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Thread: german voulme training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    german voulme training

    hello guys, im just finish a 6 week heavy weights programme and thinking of starting a german volume training programme for 3-4 weeks to use for cutting fat..
    isolation 8 sets of 10 rep!

    would this be good for cutting fat if done also with 4-5 mornings of cardio

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Whats important is diet and cardio

    However i do think that volume training can be usefull when trying to loose BF

    However i would use it in phases in conjunction with a HIT style of training

    8 sets??? Is that GVT?

    I have never actually read into GVT i have to admit

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Switching up your training would be a good idea but its not going to cut fat your diet and cardio will do that but using GVT is a great way to springboard yourself into new growth by switching up your routine. Ive used GVT and I did like it but not my bread and butter of training styles but again its well worth trying to see how you respond to it.

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Id say i hqve the same opinions as u as far as training styles marcus

    If u cut me through i bleed HIT, but i do think that somthing like GVT would be good to maybe break a plateau even if it is just for a break from HIT

    HIT is great but it does stress ur body alot, CNS and ur joints IMO

    Its good to take a break, i would use volume training as kind of a deload but i still think progress can be made with it, no doubt

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Id say i hqve the same opinions as u as far as training styles marcus

    If u cut me through i bleed HIT, but i do think that somthing like GVT would be good to maybe break a plateau even if it is just for a break from HIT

    HIT is great but it does stress ur body alot, CNS and ur joints IMO

    Its good to take a break, i would use volume training as kind of a deload but i still think progress can be made with it, no doubt
    I personally dont respond to volume training, my body type responds and grows to short intense training. This type of training does put alot of effect on your CNS like stated but I dont stick to a weekly plan I go by how i feel, if i need an extra day or tow off i take it.

    I go in the gym and I am normally around 45-60mins and guys say to me " you dont train for long do you" and in the next breath they say " how do you get to be that size, your freaky" hahahaha dohhhhh they should think about it!! seriously not everyone responds in the same way and you have to find your kind of style what suits your body and what it responds best to.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2011
    when you say u dont stick to a weekly plan do u mean u still have a set workout program but u just go to the gym when ur body feels up to it?

  7. #7
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    its more like a greman body composition training. i like to change my workout every 5-6 weeks. i do cardio in the morning and it varies from hiit hit to low intense then weight training in the evening time.

    programme im thining about starting is like super-setting different body parts in a session alternating between upper and lower muscles, working in a rep range of 8 - 15 per set

    My Training Routine:

    DAY 1: Chest & Back
    DAY 2: core, boxing
    DAY 3: Legs & Calves
    DAY 4: Delts, Triceps and Biceps
    DAY 5: football
    DAY 6: Repeat Day 1

    Training Variables:
    Number of Sets: 9 per major body part / 3 - 6 per minor body parts
    Number of Reps: 8 - 15 reps per set
    Rest Time Between Sets: 30 - 90 seconds
    Rep Tempo: 4 second negatives and 1 second positive

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