w i see u agree..

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    DB bench uses the smaller connecting parts of the chest muscle.. it is more effective than barebell.. pullovers.. never see those anymore.. kind of like skull crushers but you keep your arms stiff right?? if it works for you then i suppose you can stick with them.. i personally don't like that exercise.
    so when you workout u do both barbel bench and dumbell bencH?WOW idk sound like too much but ill concider it, so do you mean doing 4 sets of db bench too?

  17. #17
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    heres the thing w/ chest. alot of people do these weird exercises becuase they do not want to repeat the same thing (BB bench DB bench) but the reality is those are the exercises that work best. there are guys who just do BB bench, DB bench, DB incline 5x at my gym and are pretty jacked. just do what is neccessary and builds muscle. ya know!?!?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    heres the thing w/ chest. alot of people do these weird exercises becuase they do not want to repeat the same thing (BB bench DB bench) but the reality is those are the exercises that work best. there are guys who just do BB bench, DB bench, DB incline 5x at my gym and are pretty jacked. just do what is neccessary and builds muscle. ya know!?!?
    ya maybe what works for you might no for me or viceversa but to know what does and what doesnt you must have tryed many styles already to understand your body and what makes it react the best but since im a noob compare to many here who have 10+ years workingout and have tryed all; idk this well so by seen others workout creativity ,asking questions and trying some of the advices given is my best choice I believe
    Last edited by blazerelf; 02-08-2011 at 08:25 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by blazerelf View Post
    ya maybe what works for you might no for me or viceversa but to know what does and what doesnt you must have tryed many styles already to understand your body and what makes it react the best but since im a noob compare to many here who have 10+ years workingout and have tryed all; idk this well so by seen others workout creativity ,asking questions and trying some of the advices given is my best choice I believe
    i agree w/ you to an extent but again, those exercises are going to work for everbody, not just me, not just you. they are the core exercises when it comes to chest.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustDoIt12 View Post
    i agree w/ you to an extent but again, those exercises are going to work for everbody, not just me, not just you. they are the core exercises when it comes to chest.
    k I the way whta do you think about my backday?its really important to me to have a good back workout

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