Looking for some input on my recent workout schedule. Shifted goals from bulking to leaning up.


cable fly
incline cable fly (one arm)
incline DB press
Decline BB press
Flat bench

Hammer curls
cable curl


Leg Press
Leg curl and extension


Cable pulldown
One arm Row
Cable row wide
lat extension (not sure what to call it, stand at straight bar on cable and do straight arm pushes down)

reverse grip pushdown
overhead cable tri extension


DB side raise
Front raise
One arm shrug
Arnold press
Smith press

Bis/Tris (superset)

hammer curl
skull crusher

preacher curl (wide grip increasing, close grip decreasing weight)
overhead DB tri extension

cable pushdown (one arm)
cable curl

Try to keep everything 4 sets with reps ranging from 15-8.

Doing cardio 30-45 mins at least 4 times a week. varies between HIT and moderate pace cardio.

Did something to my shoulder going heavy beginning of last summer so i've gone more toward higher reps, lower weights.

Main goal as i said is leaning up.