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Thread: Hurt back on Deadlift again! Pissed

  1. #1
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    Hurt back on Deadlift again! Pissed

    Now I'm going to be out for a while again at the end of my cycle due to my back being sore as heck. I was on my 9th rep of only 205 when I heard a small pop on the way up and had a small amount of pain. I set the weights down, stood up, and my back got super tense. Very similar to the last time this happened but not as bad.

    I was concentrating very hard on trying to have good form but I have to be doing something wrong here. I arch my back as best I can, any other throughts on what I may be doing wrong?

    I had my GF give me a back rub to try and relax the muscle and she said she could feel a bump moving around in my back. It seems like its probably just a muscle issue which is good. Is it possible I dettached some sort of muscle or tendon?

  2. #2
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    you arch yoru back as best as you can? seeing as how your back IS NOT SUPPOSED to arched during the deadlift that might be the problem. Also, all of my injuries have occured when trying to think about proper form during my lifts to avoid injury..coincidence, possibly..but over thinking while lifting generally leads to worse technique then letting your body figure out the best method

  3. #3
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    what kinda shoes are you wearing when you deadlift? something like nike shocks with an inch of foam padding?

  4. #4
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    ^^^100% Disagree!!! Never deadlift in shoes with lots of padding. It provides an unstable platform. The best way to deadlift is either socks only, or a shoe with little to no padding. Also padded shoes don't allow to generate the same power as stockinged feet because they absorb impact/weight. Bad choice.

    The only way to tell what is causing your deadlift problem is to video tape it and let someone evaluate it. There is no such thing a prototypical deadlift technique. People all have different leverages so someone with long arms, long legs, and short torso will deadlift differently than someone with short arms, short legs, and short torso.

    I'm a close to eight hundred pound puller, but some people would think my technique is flawed, but considering my leverages, it works well for me and others like me who are very tall and long appendages.

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    I'm only pulling 3 sets of 10 at 225 so I'm way behind. That being said my max bench is at 280 so I'm not weak (190 is my weight). I try to look forward as much as possible and keep my back straight. I am wearing running shoes so that could be part of the problem. As far as my body type I have a long torso, short legs, and short arms. I may grab a trainer at the gym and see what they have to say. If that doesn't work I will try and get a video. Any other tips are great.

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    Strength is relative, so whether you're strong or weak doesn't matter. Obviously with those numbers you aren't training as a strength athlete or a football player or anything like that. So it doesn't matter what you bench, squat, or pull. Go to youtube and look up HeDan Harrison. He has a similar body type to what you're describing. But of course he's a helluva lot bigger and stronger. But you can see the way he pulls. He's a good friend of mine. Anyway, I would recommend dropping your hips more at the start, and concentrate on keeping the bar as close to the body as possible. The further out the bar the more stress it puts on the lower back. Don't worry too much about keeping the upper back straight, but always keep the lower back tight and straight. And for God's sake...TAKE OFF THOSE DAMNED RUNNING SHOES!!!!!

  7. #7
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    Sure that name is right? I couldn't find anything

  8. #8
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    Try hedanhercules

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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    ^^^100% Disagree!!! Never deadlift in shoes with lots of padding. It provides an unstable platform. The best way to deadlift is either socks only, or a shoe with little to no padding. Also padded shoes don't allow to generate the same power as stockinged feet because they absorb impact/weight. Bad choice.

    The only way to tell what is causing your deadlift problem is to video tape it and let someone evaluate it. There is no such thing a prototypical deadlift technique. People all have different leverages so someone with long arms, long legs, and short torso will deadlift differently than someone with short arms, short legs, and short torso.

    I'm a close to eight hundred pound puller, but some people would think my technique is flawed, but considering my leverages, it works well for me and others like me who are very tall and long appendages.
    Padded shoes also cause your heals to shift throught the lift makin your spine wobble increasing your chance of injury. Plus that inch of paddin is one more inch you have pull. I like to go into my 24 hour gym late and night and deadlift barefoot, only because the management gets pissed if i do it durring regular hours

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Strength is relative, so whether you're strong or weak doesn't matter. Obviously with those numbers you aren't training as a strength athlete or a football player or anything like that. So it doesn't matter what you bench, squat, or pull. Go to youtube and look up HeDan Harrison. He has a similar body type to what you're describing. But of course he's a helluva lot bigger and stronger. But you can see the way he pulls. He's a good friend of mine. Anyway, I would recommend dropping your hips more at the start, and concentrate on keeping the bar as close to the body as possible. The further out the bar the more stress it puts on the lower back. Don't worry too much about keeping the upper back straight, but always keep the lower back tight and straight. And for God's sake...TAKE OFF THOSE DAMNED RUNNING SHOES!!!!!
    ^^^x2. flat low slippers or just in socks

  11. #11
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    stop doing things that hurt you... have you ever been in a gym with body builders? real body builders like walk in to the gym with a magazine and you see guys in the mag that are in your gym...? well, trust me most body builders have injuries that forces them to stay away from certian excerises... squats or deads even flat bench...

    ... either stop deads or start doing racked deads if your body can handle it, and for the next 4 weeks nothing on your back that even resembles dead lifts or squats... then go for 4 - 6 months with very very light weights low reps just to rehab the area as much as possible...

    there is a guy in my gym 5 foot 5 and 225 lbs 3 % body fat, doesnt go over 315 bench, doesnt do deads or squats... the guy has never competed before and im sure he will get his card in the next few months - watch for him in ever mag!!! he looks a lit like the "giant killer" padilla and cutller mixed togather... i will post pics if he goes pro

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    stop doing things that hurt you... have you ever been in a gym with body builders? real body builders like walk in to the gym with a magazine and you see guys in the mag that are in your gym...? well, trust me most body builders have injuries that forces them to stay away from certian excerises... squats or deads even flat bench...

    ... either stop deads or start doing racked deads if your body can handle it, and for the next 4 weeks nothing on your back that even resembles dead lifts or squats... then go for 4 - 6 months with very very light weights low reps just to rehab the area as much as possible...

    there is a guy in my gym 5 foot 5 and 225 lbs 3 % body fat, doesnt go over 315 bench, doesnt do deads or squats... the guy has never competed before and im sure he will get his card in the next few months - watch for him in ever mag!!! he looks a lit like the "giant killer" padilla and cutller mixed togather... i will post pics if he goes pro

    Really? 3%? Better bodyfat than an olympian on stage? Rediculous stats

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Really? 3%? Better bodyfat than an olympian on stage? Rediculous stats
    Scotty, you beat me to it! Amcon, you completely destroyed any credibility you had by coming up with this ridiculous statement. No one walks around with that limited amount of bodyfat on a daily basis...ESPECIALLY if they don't compete. I'm not that versed in bodybuilding, but like Scotty said, isn't that the % that bodybuilders get on stage at? C'mon!

  14. #14
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    3% is your body's Essential fat level, at that point your body will no longer continue to function properly, Bodybuilders walk on stage between 5-7% below 5% is very rare and definitley isn't held for more than a day or two

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Really? 3%? Better bodyfat than an olympian on stage? Rediculous stats
    o silly little child... you have no idea what you are talking about... body builders using and at the olympia level are hitting the stage at 1 - 3 %

    and yes im not saying it is my choice or my recomendations to carry that little body fat for as long as they do but ... these guys do! like it or not ...

    and because i dont have permish to use there pics and even talk about them i will say as far as i know they are pros who i have no idea on there diet and sups and such - i know nothing of what they take in reguards to protiens or aminos...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Scotty, you beat me to it! Amcon, you completely destroyed any credibility you had by coming up with this ridiculous statement. No one walks around with that limited amount of bodyfat on a daily basis...ESPECIALLY if they don't compete. I'm not that versed in bodybuilding, but like Scotty said, isn't that the % that bodybuilders get on stage at? C'mon!
    like i said and as you are saying as well (if you dont know dont remark about it) and like it or not the gym i go to has many many many pros... even mr americans and mr usa's and even two mr universe... add in an un numberable amount of state winners and athletes...

    you may not like that some of these guys stay that low body fat but it is what it is... pics are coming

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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    3% is your body's Essential fat level, at that point your body will no longer continue to function properly, Bodybuilders walk on stage between 5-7% below 5% is very rare and definitley isn't held for more than a day or two
    wrong - these guys hold this super low body fat for three consecutive shows covering 6 weeks and i promise you several of them hold this body fat for months (3-5%)

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    this guy has never competed, pic is from a month ago and compitition is in a few weeks so he is even lower body fat and harder sick hu?
    Last edited by amcon; 03-15-2011 at 10:07 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    like i said and as you are saying as well (if you dont know dont remark about it) and like it or not the gym i go to has many many many pros... even mr americans and mr usa's and even two mr universe... add in an un numberable amount of state winners and athletes...

    you may not like that some of these guys stay that low body fat but it is what it is... pics are coming
    I could care less. I live and lift in Vegas. I see numerous bodybuilders all the time, including the reigning Mr. O. But I'm not a bodybuilder, but most of the guys I talk to walk around around 7-10% continually.

    A quick Google search pulls up a number of articles that say your natural bodyfat minimal storage is 2-2.5%. Most bodybuilders get on stage at between 3-5%. So I may not no what I'm talking about, but additional sources don't back up your claims.

  20. #20
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    well, you are not talking about these guys... you are talking about mr o... and other body builders ... i am talking about these body builders...

    and look i am not these guys - i dont idoliz these guys but they do it... and they are only gym friends of my that blow my mind on what they do and how they look...

    i indirectly kow mr o as well and he normally walks around 10 + persent.

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    Ok whatever you say , but ask the guys that do compete on this board how many people they've ever seen in competition on any level at sub 3% hell ask them how often they see sub 5%

    Kevin English who was Mr O under 202lbs in 2010, who's stats were 5'7 under 202lbs and about 4% BF when he was on stage, would be blown away by your "friend" who is 2 inches shorter, with more than 25lbs more muscle mass at a better bodyfat. Sorry still callin BS

    Information pointed out by fireguy to someone else who was tossing around BS bodyfat and stat stories

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    o silly little child... you have no idea what you are talking about... body builders using and at the olympia level are hitting the stage at 1 - 3 %

    and yes im not saying it is my choice or my recomendations to carry that little body fat for as long as they do but ... these guys do! like it or not ...

    and because i dont have permish to use there pics and even talk about them i will say as far as i know they are pros who i have no idea on there diet and sups and such - i know nothing of what they take in reguards to protiens or aminos...
    1% ?????
    c'mon, thts garbage, you'd be dead
    ive never seen so many 'friends of the pros' on a board in my life, friends of the bros more like
    Last edited by dec11; 03-16-2011 at 09:47 AM.

  23. #23
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    Guys guys... Lets not get off track of the topic here... Bottom line is if I can maintain a 3% bodyfat year round I will not have to worry about doing deadlift. Off to the gym for my second 4 hour cardio session followed by my half chicken breast and a slice of lettuce (post workout nutrition is important). NO MORE DEADLIFT FOR ME!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    Guys guys... Lets not get off track of the topic here... Bottom line is if I can maintain a 3% bodyfat year round I will not have to worry about doing deadlift. Off to the gym for my second 4 hour cardio session followed by my half chicken breast and a slice of lettuce (post workout nutrition is important). NO MORE DEADLIFT FOR ME!
    errrr, wise up mate, c'mon now do you know anything about bbing?!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312;556***1
    Ok whatever you say , but ask the guys that do compete on this board how many people they've ever seen in competition on any level at sub 3% hell ask them how often they see sub 5%

    Kevin English who was Mr O under 202lbs in 2010, who's stats were 5'7 under 202lbs and about 4% BF when he was on stage, would be blown away by your "friend" who is 2 inches shorter, with more than 25lbs more muscle mass at a better bodyfat. Sorry still callin BS

    im gosh look silly person... you may not believe it but i did post pics and the body fat is that low - lol - you guys are so funny in the sence that just cuz you didnt see it must not exisit...???? how does your breaks work on your car? can see them work can you? have you ever inspected them to make sure they are all there? did the guy who looked at you breaks tell you they were ok or need to be fixed? did you bleilve him?

    that s dumb!!! you can have faith that the guy is real and they do exist...
    Information pointed out by fireguy to someone else who was tossing around BS bodyfat and stat stories
    no disrespect to fire guy but did he become the body building god? lol has he see the whole world? cuz remember im not saying all ppl do this ... but i know two ppl who do... and that is all it takes to make it real

    i will take advise from danny padilla or gorge fahara or bob chicerillo or bob good before a well built natrual body builder with experence...

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    1% ?????
    c'mon, thts garbage, you'd be dead
    ive never seen so many 'friends of the pros' on a board in my life, friends of the bros more like
    1-3% ... is what i said... and just for the record - that is taken via bf calipers at gym in from of several ppl - not accurate? well it is better than guessing and how often do you see a water tank or a lazer to check body fat in a gym?

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    scotty90210 - yes i called you a silly little child, im sure you well be ok, would you rather i call you funny for the pic you posted? or poss "mr. o...m...gosh are your really posting a pic on here that you are 20%+ bf" i wanted to keep sorta positive with ya didn t know it would hurt you feelings to be call silly little child...

    im sorry and hope to have tea with you, and you can show me your teddy bears with super hero undies on them that you like to brag about.

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    With bodyfat calipers at a gym.

    Epic winning


    * popcorn

  29. #29
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    With bodyfat calipers at a gym.

    Epic winning


    * popcorn

  30. #30
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    Wearing shoes with an inch of padding is like having the bar an inch lower, meaning you have to bend over that much further. Whether its stable padding or not its just putting you that much higher above the bar.

    PS I am also at 3% bodyfat measured with calipers, of course the only place I measured is my shins.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 03-28-2011 at 01:07 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Wearing shoes with an inch of padding is like having the bar an inch lower, meaning you have to bend over that much further. Whether its stable padding or not its just putting you that much higher above the bar.

    PS I am also at 3% bodyfat measured with calipers, of course the only place I measured is my shins.
    Being 1" higher isn't necessarily a bad thing. Powerlifters do, what we call, deficit deads. An inch of soft padding makes the lift unstable and that could cause injury.

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    Was not disagreing with you on the soft padding being bad (or anything else to do with powerlifting cause I don't know s++t about it) just pointing out that being an inch higher makes it that much harder, hence most people do less on a deficit deadlift than a conventional.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 03-28-2011 at 05:09 PM.

  33. #33
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    How did this thread get so far off topic? This is ridiculous, who cares if there's some dude with *whatever* percent body fat.

    In response to the original question, you should see a Dr about this and have x-rays or an MRI done to make sure you aren't developing a spinal condition. You could be hurniating a disk. That kind of nerve pain will cause the surrounding muscles to tense up into a knot.

    Has the pain been in the same relative area as the last time you hurt your back?

    Is the pain in your upper back, mid, lower?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linuxian View Post
    How did this thread get so far off topic? This is ridiculous, who cares if there's some dude with *whatever* percent body fat.

    In response to the original question, you should see a Dr about this and have x-rays or an MRI done to make sure you aren't developing a spinal condition. You could be hurniating a disk. That kind of nerve pain will cause the surrounding muscles to tense up into a knot.

    Has the pain been in the same relative area as the last time you hurt your back?

    Is the pain in your upper back, mid, lower?
    I agree this should be the first thing you should do. Have you ever checked out a sports chiropractor before it will do wonders for you. I had problems doing deadlifts for years untill i got my back worked on now no problem with deadlifts. Best of luck on a speedy recovery.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    1-3% ... is what i said... and just for the record - that is taken via bf calipers at gym in from of several ppl - not accurate? well it is better than guessing and how often do you see a water tank or a lazer to check body fat in a gym?
    and doesnt that include your claim of 1%???!!!
    come on man, have you heard the words 'fighting a losing battle before'? what your stating is just deluded. and no harm, i'll take FG's advice anytime

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