I've always thought that I don't take a lot of time in the gym compared to most people. I normally do an intense 1 hour workout.
30 minutes or less
30 to 60 minutes
1 to 1.5 hours
1.5 to 2 hours
2 hours or more
I've always thought that I don't take a lot of time in the gym compared to most people. I normally do an intense 1 hour workout.
It varies for me I know that normal test levels drop after an hr or so and I try to keep it inside of an hour but if I train and it is going really well and I have the energy left for another set I,ll go for it likewise if I,m tired I won,t flog myself to finish as I will be over training Instinctive training is also needed to get bigger.
I work out for about an hour then I go straight to cardio for 20 min if you want to count both then you know 1 and 20 min I usually get a pretty good pump out of an hour.
nevermore then 45 minutes to 60 for me.
I have grown a lot by doing so.
Even while on creatine and glutamine, if i bust myself in the gym with heavy bench press and heavy incline press and dips i am dead after that.
For the guy that goes for more the 2 hours. WHAT ARE YOU THINKNING? your not going to get where you want to go with that kinda workout. after the first hour there is not going to be anymore growth for you. stick with 1 hour or so.
2 bodyparts daily one hour. Half and hour for cardio. Never more than that I i try to keep the socailizing down when im working out.
1hour to 1.5 depending what I am working and if I have cardio in there etc etc
Same here 1 to 1.5 hours. Sometimes less than 1 hr. I try not to go too much more than an hour when trying to put on muscle.
30 to 40 mins.
Anywhere from 1 to 2. Depending on what muscle it is. Do alot of you train by yourselves or do you have training partners?
Right around an hour, not counting any cardio if I do so afterwards. I train alone. I have been going to the same gym here in Chicago for five years and still, to this day, I can go in there at any time and there will not be one person that I will have a conversation with. There are at most three people I occastionally give a nod to or simply say "hi", and that's it. This is by design - by the time I got here (from my home town), I knew how to train my body, that's why I go to the gym, and there is no need for me to know anyone there. Of course, I occasionally ask for a spot, and always give the same speach to whoever happens to be around: "DON'T TOUCH THE BAR, IF I NEED HELP I'LL SAY 'HELP', THEN JUST HELP ME FINISH THE REP - OTHERWISE, DON'T TOUCH THE BAR!!!" That almost always works, but about once or twice a year I get the idiot who still puts his hands right on or by the bar and follows my reps - I HATE THAT. Still, I always finish and say "thank's - good job" and make a mental note not to ask that person again.
The gym I am at now is nothing like the gym back home. Back home, it was a totally hardcore gym, and that's where I learned everything, so I was friends with a lot of those guys, and we could talk in-between sets and have the understanding that conversation stops when it's time for the next set. But at this gym here they are mostly small or fat guys who have not changed the entire time I have seen them there. I think they think the gym is some kind of social club. It's funny hearing some of them talking about training, diet, and routines.
Anyways, I like it there because I can get my workout in with a great pump with little to no chance of a distraction (although I occasionally fixate on a hot babe, but that does not slow me down).
I work out for about 45 minutes, 5 days a week.. I've read many articles that say the body goes into a catabolic state after 45-60 minutes of training so i feel it's most beneficial to keep it under that amount and train every weekday, off on weekend.
Just to clear something up - a lot of people will start talking bout how if you work out for more than X amount of time you are over training - well thats a silly notion - I am in the gym for 1.5 hours sometimes - does that mean I have been curling for an hour and a half? NO. It means I take the time to warm up and down and stretch and sometimes cardio/abs etc etc - also whether or not you have a workout partner - get in there - get a feel for the gym and listen to your body. Anyone that really knows what they are into will be able to listen to their own body and know when enough is enough in the gym and not have to consult scientific studies. I know MY body that well.
that wasnt in reply to your post by the way dbol freak - was gonna post that anyway
Good post mike thats what alott of people forget. They say i must have a great workout ive been here for hours but those are the guys you see bullshitting talk to everyone
That's a good point Mike... I was actually stating the time I attribute to working out i wasn't taking into consideration the warmup sets and 5-10 minutes warmup on the stairs...
to juiceon-dude,I totally know what you're talking about.I go to the gym and see the same idiots in there who think its a social club.the gym I was going to,I'd see alot of friends in there,and by the time me and my workout partner would be done with our workout and have to stand there and listen to some 160 lb fool talk about his "ultimate"routine and diet,or how great his gains were taking creatine(yeah right dickhead is what I'm usually thinking..)it'd be 3 hours later,which was fucking ridiculous..I started to think about changing gyms when I'd be in midset and some ass would come up to me and start asking me questions about my workout or something,or ask me what "supplements" I'm taking or something.plus,once I started usuing"supplements" people started to ask me FREQUENTLY what I was on because I was gaining like 6-8 lbs a week.its not like I can say "well,what I did was...inject some deca,then take some dbol,do some cypoinate then finish it off with some..whatever"so people started to get suspitious.I even had someguy I'd never seen before actually ask me to get them some juice..so,needless to say,I changed gyms.but now,I usually finish up in about 2 hours,including abs and cardio.. PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING YOUR BODY
I try to keep at around an hour. I'll go longer sometimes if I'm being asked to spot for other people a lot (like today).
(Quoting IG....) WORDOriginally posted by Mike
Just to clear something up - a lot of people will start talking bout how if you work out for more than X amount of time you are over training - well thats a silly notion - I am in the gym for 1.5 hours sometimes - does that mean I have been curling for an hour and a half? NO. It means I take the time to warm up and down and stretch and sometimes cardio/abs etc etc - also whether or not you have a workout partner - get in there - get a feel for the gym and listen to your body. Anyone that really knows what they are into will be able to listen to their own body and know when enough is enough in the gym and not have to consult scientific studies. I know MY body that well.
1. Change clothes.
2. Stretch out.
3. Warmup cardio.
4. Lift (Abs between sets).
5. Cool down cardio.
6. Walk out of gym smiling.
1.5 - 2.0 hours.
1 hour for the lift
abs and cardio are separate
Takes about 1.5 total if i am quik about it
I know what you mean when its a social club. Its funny where Im at ... Im in a new developement in Arizona .. Just had my house biult so the gym I use is in a rec center Its awsome, its got everything I need but fuck these people need to realize that looking at the weights arent going to give them muscle or loose weight. I dont talk to anyone there because if I'm not working out then I dont want to be there. As I work out I cant help but listen to people just sit their and talk about how there in the gym 6 days a week for hours upon hours and they are so in tune with their body ... ha ha these people have more chins than a chineese phone book. today was a real kicker the sos kicked in hard today and i was doing intense incline feeling really good and this lady who always seems to need the weights Im using when there's a whole room of racks of dumbells was asking me for mine on the floor. It was a 30lb bell next to my feet to help stretch my arms out after a set. Make a long story short ... Im on my 7th or 8th rep I can feel my head heating up and here she comes "excuse me" " excuse me" I ignored her for 2 more reps finally I just dropped the weights from about 2 feet up like I didnt know she was there and she jumped back and asked me again .. lol .. ( nicely ) oh sure by all means take it. She takes the weight puts it next to her chair then starts using her cell phone to call her girlfriend to tell her shes working so hard. then she gets up to do something, gone for about 3 minutes so I went to her bench took the 30lb and replaced it with a 70lb she came back and tried to lift it for a good 3 minutes and couldnt figure out why it was so heavy. Then she went home. I just thoght I'd share that with you guys. It's funny, When Im on juice I have to think if im pissed because that the person is a dick or is it because im on roids? Seems like I never have a disagreement with anyone when Im on juice because of that. Please dont get me wrong theres some real hotties there and they flirt hard core (counrty club living)![]()
I dont have a workout partner, so usually Im out in about an hour or so, but if im doing cardio then about 1 and a 1/2 hours.
Fast R
Last edited by Fast Results; 09-11-2001 at 12:38 AM.
That's funny as hell man. I could see some old woman trying to pick up a 70 lb. dumbell. That's a funny ass mental image.
Oh yeah workout time 45 min - 1 hr if just weight (depends on bodypart) and add 30 minutes with cardio.
fast results,thats so fucking funny dude,I was laughing out loud about what you did to that lameass old lady..dude,I know what you mean.I used to go to this gym where I live thats like a rehabilitation/personal training salon gym,and it was frehquented by lots of old people.they'd get all pissed if they wanted to bring thier old wrinkled asses to the statiom you were working out on and they wanted to use the equipment.number one,they all had bad form,and had no idea what the fuck they were doing,and number 2 they had no pateints,usually if I'd see em waiting to use something I'd ask them if they wanted to get a set in,they'd either look at me funny or do so and then sit there and talk to thier old ass friends about thier grandkids and shit,while I'm standing there waiting..I wish I'd have thought of using a trick like you and replacing their weight with heavy weight..also,what I do now is bring my cd player and play shit like slayer and slipknot and heavy stuff like that and it'll clear out the gym unless an instructor/employee says something,which is practically never... PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING YOUR BODY
I just read your posts and I read over what I wrote. that is pretty funny. i try to bring a walkman but my girlfriend always has it when she runs so i just listen to people and stare at myself in the mirror when training.
Fast R
I do cardio on off days. But, as far as lifting goes...45 min-1hr 15min. Give or take 5 seconds.![]()
Biker you forgot one thing, you have to take about an hour to walk around the gym and talk to the honeys after you have worked out and all swolt.
1 Hour or less for me, sometimes if I get on machines, I can usually get out of the weight room in about 30 mintues, when I am not with my partner. Then I usually come back home and jog a few miles.
About an hour.
20 - 50 MINUTES............... NO MORE
1 hour with weights and 30 min cardio works best for me. Prefer training alone. Training with friends is usually less efficent; too much talk.
usually about an hour give or take 10 mins
Originally posted by Mike
Just to clear something up - a lot of people will start talking bout how if you work out for more than X amount of time you are over training - well thats a silly notion - I am in the gym for 1.5 hours sometimes - does that mean I have been curling for an hour and a half? NO. It means I take the time to warm up and down and stretch and sometimes cardio/abs etc etc - also whether or not you have a workout partner - get in there - get a feel for the gym and listen to your body. Anyone that really knows what they are into will be able to listen to their own body and know when enough is enough in the gym and not have to consult scientific studies. I know MY body that well.
Very well said, Mike. You can quote scientific studies til you're blue in the face and throw all the textbook articles at me that you want, but it won't make one bit of difference how book smart you are if you can't figure out YOUR body. (you does not mean YOU...just a figure of speech...
Show me someone who has complete knowlegde (or as complete as you can have) of what THEIR body needs and how IT works, and I will show you someone who has far surpassed any "trainer" who has their face in a book consulting study after study in order to find answers for him/herself.
That's not to say studies are without merit or purpose...of course they are important. But it's how you use that knowledge and apply it to yourself in ways that will help YOU continually progress that is a true sign of a bodybuilder.
What happens here, stays here
It depends on how many hot babes are around and what kind of music they are playing.
Seriously, I think Mike and Primo said it best. When you reach a certain level of understanding your body you can really on judgement and instinct. For example I need more rest between sets of legs than I do for bi's or tri's. Because most leg exercises incorporate not only the largest muscles in the body but a large group working at one time, your body uses much more oxygen and therefore needs a little more time to recover before the next set. So I guess I'm saying that the length of time in the gym also depends on what I'm training.
Revised workout schedule: Hypothetical
Arrive @ gym 6:00pm
Fill water bottle 6:05
See new girl (looks good) Take 10 minutes to talk and intoduce
Make your way to cycle for warm up (stop and say hello to several people) 15:00
Warm up 15:00
Light stretching (flex a bit cause good looking new chick is watching) 10:00
Workout 30:00 (with intensity)
New chick askes you if you compete (Now heart rate goes up)
Workout more cause you're pumped about new chick 15:00
Cool down 5:00
Get girls phone number (5:00-nope she's married)
Leave dejected @ about 7:50pm
your water bottle must be pretty big
What happens here, stays here
Yeah I use one of those coolers...you know the kind football players dump on the coach.
depending on the body part ...anywheres from 1 - 1 1/2 hours , sometimes about 45 mins... i end it with 45 mins of cardio.
1 hour of lifting abs and cardio are seperate, i like to do alot of cardio for sports (football)
I prefer my cardio on non training days or early in the am. Studies show that if you combine them then the cardio can actually hinder your weight training progress.
Interesting DB...I heard the exact opposite, that cardio on off days is a bad idea, because you should be at "absolute rest".
Anyone know fo sho?
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