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  1. #1
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    need workout advice.

    here is my training routine.

    Mon: shoulers bi's/tri's
    Tues: off
    Wed: Back
    Fri:Chest bi's/tri's

    Shoulders: barbell overhead presses. 2 warmup sets and then 10,8,and 6
    dumbell front raises 10,8,6
    dumbell side raises 10,8,6
    dumbell bentover rear raises( cant remember what to call it right now) 10,8,6
    barbell shrugs: same kinda setup 10,8,6.
    dumbell shrugs:10,8,6.

    Bi's: dumbell alt. curls 3 sets 10,8,6
    dumbell preacher curls(one arm at a time) 3 sets 10,8,6
    one arm cable curls 3 sets 10,8,6
    (sometimes i will trade one arm cable curls from drop sets of 15,12,10. like this..1st set will actually be 15,12,and 10..i give myself a litle rest and do it again.)

    tri's: (looks like a v shaped handle.) press downs 10,8,6
    straight bar palms down press down 10,8,6
    straight bar reverse-grip press downs 10,8,6
    skull crushers 10,8,6

    Back:2 warm-up sets then,
    wide grip lat pulldowns 10,8,6
    close grip-reverse grip pull downs 10,8,6
    t-bar rows 10,8,6
    wide seated machine rows 10,8,6
    close v-handle (different than the one i use for tri's) machine rows 10,8,6
    dumbell bent over rows 10,8,6

    Chest: incline smith machine presses 2 warmup sets then 10,8,6
    incline dumbell presses 10,8,6
    flat barbell press 10,8,6
    flat dumbell press 10,8,6

    thighs: machine quad extensions 15,12,10
    machine ham curls 15,12,10
    machine leg presses 15,12,10
    barbell squats 8,5,5
    to explain the low rep squats, ive got 3 herniated disk's in my back. so, i try and keep the weight moderate and get them done before my back gets too "grumpy" if you get what i mean. that doesnt mean i just half-ass it. i just make the load a bit lighter than i used to and lowered the reps so it would be more "back" friendly.

    Calves: machine standing calve raises 10,8,6
    seated calve raises 10,8,6

    i want to add that all my exercises are done with heavy weight every time i train. no "light" weight one week and "heavy" weight the next. squats are the only thing i do with kinda moderate weight and thats only because of my back injury.

    now, what would yall change about my routine? please be gentle. ive been follwing this routine for a long while and its worked for as long as ive used it. but, here lately, not so much. figured maybe its time for a change or something.

  2. #2
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    ok. i think i might try that. one question. im on my tri's, im using really heavy weights and they are kind light still. here is what it looks like...
    200lbs- 10

    the only reason im doin it like that, is cause its kinda light and i cant fit much more weight on the stack. its only goes up to 200lbs on its own and then after that, i gotta go get barbell weights and pin them to the stack. i might be able to pin more on the back side of the stack, but still.....what would you do?

    also, on my chest, for incline dumbell presses, im using the 105lb dumbells for my last set of 6. now, i know if i do a 5x5 kinda deal, i would be able to use a good bit more, but they weights only go up to 115lbs. so you think i could just add more to my barbell presses than i already would "be" if i did your program you mentioned?

  3. #3
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    no, im not playin and im not tryin to honestly asking. just thought id clear that up before it came into someones

  4. #4
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatefulONE View Post
    If you have been following it for a long time, I wouldn't change anything with it, I'd go from a high volume program like yours and go to a low volume program. Westside for skinny bastards, Wendler 5/3/1, even a 5x5 routine. It will give you a completely new stimulus, then when you run one of these for 2-3 months, go back to your old program and it will work even better.
    i agree.. it is a good idea to switch it up every few months.. i also recomend taking one or two weeks off from training every 6-8 months.. you need to keep your muscles guessing, try and break the routine if you know what i mean

  5. #5
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    ok. i think i might try that. one question. im on my tri's, im using really heavy weights and they are kind light still. here is what it looks like...
    200lbs- 10

    the only reason im doin it like that, is cause its kinda light and i cant fit much more weight on the stack. its only goes up to 200lbs on its own and then after that, i gotta go get barbell weights and pin them to the stack. i might be able to pin more on the back side of the stack, but still.....what would you do?

    also, on my chest, for incline dumbell presses, im using the 105lb dumbells for my last set of 6. now, i know if i do a 5x5 kinda deal, i would be able to use a good bit more, but they weights only go up to 115lbs. so you think i could just add more to my barbell presses than i already would "be" if i did your program you mentioned?
    for the triceps do one arm push/pull downs with the rope.. so do one arm at a time.. also you can do narrow grip bench as another good exercise..

    for the DB question.. if you do it towards the end of your workout it will be harder to do that kind of weight... so shuffle the order of the exercises around to suit you that way.

  6. #6
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    ahh, cool. thankyou. i already get funny looks for how heavy i lift. lord knows if i tried to pin another 45 (or any weight for that matter) to the stack, they would probably kick me out of the
    also, thanks for the ideas for the db presses. i do those 2nd after the barbell incline presses. so, i guess, i could save them for last after flat db presses,right?

  7. #7
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    ahh, cool. thankyou. i already get funny looks for how heavy i lift. lord knows if i tried to pin another 45 (or any weight for that matter) to the stack, they would probably kick me out of the
    also, thanks for the ideas for the db presses. i do those 2nd after the barbell incline presses. so, i guess, i could save them for last after flat db presses,right?
    yeah.. whatever works.. and if you do 5 sets of 6 then oh well.. nothing is written in stone, as long as you are sore the next day you are doing something right.. just a good idea to change routine and even exercises from time to time.

  8. #8
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah. that is one thing i was gettin worried about. i almost think my bi's are just unable to get sore. ive done the worlds most hardcore arm routine one day,just to "make sure" they would get sore, and i still didnt even get much more than a twinge of pain in my bi's. i dont f*ckin get it.

  9. #9
    chevy355s10 is offline Junior Member
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    mind you, the rest of my body gets sore after every workout. justmy bi's are stubborn for some reason.

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