Ok whatever you say , but ask the guys that do compete on this board how many people they've ever seen in competition on any level at sub 3% hell ask them how often they see sub 5%
Kevin English who was Mr O under 202lbs in 2010, who's stats were 5'7 under 202lbs and about 4% BF when he was on stage, would be blown away by your "friend" who is 2 inches shorter, with more than 25lbs more muscle mass at a better bodyfat. Sorry still callin BS
im gosh look silly person... you may not believe it but i did post pics and the body fat is that low - lol - you guys are so funny in the sence that just cuz you didnt see it must not exisit...???? how does your breaks work on your car? can see them work can you? have you ever inspected them to make sure they are all there? did the guy who looked at you breaks tell you they were ok or need to be fixed? did you bleilve him?
that s dumb!!! you can have faith that the guy is real and they do exist... Information pointed out by fireguy to someone else who was tossing around BS bodyfat and stat stories