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Thread: Workouts of those on CKD

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Northern VA

    Workouts of those on CKD

    I have been researching and I have seen these 2 following splits being most common on a CKD:

    Upper body

    Lower Body

    Whole body circuit then start carb up

    Also this other routine:
    Whole Body

    Whole body circuit

    Whole body circuit

    The reason for these 2 workouts from my understanding is that obviously your muscles will be depleted of glycogen so intense training sessions later in the week like on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday will primarily use muscle and turn it into glucose for energy....

    What are your routines like and how do you feel on them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    I am no pro on this subject but I just started ckd and I kept my routine the same. I do one body part a day.

    Mon. chest
    tues. back
    Wed. biceps
    thurs. Triceps
    Fri. Legs
    Sat. shoulders

    I have been thinking about doing legs earlier in the week. THe only thing is, when I work my legs....I WORK my legs. I normally don't walk very good for the rest of the day and the next day. That makes it hard to work all day.

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