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Thread: Arms with chest/back or on their own day? Opinions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Arms with chest/back or on their own day? Opinions?

    Just wondering what experiences you guys have had with working chest/tris together and back/bis together, vs. working bis/tris on their own day.

    Right now my 7 day split is:

    1. Chest/tris
    2. Rest
    3. Back/bis
    4. Rest
    5. Shoulders/traps
    6. Rest
    7. Legs

    I do abs and cardio about 3 times a week as well.

    Lately I've been seeing decent results with blasting my bis and tris with 8 sets after my 12-16 sets of chest and back. But I just started a 12 week test c cycle and I'm kicking around the idea of doing arms on their own day. They probably need the most work out of all body parts, but I used to seriously overtrain them so they are still catching up.

    Just wondering what you guys think? Which way do you normally incorporate them into your split, and why do you prefer that way?

    Thanks a lot fellas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    I do them along with back and chest and see better results. With the combination of a good diet and aas you could probably do them twice a week and put them on there same day aswell. If you did that you would have to go to a five day split tho and just take the weekends off.

    Also if you did that I would only do 2 excercises of 3 sets each after chest and back.

  3. #3
    no arm day for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I do them along with back and chest and see better results. With the combination of a good diet and aas you could probably do them twice a week and put them on there same day aswell. If you did that you would have to go to a five day split tho and just take the weekends off.

    Also if you did that I would only do 2 excercises of 3 sets each after chest and back.
    Hmm ok I have thought about that as well. It's hard to say whether or not that would be overtraining them for me. I have done them more than once a week in the past and seen less results, but I also didn't have my diet on point like I do now. I'm also on a first test cycle right now, so maybe that will allow for more training.

    Maybe I'll try to throw tris in again with shoulders, and see how my bis and tris development compares. If I make bigger gains on my tris on two days/wk than I do with my bis on one day/wk, I will give them their own day. What do you think?

  5. #5
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    no arm day for me.
    So you get good results from hitting them
    with back and chest?

  6. #6
    thats me in my avy, ill let you decide.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pstacks View Post
    Hmm ok I have thought about that as well. It's hard to say whether or not that would be overtraining them for me. I have done them more than once a week in the past and seen less results, but I also didn't have my diet on point like I do now. I'm also on a first test cycle right now, so maybe that will allow for more training.

    Maybe I'll try to throw tris in again with shoulders, and see how my bis and tris development compares. If I make bigger gains on my tris on two days/wk than I do with my bis on one day/wk, I will give them their own day. What do you think?
    Sounds like a solid idea.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    south Florida
    Darksyde -What works for person A may or may not work for person B. Not to mention, you probably have top 5 best genetics on this forum. I remember seeing your pics you posted up when you were still natty---unreal to say the least.

  9. #9
    you are definately correct ******. and thanks for the compliment! figuring out how your own body works is paramount. but i still think most people split shit up too much. personally i had at least 4-5 years of grinding away before i really saw major differences in my physique. so when i see people say they have been trying a split or something for six months and its not working i can only try and inform them that six months is just a drop in the bucket. im also refering to natural lifting here, not drug fueled. when supra-physiological levels of testosterone are present, all those M&F workouts might apply a little more. imo.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2011
    i give mine their own day, and i hit them a bit on my chest and back day. i usually just do 2 or 3 burn out sets at the end of my workout and thats all it takes to pump them up, burn them out and make them sore. im on cycle right now and trying to get some major arm growth out of it. there have been times when i dont have an arm day in my workout and ive never seen it make affect the size of my arms, but they also didnt grow a lot then either.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dips View Post
    i give mine their own day, and i hit them a bit on my chest and back day. i usually just do 2 or 3 burn out sets at the end of my workout and thats all it takes to pump them up, burn them out and make them sore. im on cycle right now and trying to get some major arm growth out of it. there have been times when i dont have an arm day in my workout and ive never seen it make affect the size of my arms, but they also didnt grow a lot then either.
    Agree 100% i do that while on and off cycle. I usually do around 3 sets of 15 on chest and back day. Then on arm day ill go heavy and really kill them. If your triceps are already sore from chest then you minus well finish them off.

    I started doing this about 6 months ago and my arms have really blown up. Also i like throwing in a few pull ups and push ups on this day while on cycle.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by mastablasta7 View Post
    Agree 100% i do that while on and off cycle. I usually do around 3 sets of 15 on chest and back day. Then on arm day ill go heavy and really kill them. If your triceps are already sore from chest then you minus well finish them off.I started doing this about 6 months ago and my arms have really blown up. Also i like throwing in a few pull ups and push ups on this day while on cycle.
    Why do you say that? I would think the exact opposite...

  13. #13
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mastablasta7 View Post
    Agree 100% i do that while on and off cycle. I usually do around 3 sets of 15 on chest and back day. Then on arm day ill go heavy and really kill them. If your triceps are already sore from chest then you minus well finish them off.

    I started doing this about 6 months ago and my arms have really blown up. Also i like throwing in a few pull ups and push ups on this day while on cycle.
    Yeah, I'm trying to decide between doing something like this and doing 2 hard arm workouts a week. It's hard to decide since I've had problems with overtraining in the past and im finally seeing some growth at 1 day a week. But like I mentioned before, they are still lagging a little behind everything else, and I would love to take advantage of this cycle to get them really growing.

    Decisions, decisions.....

    Thanks for the input guys.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    One more question about this guys.

    I decided to do the few burnout sets with chest and back, and then also do an arm day (for now at least).

    How do you guys prefer to set up your arm day? Supersets, alternate after each exercise, full tri workout then full bi workout?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Superset them bro. Tax the hell out of the muscle giving them a reason to grow. Not to mention you'll be in and out of the gym in 45 if you dont dilly dally.

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